Chapter 3.1

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[A/N: Eva in the pic]

Eva (Rain's Mother)

I had such high hopes for my pup, a prestigious university was an essential part of them. She was supposed to make a mark in this pack on behalf of the Everton name, she was supposed to use everything I taught her, play her role in improving our wealth then perhaps she could land herself a respectable official in the pack.

But no! She wanted to spread herself around, shamelessly causing many a dispute between fated mates no matter the age and with much disregard of the damage it would bring to the Everton name. Why? She's selfish that's why, she only cares about herself.

The embarrassment I've had to endure because of her during book club meetings has made me yearn to dig myself an early grave on more than one occasion which I can't because unlike her, some people would miss me. If only she wasn't mine to begin with. Sigh.

Yes, I disowned her but I still can't get her out of my family's lives because disowned or not, she's still mine. Her school emphasized that to me when they called me to 'collect' MY 'trash off their property', how embarrassing!

I looked down my couch where my former daughter unconsciously laid. My Rain, such a beauty. The ladies used to envy me for the miracle Collin and I birthed, her father's deep brown eyes, dark hair and my nose. Of course that's the reaction I expected seeing as it was the same with me during my youth, my mother made sure that she was the envy of the pack. Oh, that woman must be turning in her grave right this very moment at my failure to simply follow her advice and groom my daughter to perfection. I failed my mentor terribly.

Our family name is tattered in shame, a well respected name as entwined as a grape vine of a very long lineage of blessed matings. Everton. It's been this way since the mating of my great, great grandparents. All my family's she-wolves have mated with wolves from the Everton clan, a mating paired off by the great white witch Helena. That is how we've always kept up our values.

'Keep good poise but don't let them play you for your beauty, only your mate has the rights.'

'Let the male lead but remember to be just as strong.'

'Groom your offspring right, they are the very mirrors of you.'

Remembering all this, I, with much disappointment, watch Rain sprawled on my Italian leather couches with her worn shoes and many purple-ish and reddish bruises all over her neck, face and temples. The girl can't even defend herself properly, but of course the damsel-in-distress act is supposed to work like a charm on men or so I've heard. Of course leave it to Rain to try to gain male attention whilst on the brink of death. I would've never known of the shameful acts the girl got up to behind closed doors was it not for that Shelly girl she was always with. Now there Melissa has a daughter that behaves and looks the part. Lucky broad!

As for Rain? The child hasn't been taking care of herself at all, her nails all chipped as if she makes dinner out of them, and her hair? Why wasn't it curled? Oh that dress! It would've been proper had it reached just above her knees. But those hidious socks, Stalkings were made so things like those don't exist!

If Melissa were to see this right now, I'd be so humiliated. As my thoughts circled on that, I realized that I had to get this worthless little whore out of my sight or I'd never hear the end of it. She's been here for four hours too long, the ladies will be dropping by anytime soon. Now,  to  getting this vermin out of my sight.


"-ke up.. out.. house!" I could a voice or was it voices? Whose that? Sounds so familiar. Somebody's shaking me, but why is everything so dark?

"wa..up....ttle...ingrate!" I winced, that sounded too close and too loud. Alarm bells went off in my head, slowly breaking through the haze clouding my head. I knew this voice but it couldn't be. It must be one hell of a dream I was having then. Keep sleeping, savor the moment Rain, in our dreams alone would mother talk to us.

I still felt chilly and very uncomfortable on whatever surface I was laying on but, dreams didn't feel this real did they? Atleast this thing wasn't as uncomfortable my 'bed'.


I was jolted awake by a stinging sensation on my cheek and I must've moved too fast cause soon I had my hands to my aching head as a wave of dizziness wrecked me. That's when I remembered school: Ethan, Crissy, lockers, then Shelly and.. how on earth did mother fit into this equation again? Just thinking about it was giving me a headache so I stopped and instead rose from the couch I had unknowingly occupied. My headache had lessened from what it had been before my... ??? I will just call it blackout. But I knew it would go away, but perhaps later because despite being a wolf, it was still a head injury.

I focused my attention on the crystalline blue eyes that had gone dark with hatred, staring back me and knew I was unwelcome here. I didn't know how I got here but I wasn't gonna waste this chance. We were both present and I needed answers or maybe closure. I had so many questions and I noticed that during my internal contemplation, she was checking her watch whilst taking deep breaths. It was obvious she was getting impatient but, THIS talk was long overdue and besides, how does one go about doing this again?

"Yes?" Ah, so mama-wolf goes first? Hmm.

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