Chapter 23

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"He really looks like Jungkook, you know," V commented as he cradled my baby in his arms. In a baby voice, he cooed, "Who looks like their daddy? You do!"

I stared in borderline horror as the demon babied the infant. It was so strange to see a creature of the Underworld speak in a baby voice, and clearly, his brothers weren't used to it either. Suga eyed him in disgust, and Rap Monster snorted.

"What?" V looked up with a defiant look. "He's my nephew, and he's adorable!"

"I think you need to spend more time with Hades, V," deadpanned Suga. V rolled his eyes and flipped off his older brother.

"V!" I snapped in my best stern mother voice. "Don't expose my child to such vulgarity!"

V laughed. "Sorry, ajumma," he replied. To the baby, he said, "You didn't see that, right, Junghyun?"

His nephew stared at him with large, brown eyes that resembled Jungkook's so much. Sons usually looked like their mothers, but I was glad that he didn't. Every time I looked at Junghyun, I saw a little bit of Jungkook, and that always made me nostalgic. Would our kid ever know the Underworld? Would he ever be aware that he was only a quarter human?

"What color do you think his wings will be?" I wondered aloud, staring at the child adoringly. "Dark gray?"

"I don't know," replied Rap Monster. "It depends on which allele is recessive and which allele is dominant, and even then, we are still unsure of the pairing-"

"I would like to remind you that I've been out of middle school for more than seven years," I cut in, rolling my eyes. "And just... just why?"

"Yeah, now you know some of our pain," V joked, avoiding a death stare from his older brother. "Ah, you can't kill me because I'm holding your nephew!"

"...And that's my cue to take my son back." I reached out and scooped up Junghyun from V's arms, though he was reluctant. As I fixed the yellow blanket he was in, the room fell silent. I could feel the three demons communicate mentally, though I couldn't hear what they were saying. I felt the airwaves change around me as they conversed, and I looked up.

"So..." I began, filling up the empty space, "how are the girls? Seohyun? Eunyoung? Yousun?"

The three brothers exchanged glances.

"They're fine," replied Rap Monster. I gave him a pointed look. "No, really, they are. We just wanted to talk about something else."

"And what would that be?"

"I think it would be better if you started dating again," Rap Monster delivered, maintaining steady eye contact with me. "I mean, you have a son now, and-"

"But Jungkook." I returned the eye contact firmly. "You said that Jungkook will come back."

"But I never said how long it would-"

"Look," I interrupted, setting my hands down onto my lap decisively. "Humans can live for about a century with today's medicine and health care, and I'm half immortal. Junghyun? He's only a quarter mortal. If I don't get to see Jungkook again, my son sure as hell will."

"What if Jungkook takes an eternity?" Rap Monster pressed. "Are you going to live alone for an eternity, clinging onto Jungkook when you could be living your life? You might be half immortal, but you won't live forever, Scarlet. You can't waste any time."

I gazed at my feet, and my volume dropped about ten notches.

"It's not wasting time," I murmured. "He is the only shot at living a life I have anymore. If Jungkook takes an eternity to come back, then I'll wait for an eternity."


AyO it's the last chapter.. (nO chill there's still an epilogue lmao) I'm saving the mushy pushy stuff for the last author's note, but this is just a heads up. SEE YOU THEN~

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