Chapter 3

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Phil had glanced at Dan from time to time, each time they found Dan staring at them before looking away.

Phil had seen Dan around town before, but they had never had an actual conversation with him before. All they had said to each other was 'sorry', as they had walked into each other in a store.

It was quite obvious that Dan had kept watching Phil for the entire group, however Phil hadn't said anything.

Dan, who was now a blushing fool, had been staring at Phil for a while before the latter had started glancing at Dan.

Dan, who would definitely admit this, had fallen for Phil way too fast. Dan had problems trusting people after his parents disowned him, but Phil was different for some reason. Dan had immediately trusted Phil, Dan didn't think he knew how to trust anymore, but somehow he trusted the dark haired gender fluid person.

Eventually, Chris had said that it was the end of the group and everyone stood up.

Dan was one of the last people to leave, considering that Chris was his ride home. Phil, for reasons that Dan didn't know, also stayed behind, along with Luke and Ross, who usually carpooled home with Dan and Chris.

Chris turned to the group of four before speaking "the van broke down so it's gonna be a tight squeeze in the car...sorry guys"

Groans came from the four young people before they all headed for Chris' car.

Dan ended up squished against Phil, who obviously felt as awkward as Dan did.

Eventually, it was just Chris, Dan and Phil left in the car, making it less of a squeeze. Chris pulled up to Dan's stop and Dan got out, followed by Phil.

Dan, obviously comfused, turned to Phil with a look to say 'why did you get out here'

Phil just ignored Dan and headed up to their flat, on the 3rd floor, Dan soon following.

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