Chapter 18

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"Wear something warm; let's talk a walk." Jungkook came into our bedroom, where I was lying down and browsing the Internet, and tossed me a maroon hoodie. He was already dressed appropriately--blue jeans, sneakers, a flannel tied around his waist, a white t-shirt, and a black jacket. A red beanie sat atop his head, and he gestured for me to hurry.

"A walk?" I whined, locking my phone and glancing up. "Why? I'm so lazy."

"I have something interesting to show you," he replied before walking out of the room. I frowned, but still got up. After slipping on dark skinny jeans, socks, an old, gray band tee, and the maroon jacket, I quickly walked outside to lace on my black high-top Converse. Jungkook was waiting by the door, the keys jingling as they hung from his slender fingers.

"You look great," he murmured, lightly pecking my cheek. "Let's go!"

We started our walk, enjoying the night version of Seoul, but Jungkook started leading me to the poorer part of the city. At night. Alone.

"Jungkook, what are you planning?" I whispered violently as we passed our first run-down building. "We could get mugged!"

"Relax, Scarlet," he chuckled. "Even if we do, don't you remember that I can protect you?"

My mind flashed back to the day Jungkook took me to the Underworld. We had gone on a tiny little "date," if that's what you'd even call it, and I had gotten attacked by thieves. Jungkook had swooped in and kicked their asses, and then he had whisked me to Hell right after.

I nodded. "Right, but where are we going?" I pouted like a little kid. "I wanna know!"

"We're almost there," Jungkook assured me. He led me between two buildings, and we were in another dark alley again. Rusty fire escapes decorated the brick walls, and shattered windows gaped at us with jagged smiles. He paused and grinned at me.

"...Why are we in a frickin alley?" I demanded. "Jungkook, please."

"You can still fly, can't you?" Jungkook asked with a wry smile, his raven black wings extending from the hidden slits in his clothing. Even in the pitch night, they shone deep shades of twilight blues and violets.

I raised my eyebrows, but still stretched out mine. Over time, they had really solidified and become more angelic, because now they were pure white with silver lowlights, and they shimmered in the darkness like seraphs.

"Then let's go," he said, taking my hand. We both jumped together, and our wings caught the wind in unison. The chilly night breeze catapulted us higher, and I shivered a little. We became well above the city, and Jungkook started leading. He pulled me towards a tall, abandoned building, and we eventually landed on the rustic roof.

"What is this place?" I asked, looking around with wide eyes. The building was definitely abandoned, and old pipes and metal bars were strewn across the rooftop. It was almost eerie, but for the most part, it was wonderfully serene and very music video-worthy.

"Used to be a hotel," Jungkook answered, "but that's not important. Look at the city."

I directed my gaze as he told me to, and my eyes widened.

Now, I'd seen my fair share of beautiful city skylines, but nothing compared to this.

From the secluded building in the edge of Seoul, I saw the city perfectly. It was close enough to see every flickering light, but it was far enough and tall enough so that I couldn't hear anything but the wind. Seoul sparkled like snow crystals in the sunlight under my feet, and I gaped as I saw multicolored, neon cars zoom by. The buildings had different colored lights, so it was almost like white snow crystals mixed in with snow crystals stained with Kool Aid. The highway became one, large, neon strip, and the buildings just looked like outlines made with fairy lights. I could see the white stars shimmering above the colorful city, and the moon glowed up ahead.

"Wow," was all I could say. Jungkook turned and smirked at me with satisfaction.

"Right?" His hand fished for mine. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"It is," I breathed. "How did you find this spot?"

"I've been in Seoul for a long time," he answered. With a grin, he added, "This is where teenagers used to come and make out."

I blushed furiously, but in the darkness, no one could see.

"Well, we're married, so we don't need a secret place to do that," I replied.

Jungkook smiled. "No," he said, "but wouldn't it be fun to have a secret place?"

I rolled my eyes. "It would," I agreed, still not taking my eyes off of the city. "I think this is probably the best view of Seoul in the entire city."

"Breathtaking, isn't it?" Jungkook stared, the city lights reflecting in his dark eyes like stars. "Like you."

I snorted a little too loudly to be a proper lady. "Get out," I snickered, removing my hand from his to punch his arm lightly. "I knew you would say that. You were smooth when we first met, but now you're just lame."

"Sorry." He chuckled. "Hey, maybe when our kid is a teenager, he'll come up here to make out with girls."

"He?" I raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Daddy's little girl isn't coming up here to do that, that's for sure," Jungkook replied, shrugging. I laughed.

"Jungkook, you need to leave."

His eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Okay," he answered with a slight grin. He immediately latched onto my hand and started running towards the edge of the roof.

"Oh my God, stop!" I shrieked as I was pulled closer and closer to the edge of the building. Jungkook looked back and threw me one last side smirk before jumping off the edge of the roof. I screamed as I was dragged over the edge, but within seconds, I was in Jungkook's arms, and we were suspended midair, thanks to his wings. I groaned, rolling my eyes as my heartbeat tried to calm down.

"You little noob," I muttered. "I feel like you're trying to kill me sometimes."

"Love you," he said, smiling.


Thank you holy hell❤️ I've gotten a lot of support for this story lately, and it's so nice. You guys are super nice, and I love each every one of you!
Dark is almooooost done, but not almost almost, like we're more than halfway done. I hope you had a decent time in this little terrible writing party rofl.
So, that is all. Don't forget to vote for the chapters if you enjoyed them, and cOMMENT AF because I like knowing what you think :^) Have a nice life!


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