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Newts pov: I was so angry at my mothers death I sprang out if the car and raced to the lady,I started beating her with my own hands which wasn't wise ,depending that there were armed men all around me.I heard Ruby crying from the car which just made me more angry at these people. "Mmm you look like a survivor,is he immune" The man who took our injections said "No he's not but she is" "That dosn't matter load them both in the truck" I tried to protect Ruby,but I'm not that strong myself.Butterbeans started scratching the boot from the inside."Aww look a dog!!"said one if the men.'so tuff!'The lady was about to shoot butterbeans but lowered her gun.That's strange she killed a human without a second thought but couldn't bring herself to kill a dog.They stamped things on our neck. "Get a stamp for the dog too" "Your not putting a dog in the maze are you!" "Why not?" A maze,right I've confirmed these people are looney.

(I was actually supposed to kill off butterbean,but I love dogs and I couldn't do it.So ya now there is a dog in the maze!!)

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