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Hi, woah, i bet you thought that this was an update. Unfortunately it isn't.
See, this book (along with any other Phan book on my account) is now discontinued. Before you stop reading or start writing about how disappointed you are, let me state my reasons why.
1. I no longer feel as though these books are going to go somewhere. They haven't been where I wanted them to be for a long time and honestly, I can't be bothered to try and get them back onto the rails. It would take way too much time and honestly I don't have as much free time as I used to, as most of my time is taken up by studying.
2. I no longer ship Phan. I haven't for a while and honestly I feel weird about continuing to write a fic about people who: aren't gay, will never be together, kinda queerbait and I don't ship. Looking back, I kinda only shipped them as friends. I wanted to ship them as a couple but I could never bring myself to manage to. I guess, in a way, writing these fics were an attempt to try and convince myself to ship them.
3. I feel weird about writing Phan fic. They're real life people and they have emotions. I barely write any real person fics now anyway as I'm more focusing on my own stories or fanfic about fantasy characters. Writing Dan and Phil fanfic feels weird because not only do I no longer like them, but I could've ended up taking it too far and they could have found it. Personally I don't want to make them so uncomfortable that they feel like they can no longer mention each other in their videos again.
Idk, basically these fics are discontinued. Thank you for reading though.
~ Luke

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