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                                                                                                                                                    Chapter 1

Rice(thinking to herself.):"A nightmare is just a dream, right? People are crazy when they say thier dreams are real. My friends did that and I didn't believe her Now, she's in a grave. So, I am for sure, now, believeing her. She said it was "Red Eyes". Somehow she said it came out of her dreams. I think it's my fault that she is dead. I've been studing whitchcraft to bring her back. It's work some what; I tried to bringing back the dead. It only brought back the skin and bones, not the life and heart. If I can pull this off, I will be happier then anyone. Her family will have there little girl back."

                                                                                                                                                   Chapter 2

Rice:(Thinking to herself.)"I want to disbelieve her but I can't. I had seen it in my drems. I went to the serect forest in my dreams. I saw it's red betting eyes, I hated it.I was paralyzed with fear. It fealt like thousands of hammers were where my heart is. I felt so scared, so hated."

Chapter 3

Rice:(Thinking to herself.)"It seems so dreamish, not real I suspose you could say. I am at school in math. Big boring math class. It's almost time to go to lunch! time." (something smaches into the wall) BAM!!!! Rice:"What the heck was that?" Pancake:"(her math partner.)"Are you okay? What was that? It almost looked like Red Eyes." Rice:"Because it was." Pancake:"It couldn't have been,. Red Eyes is just a meth, a story, a..." Rice:"A nightmare."

Later that dat at Rice's house.

Rice:"Hey mom, Do you mind if Pancake sleepsover?" Tifany:"(Rices' mom). AS long as it's okay with her mother." Rice:"It is."Rices' thoughts "The only reason that Pancake is sleeping over is because my mom knows Panckae is here. If she wasn't here my mom would totally say no. The only reason that my mom even remembers me is cus she tells me to do all the chores. Well, on other news, I have a twin brother, my moms favorite. He is treated like a prince. When my mom isn't looking, he helps me with all my chores. His name is Rick, and he doesn't see himself as a prince. He likes all my friends, but me and him are each others best friends.


I kinda have no action in this yet, it will start neext chapter. I got to go so have fun reading it.

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