Ch. 7

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i woke up on my own time at 6:05 a.m. i could hear my parents yelling at each other about something to do with the kitchen. i found my earbuds and stuffed them in my ears making the voices disappear immediately.

i was determined to look semi- decent today, i dug through my closet onyl to uncover a floral skirt with pink and purple flowers all over it and a plain white patterned shirt. good enough. i put it on and looked at myself in the mirror, not bad. my eyes scanned my room for my brown combat boots, my eyes finally landed on them laying on my floor near my bed. after adding those i headed to the bathroom and softly rearranged my curls.

i headed downstairs, summer was sitting at the dining room table eating a rather large bowl of fruit loops. "good morning" summer looked up then went back to eating her fruit loops. "whats wrong with you?" summers head shook but didnt look up, let alone respond. i walked past her to the pine cabinets above the stove and grabbed exactly 5 apple spice granola bars. i found my book bag on the chair throwing the granola bars in and sitting down on the couch, flipping on the tv to waste leftover time. out of the corner of my eye i saw summer grab her book bag and walk out the door. words almost escaped my mouth but i knew they wouldn't earn a response. i looked at the clock under the tv, 6:30 there was still a solid ten minutes until the bus should be here. i scrolled through the channels on the tv until i found the news. i watched middle aged people ramble on about shootings and the weather for five minutes before switching off the tv. i grabbed my book bag and coat off the rack and walked out the door meeting summer at the end of the driveway. her attention was focused straight ahead, "summer." "i cant tell you, you'll go crazy and i dont want you to go crazy." i could feel the curiosity making its way into my veins, "okay, well did you find something?" "no it's the opposite. the bus is coming."

my eyes turned to the bus coming to a creeky stop in front of us. i was the first one on this time, i took my seat in the back and let my earbuds shut my brain off with music, i didn't resist the fading of reality.

we pulled up to the school and i watched all the kids exit before i got the motivation to. i stepped off the bus immediately being met with asher when my foot touched the concrete sidewalk. i smiled the biggest one i could muster at the moment. "smiling, dressed nice, whats the occasion?" ashers face was bright as well. today he was dressed in khakis, a maroon Aztec sweatshirt finally finished off with a pair of tan vans. his hair was messier than usual but it suited him. "i just feel good today, whats your excuse?" his eyes rolled, " what're you talking about i look like this everyday." "well then so do i." he laughed as we strolled into our chemistry seats.

the school day dragged on until the glorious time of two-forty rolled around, sending ringing throughout the school, and students fleeing from their seats in record time. the bus ride was lame and boring and i got a little ball of happiness when my house appeared.

the house was quiet as summer and i stepped through the door, summer still wasn't truly coherent and walked to her room without a word. i walked to the kitchen, on my way there deciding that i would take my mothers place and make dinner. we never had much food but today we honest to god had nothing. i searched through cabinets only finding dust and an empty box of crackers.

my last resort was the cabinet under the sink , a minute later i spotted a box of mac n' cheese laying on its side and grabbed it. so much for a fancy dinner.

i boiled the pot out from under the stove and sat it on top turning the dial to high. as soon as the stove began to radiate heat i heard a soft tap at the door. i heard summers small feet tapping down the stairs only to hear the door open a short moment later, i kept my ears peeled but heard nothing.

"sissy? whats this?" i left the pot after putting water in it and went to the door. summer had a puzzled look plastered across her face, i followed her gaze to not a person but a small object laying on our doorstep. my journal.

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