My 'Family'

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Miya's POV
I was sat in one of the science classes and was listening to the teacher, who was talking to me this morning, droning on about the DNA structure. It was so boring I felt like dosing off. A while later a felt a thud on my desk and shot up in my chair. I saw this guy that I don't remember seeing before, he told to me get up and escape from this place. I quickly got up and he grabbed my arm showing me out the fire exit. I followed him, wondering where he was taking me. We walked through endless hallways, past loads of doors until he stopped right in front of one. On the door it read 'nurse' he opened it and sat me on a chair in the room.

Mark's POV
When it came to lunch time I realised that Miya was asleep at the back of the classroom. I walked out shutting the door behind me and went to have some lunch, nothing was going to happen. I had told the receptionist not to let John in showing his picture to her, so I felt that Miya was safe. When I arrived back after lunch she was gone. I called up the head of science and told them that I need I supply for the last 2 lessons. He told me that he will send someone straight away. I waited I while until I saw Mr Deary walk in and sighed. All the students like him, he didn't mind if they did work or not and was the teacher children were excited about having. He walked up to me and asked if I was alright, which I replied with a nod. He then put his bag under the desk and I walked off.

                      Miya's POV
As I sat in the chair I was wondering what was happening. I looked round the room, it didn't look like a nurses office, there was a large switch on the wall and as I looked up there was a box. Something stopped my thoughts as the door opened abruptly reviling the man who took me here holding a load of paper. He approached me and I started shaking, he touched me in the shoulder and told me to calm down. Then he took the box above my head and pressed a button on it releasing a helmet that he put on top of my head. The last thing I saw him do was pull the switch.

                      Mark POV
I ran out of the science block and started my search of the school (which was all connected apart from the science and PE block) I went down many hallways until I found a door saying nurse on it and I heard someone talking who I thought I recognised, it was Miya. I swung the door open and ran to the chair Miya was sat in but she sat there with a blank expression on her face. "Isn't it wonderful." I turned round when I heard this to face a brown haired man about my age walking towards me. "It has worked" He shook my shoulders "Don't you know what this means!" He shouted "N-no what does it mean?" "She is completely wiped of her own memory's and can be inserted with new ones, for example I inserted a memory of her and Justin playing together as kids and another of John teaching her to walk." I didn't know what to say. "Can you tell her anything and she will believe it?" I asked "Yes, well in moderation." I then started writing something down on a piece of paper from my notepad and ripped it off and put it in her pocket. "Don't let anyone trick you  Miya, keep this as a reminder of who you really are." I whispered in her ear and she gave a slow nod "okay" was the only word I heard from her before I was pushed out of the room by the man.

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