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My name is Ariel.

I have long red hair and a tail, yes I am a mermaid.

One day I was doing my daily swimming until I saw two men drowning.

I grabbed one of them but I suddenly realised I didn't know him, until my mermaid radar noticed that the other one was none other than Harry Styles, from my favourite teen band!

Rapidly I dropped Mr. Nobody and went running, I mean swimming, towards my idol.

I could only save one, don't blame me.

I brought him to a desert island where I left him.

I stopped him from seeing his family and having his life back.

The days went by and each day I went to see him, falling even harder for that human being.

Mermaid love.

Then bla bla bla he kissed me bla bla bla we got envolved I don't even know how bla bla bla I got pregnant bla bla bla I don't know how but we went to this sea witch and she turned me human bla bla bla normal life bla bla bla 

The End.

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