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Being an author wasn't the easiest job but Aria loved it, her book signing had just got over she met over a hundred people who loved her books, Aria had got a letter from Alison which she was waiting to read.

There isn't much time, but I wanted you to see these words on paper, and not on a screen, I wanted to know that you were touching something I touched, that we were connected. We've been through things no other friends have experienced. We understand each other better than anything else in the world. But all that connects to someone else. Someone I love. Someone who needs me. I know you're coming back to rosewood, to speak to the court about Charlotte being released. I'm asking for five minutes with you. Five minutes to explain. Five minutes that can change the whole world.

Aria read the letter written by Alison in her fancy handwriting, she smiled remembering the time when Alison would sit with Aria for projects. She always had an awesome handwriting.

Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte, Alison was all about her, Aria wasn't very fond of Charlotte, obviously.

Forgetting all that had happened in her high school Aria left Rosewood, just like the other girls. It was hard, obviously, everybody was back in Rosewood, mom, dad, even Mike had finished school and he was in Rosewood, even Ezra.

Now it was her time to get back, basically lie to the court. Aria was still scared of -A, that dollhouse, that town. It made her cringe.

Aria would have to go back and lie, lying again, always lying. Sometimes Aria would get panic attacks, many actually and she was scared, of everything, from halloweens to dolls to pigs, everything reminded her of Rosewood, that ugly town.

Aria booked a ticket to Rosewood, and that where she headed now. She reminded herself that -A was gone, Charlotte was okay now and so was Mona.

And Shana, she was dead, and Aria had killed her. Aria would live in the guilt very often, whenever she would see a theatre she'd be reminded of what she did.

Rosewood 38 miles

she saw milestone as she drove.

Her phone rang and it was someone she hadn't expected.


"Hi, is this Aria?"


sorry if this is short, I felt like I had to update. Check out the 4 min preview of 6B & the promo, too. I put the 4 min preview in the multimedia bar.

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