The Dream

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I saw a dream last night, one i can't go by without mentioning it .
In my dream i saw myself incapable of loving. I didn't know how to love in that dream, what an awkward dream, yet i couldn't help myself but thinking. How hard life can be without knowing how to love .
We humans feed on love. I read and hear so many arguments about how we were created , who created us, about nature ,animals, traditions, science, future, technology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, discoveries, religion, and subjects that has no end. But no one have paid attention to the fact that without love in all its kinds or just one , all of these matters are worthless. Without the love of god, the love of your friends, the love of an animal, the love of humans, the passion towards a certain person unconditionally.
We have no chance, all roads lead to Rome. That's what people say, and i will say, all inventions and evolution come out of love . It is the flavour to our delicious meal , or the tiny material to finish anything . Without it nothing is complete,
And nothing is worthy .

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