Part 1

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Tony Stark has always been, in his own words, a 'genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist', and indeed he was all these things but on top of them all he was the father to someone even greater than himself.

Y/N Stark is, like her father, a genius but she is also so much more than that. She is kind, witty, driven,beautiful and talented at so many things. She was everything Tony could have ever hoped for her to be and more. She was light of his life and the other lives around her.

Contrary to what some may believe, Y/N had not been the product of a one nightstand. Tony had been in love with her mother; they were married young, barely 21,they had been high school sweethearts and after his parents death and taking over ownership of his father's company Tony needed something stable that was his; so he married Y/N's mother and he always had someone he loved to come home to when he was stressed from work. He loved that and he loved her.

3 years later she gave birth to their daughter Y/N and it had been the happiest day of his life he thought of all the things he would do differently from his father,how he wouldn't be so cold and she would always know how much he loved her no matter what. Tony really had never been so happy in his life. This was the first time he felt like he truly had everything he could ever want. That was when it happened.

Y/N was only a few months old when his wife started to act differently. She didn't want to even touch Y/N then she didn't want to see her or hear her and eventually she shut out her husband as she shut out her daughter. One night when the sky was clear and you could see millions of stars in the sky that's when Tony first realized he was never meant to be completely happy. It was so late, he had felt her shift and move from the bed,like she had done many nights before, but tonight she left the room and when she didn't come back for some time he followed her. He followed her right out to the balcony. He saw her sitting on the railing, feet dangling over the edge staring up at the stars, she was calm as if she had done this many times before. He tried to speak to her but she had shut him out again.

"Why are you coming out so late? You could get hurt. Why don't you come back over and I will get us some chairs and we can sit out here for a while and stargaze."He spoke but he knew that she wasn't listening, not anymore.

"The sky is so beautiful. I have been out here many nights trying to will myself to just jump but something always held me back. I would stare at the sky and something just didn't seem right to me, but tonight,tonight is the night. The sky is clear and it makes me see everything clearly. I am a horrible mother and a horrible wife, I can't even look at my own child. I have nothing else I can do."
Then before he could even reach out to grab her arm she pushed herself from the railing of their second floor balcony. He screamed and called 911 but she was gone the moment she hit the ground and he knew it. So from that moment on he decided he needed to be enough of a parent to his little girl for both him and his wife.

And that's exactly what he did. Y/N never wanted for anything, material or otherwise. Tony noticed from a young age she was interested in learning everything she could and so he taught her everything he could and the things he couldn't teach her he hired people to do. She was brilliant and so talented. At the age of 13 she was already creating things and coming up with ideas for things that Tony had never even dreamed about and she was more than just talented with science. She played the piano, she sang, she painted, she wrote poetry and short stories and whenever she had something new to show her father he was always around to see it, no matter how busy he would always made time to listen to her. This gave her confidence and reminded her that whatever she had to say was always important. Tony really was a grade A parent. He loved his daughter more than anything and she loved him as well, they had a good relationship and it always killed Tony to have to leave her behind when he went on trips for the business.

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