Bonus: Prequel

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Note: Hi! Long time no see! I'm planning to release little bonus chapters in both Dark and Fade just because I've missed my horrible tone that I could only find in this series. Also, prequels have been requested, but I don't think I can force myself to write extensively about that, so until I find that I can, here ya go. This is the little bonus that concerns Jungkook. The one for Fade is up as well over there, and it's a more comical take on the future of this little universe we have here. Enjoy! (I may or may not continue this, depending on whether I have time/inspiration)


Jungkook flattened his back against the wall as he stared at the scene before him. Tears sprung into his eyes, and he had to clamp his teeth down onto his bottom lip to keep from screaming. Every inch of his body felt like it was dissolving, and one hand was splayed out against the wall to make sure he didn't collapse in shock.

"Mom!" he screamed. "Dad!"

Even though emerging tears blurred his vision, the scene before him was crystal clear.

Two adult bodies were slumped on the floor, blood pooling underneath them from where shimmering white arrows stuck through their sternums. Their eyes were open, their faces petrified, and their tongues blackened. The stench of death was disgustingly obvious. Jungkook felt bile rise in his throat. Who deserved to die so horrifically?

They were his adopted parents. He'd always felt like his lack of blood relations made him less attached to them, but now he could see that he never could have been so wrong. Never in his life had he felt such agony and grief. Jungkook fell to his knees, devastated, and he felt his heart wrench painfully in his ribcage. This could not be happening.

He squeezed his eyes shut and doubled over, sobs finding their way out of his throat. No matter how hard he tried, he could not erase the image from his mind. The snapshot of the last moments of his parents' pain was forever embedded in his mind. He would never forget that for as long as he lived, he knew that much.

"Spawn of Satan," spat a voice near his right ear.

Jungkook jolted up in alarm and ended up face-to-face to an angelic intruder.

Angelic was the only way to describe him. He was dressed in all-white, his skin glowed light, and a pair of white wings stretched from his muscular back. Despite the crude, sinister expression on his face, the angel had only the softest, gentlest of features.

Jungkook didn't question his sanity one bit. It was far too obvious. The glittering white quiver of arrows on the angel's back was enough to tell him who had murdered his parents. His heart was hammering in his ribcage as dread filled his stomach, quickly morphing into blind fury.

Without thinking, Jungkook yanked the arrow from his father's back, the end leaving with a sickening squelch, and rammed it into the angel's torso, the point entering through the shoulder and disappearing into his flesh. Only for a second did he enjoy the feeling of piercing another's body.

And then he ran for his life.

Pushing off the walls to gain more momentum, Jungkook crashed through the hallways of the apartment complex. He used the banister to jump down while flights of stairs and he scaled three floors before sprinting out the building into the busy sidewalk. He collided with some businessman, but before he could get yelled at, he was already taking off in the other direction.

Dark (Jungkook - BTS)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin