Chapter 3

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Sorry for being so stupid and careless getting patty and liz mixed up name wise! I'll fix it after this chapter! Now lets nick pick at me for being dumb and lets continue to the story!!!

(Readers POV)

I think I'm going to regret everything in my life. COMING TO THIS SCHOOL WOULD BE THE DEATH OF ME!? These people were NUTS! I stare at them and all I can get out of it is my eye twitching from the veins busting in them. I have no idea what to do. I'm just face planting into the pillow because I don't wanna talk about what happened at school. Moms saw my (readers eye color) eyes and knew right off something was wrong. Bugging me to death over it. I wonder now and then, Nope I lied. I'm wondering now if she is as bad as them! Like serious I'm going insane.

Laying head first into the pillow makes me realize how stupid could I ever be. My fingers were going through my braid as I did it. It was surprisingly shiny and clean still. The (readers hair color) strands silk and smooth and it made me smile to stare at. My body rolled over to be found my hands had moved to my chest over my heart. They say I'm special. Different. I'm just a normal girl and they think I'm different because... Easiest way to put it. THEIR INSANE!


I regret my life, my partner.What a fool I was to join. I was never ready for it. I'm betting that one kid is still going insane because "He's so fucking perfect." What is the name of that kid? Blackstar isn't it? He's such a fucktard, I'd like to beat his ass but I've heard around the school from the others that he's one of the legends in school. There's three if you include meister and weapon. So, Blackstar, Maka and Death the Kid. I believe they are called this for they fought the kishin. Maka is nice to me, I think we're going to be great friends soon(and help me from my insanity of everyone else). Death the Kid is just the Son of death. He's cool I guess. He chased alittle white laced strange animal around the school after it had hit him on the head. Now I look at it and it makes me laugh.

Ok maybe the school isn't that bad... It's kinda fun and I do enjoy it somewhat. Maka's dad came in to class at the right time. Stein, I think it is was about to kill an extinct frog, about to dissect it. Soul, Maka's weapon said it wasn't the first its happened. My partner I think still has a crush on me. He stares at me in class drooling as he looks at me. It's weird.

I can't wait for school tomorrow...

(No POV)

The Death City streets grew quite as it grew later into the dark night. Only few beings left doing random tasks or jobs. Hobbies maybe. The moon stares down smiling,...laughing like usual but something would bring chaos to the town. They grew closer. Closer. Closer They grew till... Snap. Her eyes drained out her last tears, the warmth of her heart colder to the very soul releasing it from the bonds of human flesh. Now she's gone, and her soul missing having been devoured.

Death could feel it too. He knew something wasn't right so he gathered his closest hands to help.

....But that's another day...

(Death The Kids POV)

"Ooooh I'm so sorry father!? I just felt so awful about my hand writing on that form!" I pleaded and begged by my father. I remember thinking of that girl but standing under my father! I couldn't get it off my mind. I just couldn't. He stared down at me, I've never seen him look down at me in this way. Had a unfazed look on him ( yeah he wears a mask) I could tell tho by just feeling it in him. "Kid.... It's fine." I hated my father now, how he changed so much after the kishin. "Yes, father?"

"Someone is coming."

"What do you mean?" I walked closer to him for he foresaw someone. Was this person good? Bad? Either way it didn't matter I would protect my father more then last time. I'm going to need Patty and Liz.

"It is nothing bad I promise. We have a new student I wish of you to help around "

"Huh, wait... You just want me to walk a student around the school? Help this child out?"


I sighed in relief and smiled weakly towards the mask."I wish you said that before."

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