'What team...'

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A/N: Koinu is another summoning of both Ryuu and Midori's. *Midori made a contract with the same wolves Ryuu did* Koinu is the youngest wolf in the pack. Koinu means pup.

Third Person POV:

It's the day of the academy orientation, the birds are singing, the trees are swaying in the cool breeze, the academy had started almost 30 minutes ago and the Senshi-Hatake siblings were only just strolling through the door with Kyra and Koinu in tow.

Iruka-Sensei just sighs at the hopeless pair. Waving them off to go sit down where they normally do, next to Sasuke who leans over to the pair whispering, "I almost thought you wouldn't turn up hn." Ryuu just raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow in his direction while Midori just chuckles at his best friend and nee-chan.

Iruka stares proudly at his genin, clearing his throat before starting "as of today you are all ninja. You have faced difficult trials and hardships, but what is to come is even more difficult. Each of you are genin now, there will be 3 per squad lead by a Jounin , an elite ninja. We want the squads to be balanced in strengths and abilities, I will now announce the squads."

All the genin sit up straighter after the lecture, eager to see which team the will be in.

Koinu continues to play with Midori's shoe, nibbling on is toes every so often, earning a squeak from the small brunette. Ryuu gets distracted watching Modori squirm in discomfort but doesn't help him in any way.

"Squad 7 Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno" Naruto cheers while Saukra mutters 'I'm doomed' while smacking her face onto the desk, much to her discomfort earning an amused chuckle from the marionette in front of her. "And Sasuke Uchiha." Naruto becomes all depressed while Saukra cheers.

Sasuke sighs in frustration 'these two are just going to slow me down. Why couldn't I be with Ryuu and Midori!' He's snapped out of his thoughts as a small porcelain hand holds his hands, squeezing them in a reassuring manner, whispering "it's going to be fine, they're not as bad as you think." To which he mutters a small 'hn.'

"Squad 8 Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Abrume"

"Squad 10 Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara and Chouji Ackemichi"

"Those are all the squa- oh I'm sorry there's one more Squad Zero Ryuu Senshi-Hatake and Midori Senshi-Hatake. Now that's all the squads"

Naruto slams his hand on the dest standing up abruptly, "Iruka-Sensei why does a great ninja like me have to be in the same group as a slug like Sasuke?!" He says, distaste evident in his voice.

Iruka throws an annoyed glace at Naruto's outburst but continues in a nonchalant tone "Sasuke had the second best score in the class, tied with Midori. You Naruto had the worst, to create a balanced team we put the best of the original students with the lowest."

Naruto sits down just as Sakura jumps to her feet pretty much yelling at Iruka "he tied with Midori? Who got the highest score Sensei?"

"That would be Ryuu, she aced everything, both Ryuu and Midori's scores were quiet remarkable considering the short time they've been here. Now as I was saying-" "But Sensei why is Ryuu and Midori on a team by themselves. Wouldn't it make sense to split them to make the teams stronger?" The normally lazy Shikamaru voices the question that the rest of the class were eager to know. The room became silent.

Iruka shuffles with through some papers on his desk as he responds "normally yes we would but these two have progressed much quicker than anticipated and the Hokage believes that they would benefit from being a two man squad to challenge them and enhance their skills at a faster rate." Whispers break out across the room at the mention of the Hokage knowing the Senshi siblings but the whispers are silenced as Iruka continues "Now as I was saying after lunch you will meet your new jounin teacher, dismissed."

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