Chapter 8

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Abigail's POV
It was Friday morning when I was just getting out of the shower. I felt bad for what I had said to Nick the other day. I just needed to get it off my chest. I saw a weird look in his eye. Was he planning something? Was he going to do something to me? For me?
I don't know, I brushed it off and continued to get ready for school. As I kept thinking about Nick, I had butterflies racing through my body. He has a different effect on me, yes, everyone gets butterflies, but Nick.. He gives me more than that. He gives me hope. Like he's the one that's going to save me.
As I was getting ready, I heard my phone start to ring, it was Nick.
A-Hi baby!!
N-Hi sweetheart, go open your front door. There's a surprise.
A- Okay?

I walked down the stairs, still on the phone with Nick, and opened my door.

A-Nick! You shouldn't have! They're beautiful.
N-Just like you. Now, look in the bag hon.
A- Oh my god... Its gorgeous!

I had opened my door to see a bouquet of red roses, and a small red bag. Within the bag contained a promise ring. It had two hearts, one of which was gold, and the other covered in diamonds. It was a perfect fit.

A- Nick, you are absolutely amazing. Thank you.
N- No problem hon. I'll see you at school.
A- Okay, bye.
N- Bye hon.

I hung up the phone and went upstairs to my room. I set the roses down on my dresser, which was close to my window.
I couldn't stop looking at the ring it was just so beautiful.
I finished getting ready with ten minutes to spare. I decided to just leave now and wait in the parking lot for Nick.

As I arrived at school, I saw the preps pulling up. I just rolled my eyes and went about my business. I finally saw Nick's car pulling up.
Getting out of mine, he parked beside me.
"Well look at you parking up closer." I said grabbing my book bag.
"Oh shut it." He pulled me over and kissed me.
"I can't believe you bought me a ring!"
"Well believe it cause it's there."
"You're such a smart ass!"
"It's better than being a dumb ass."
I stopped talking because he was just fucking with me.
"Okay so, are you staying this weekend?"
"Yeah if you want me to."
"Of course!"
"Well then I'm staying."
"Eww look it's the emo couple! Fucking weirdos."
"Fuck off bitch."
"What did you just say?"
"Oh sorry I forgot you were slow. Fuck. Off. Bitch." I said, emphasizing the word "bitch."
I felt the urge to turn back around and punch her. I didn't want to get suspended though, she isn't worth it.
Me and Nick walked hand in hand to psychology. I saw Johnnie wasn't here so I knew he wasn't feeling good. He usually never misses school.
As the teacher went over notes and worksheets, I couldn't help but think of Nick. He is constantly on my mind twenty four seven now. After psych was over, me and Nick had walked, yet again, hand in hand to our next class which was gym. We walked for about twenty minutes before the preps got to us.
"Hey slut!"
"Ignore them Abigail." Nick whispered to me.
"No. I'm fucking tired of getting picked on."
"What do you want cock sucker?"
"Awh look, she's standing up for herself! What a pathetic attempt."
"What the fuck is your problem!?! We used to be good friends! Now you're a complete nasty bitch to me Jessica!"
"I'm only a bitch because of the way you turned out."
"So we'd be friends if I was a fucking fake ass prep!?!"
"Excuse me I'm not fake honey."
"Oh fuck off Olivia. Your tits are more fake than plastic!"
"Girls! That's enough! Abigail go out in the hall!" Our teacher came over before I slammed my fist into one of them.
"Go fuck yourself Jessica." I spat, leaving the gym with Nick.
"Abigail. Come here. I'm glad you did that." Nick pulled me into a warm hug as I began to cry.
"I was so tired of being stepped on Nick."
"I know I know."
We stood there for a few minutes before the teacher came out to talk to me.
"Abigail, she's going to get suspended for bullying, you're not going to get in trouble alright?"
"Okay. Sorry for my potty mouth."
"I've heard worse. You and Nick can go into the locker rooms now."
As he said that, we walked back inside the gym and went to the locker rooms. I rummaged through my purse for my pills.. I grabbed my water bottle, and took two. They make me feel better. Make me feel less tense. I can't live without them now.
I walked back out when I had finished touching up my makeup.
"Are you alright?" Nick asked stopping me and looking me in the eye.
"Yeah." I said calmly.
"Your eyes are red Abigail."
"I know, it's from crying with makeup on."
"No it's not. What's wrong."
"I take pills... To calm me down.."
"What? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want you to take them away from me. I need them."
"No you don't. How many did you take Abigail?"
"Just two."
"How many are you supposed to take?"
"Abigail. I want you to stop taking those pills."
"Abigail. Stop. Taking. Those."
"No!" I ran out of the gym away from him.
As I was running I bumped into Tyler."
"Gail? Are you alright?"
"Yeah just fine."
I ran away from him also, going up to the front doors to leave.
I ran out to my car and got in, setting my things down I began to cry. I know I need to stop taking those but I don't want to. They make me feel better. Taking two had calmed me down tremendously, maybe I should start taking more than one...

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