chapter 10: i don't know who you are

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Guys my BF has an account not so go follow him, @Ziggy365 and he’ll follow you all back cause I’ll make him lolz ok, on with the crappy chappie

The next few days were lazy days for my uncles and myself, watching so many movies I couldn’t name them all, that was until it happened, it was the most terrifying thing that had ever happened, and no one could have prepared for it. After we finished watching Love Actually, we realised we were completely out of Movies to watch,

“I’ll go down to the DVD rental place and get some more” I announced hopping up off of the mattresses and blankets and pillows my Uncles and I had spread all over the living room floor in front of the fire in Uncle Louis and Uncle Harry’s apartment,

“I’ll come with you” Uncle Liam commented getting himself out from underneath the duvet that was keeping him cozy warm,

“No don’t be silly, it’s cold out and I’ll be fine on my own” I argued and won as Uncle Liam collapsed back down next to Uncle Niall with a sigh and an exhausted ‘yes’

As I trudged along the sidewalk away from the DVD rental place with three new release movies tucked under my arm, pulling at the sleeves of my stupid choice of clothing, a thin white woollen cardigan over a singlet, for the weather at this moment which was light falling snow but with a freezing wind, I was tapped on the shoulder, spinning around I was met by a face I couldn’t recognise, did I know this girl?, she was beautiful with medium length curly brown hair and an American accent, no I definitely didn’t know her,

“Are you Lux?” She asked, looking me dead in the eye,

“Who wants to know?” I shot back, it was cold, getting on dark and I was alone, I didn’t really feel like talking to strange girls that I don’t know,

“Me, that’s who, are you lux?!” She asked again, more forceful this time, almost like she wanted to rip my heart straight from my chest and leave me to die in this cold London Street,

“Yeah I am, why?” I asked before seeing a fist pelting towards my face and then complete black.


I woke up with an intense blinding pain from my nose, as I went to lift my hand to feel my face I realised that I couldn’t, my hands were tied behind my back, I then realised I was tied to a chair, and an uncomfortable one at that, in a room, it was dark but I could see light shining through the tiniest window in the top right of the room, there was nothing else in this room apart from a letter left by my feet reading:

‘Lux, I hope this doesn’t inconvenience you too much but I’m going to cause you the same pain as I felt mine may not have been physical pain but yours however, definitely will be.


reading those words sent shivers down my spine she was going to hurt me, she was probably going to kill me, struggling with the rope binding my hands together, I pulled and pulled before I felt a burning sensation,

“shit” I cursed under my breath, my cuts had opened up and the more I had the rope rubbing against them the more painful it would be, looking around the room, I couldn’t see anything that I could cut this rope with, apart from a small pair of scissors, like the ones you use to cut your finger nails, lying on the ground on the other side of the room, I attempted to stand with the chair firmly planted to my back and my butt, but as I went to stand there was the sound of jingling keys and the unlocking sound of the massive door, as the girl stepped inside the creepy room,

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