chapter three: a mistake and a half

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  • Dedicated to dedicated to roseanna3 and lolipop26 because they read my story <3 u guys


hey guys, I love that so many of you are reading this story I've got like over 160 reads or something that means so much I don't know if I can dedicate a chapter to more than 1 person so I will dedicate this chapter to the first person that commented other than MegsyHyde so here is the long awaited chapter


Liam’s P.O.V

Lux was in there for a while, I wasn’t quite sure what she was doing until Ni had worked up the courage to knock. She was cutting, the one thing that we wanted the least for her to do. My head shotup at the sound of the bathroom door unlocking. My gosh she was so pale, how much did she cut.

Lux Atkin, why would you do something like this, you know we love you, why Lux, you should know so much better than this. I could feel tear prickling in my eyes and threatening to spill over, reluctantly I let one roll down my cheek and drip of my chin like the first drop of rain before a flood.

Lux P.O.V

oh god Uncle Liam was crying, suddenly a tear slipped down my cheek, looking up at my four other Uncles I saw Uncle Zayn look away and wipe his eyes, oh god I didn't make him cry too, oh god I did, I saw out the corner of my eye, Uncle Niall open his arms asking for a hug, when I looked him in the eye, I saw that he too was crying, I ran to him and he just held me in his strong embrace for a good half an hour with my other uncles joining in the group hug.

*3 Hours Later*

We all sat on the couches in the living room in silence, nobody wanted to talk about what had happened, or didn't know how to approach the tender topic. I sat still silently crying in Uncle Niall's arms while he stroked and played with my hair until I fell asleep.

Niall P.O.V

nobody said a word for a good three hours, we all just sat in the living room, simply thinking about the series of unfortunate events that had happened in the short span of five hours. I sat with Lux huddled into my side as I played with her beautiful soft hair.

soon after, Lux's soft sobs ceased, meaning that she was indeed asleep, gently picking her up bridal styles, I carried her to the guest bedroom and placed her down on the soft bed sheets and covering her over with the soft duck down duvet, and left her to continue her peaceful sleep in the land where there are no problems, no stress, and no reason for self harm.



hey guys hope you enjoyed and please don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT and FOLLOW

luv you all my little goldbugs

Xx Shanae xX

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