chapter 2.

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terry. just one word and many ideas. he could be my new boyfriend? nahhh screw that. he could be my friends new boyfriend. naahhh. he could be my rabbits new boyfriend... ahhh now thats better. you see i have a rabbit. why do i have a rabbit you may ask well because... dogs scare me. cats scartch me. horses are just too posh. hamsters die (trust me). so i thought rabbit.... then i thought santa.... then i put them together and stellas my aunty... cough. lately Santa has been giving me alot of attention. what i mean by attention is..... you know hubba hubba attention. oh my imagine what we would reproduce... habbits LOL. anyway. ive decided im going to go to wilkos get a stuffed rabbit and call him terry. wait ive just realised my rabbits a boy.. and terry will be a boy. OMG GAY! whoppe!. Actually i think ill google that can rabbits be gay?

some of you may know but i used to have feelings for a gay man. no though i sound like a 50 year old man. im actually a girl. his name was Louie. we met each other online.. no not on ZOOSK but on youtube awh you might be thinking how romantic. yes it is. very much so. suddenly i had myself doing the splits all over the place thanks louie!

why do all my friends think im in love with food. wait hold that thought let me just eat dinner.. ok i'm back did ya miss me? of course you did. anyway. i try to stop munching on popcorn and slurping away at frappachinos. ok i only said that because i was trying to all gangsta. LIKE YOLO. but seriously eating is a nw hobby along with boys and crap like. that reminds me why do my friends think im a lesbian when im clearly intrested in boys. to find out more just go to. where she sorts out all my boy situations. oh hey david/chris what are you doing in my story?

"i just you know OMFG DUCK!" thats what you call an inside joke. if you dont know what that means well you must be gay.

thats my chapter two.

i really love you

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