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During the night I thought someone was around me but then I remembered it was a public place and there were people constantly around. So I settled down again, until about an hour later I was awoke by two men who where carrying me into a van, I was so scared but pretended to be asleep and hoped it was a terrible dream.

It wasn't when I woke up I was tied to a chair in a dark room. My bag was gone and also my watch and phone. This was terrifying but kind of accelerating at the same time, I sat there for what felt like a long time, when someone finally came down the stairs. He flicked the lights on, it was the man who first had the leaflets and then had that van and finally gave me the job. I don't know what was going on until he started talking. He told me that he knew I was homeless and ever since he found out he wanted to get me off the streets. He then went on to say that when I came to his house for the job he was so happy because it was easier for him and the mistake that I had made during the job gave an excuse to be mad at me. So I had made it worse for myself. As I sat there and he explained all of this. I thought back to when my life was happy and hardly problematic and now I was here tied to a chair in some guys basement. I knew he was being too nice but I would never have thought it was a trap, why did he even consider this.

After a few hours alone after our 'talk' I decided to think positively and that I was having the adventure I've always wanted. I know that I have been thinking about this since I was little but now it's real, not as fun or exciting as it used to seem. This was not some children's role play, this is real. He came back down the stairs to check on me. I tried to convince him to let me go but it didn't work his mind could not be changed. I was starving and my mouth was so dry. When he left I tried to struggle out of the rope but they were tied too tight. I started to scream and shout until he came down and covered my mouth with duct tape.

I don't know what to do I couldn't even walk around so I focused on the spider crawling round it's web with the little fly stuck in it, I felt like that fly trapped not knowing what will happen. I then heard footsteps coming down the stairs but this time it wasn't the man it was a boy who looked 14 standing at the bottom of the stairs he started talking to me about him and how he was going to help me. His name was Justin and he was working for the man (whose name I found out was John) and that he found out I was down here. He felt bad for me so he untied me and took the duct tape of my mouth, which kind of stung. He passed me a sandwich and a glass of water I ate quite quickly but was stopped when we heard shouting from upstairs, he was trying to find Justin.

He stomped down the long stairway which gave Justin time to hide. I had time to get back on my chair with my hands behind my back. When he got the bottom of the stairs he saw the plate and glass on the floor, looked at me then searched around the rest of the basement. He found Justin hiding behind some barrels. He grabbed Justin and tied his hands behind his back and did the same with me. He then took the chair away and gave us a lecture about not escaping saying it would be easier for us to just be calm about it. I didn't believe word of it but I nodded and nudged Justin to nod too. He then out of no where slapped Justin and said that it was for betraying him. I was not happy about that but he just slapped me too and it hurt so much. I could feel my cheek burning. He left the room and switched of the light and said one word very quietly and menacingly "goodnight". I stared at Justin through the darkness, he looked terrified, I asked him if he had a phone in his pocket. He nodded and wiggled around until it was out on the floor. I leaned over and grabbed the phone with my hands, which is difficult with hands tied behind your back, I had my thumb hovering over the emergency phone button and shouted. My plan was going well because John started coming down the stairs I then pressed the button and asked for the police. I then hid it behind me and said to them just to listen. When John came down stairs I said can I ask you some questions and he said yes. My first question was 'where are we' and he answered '54 Meadow Avenue' and my second was 'what are you gong to do with us?' and he explained that he was keeping us down here till the right time comes.

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