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"Geniuses have their own set of mind. Their mindset and thinking system is apart from the common brains.",thats what you would say when asked to describe a genius but thats not what I would say. "Genius is a state when you can connect to the universal mind."
Why are the genius humans genius??? The answer is right here!
The word 'GENIUS' comes from a spanish word 'GENII' which means alienated biengs or aliens.
Scientists have tried to find out the reason behind the secret of these geniuses mind but in vain.
After Albert Einstiens death , till 50 years his brain was kept in a laboratory and professionals had done a lot of research to find out the diffrence between his brain and other's brains. After years of research the only thing they could find was that Einstien's cordus(a muscle which connects right hemisphere to the left hemisphere of the brain.) was a bit thicker than the others.
But is this the only reason?
Humankind is today living in surroundings of superior technology and globalization. And where did all this start from?
Historians have found out ancient cave paintings and rock edicts on which pictures of angels with wings and human like animals were found. The ancient babylonian and egyptian kings have inscribed laws of administration which have not yet been deciphered but lets ask ouselves a question:was it thier own imagination or were they order of winged angels and human like animals....?
Centuries back, when man was not as civilized as it is today, it was these aliens who controlled thier mind and helped them reach here!!
Unbelievable right? But yes, its true.
When the early man drew cave paintings of bulls, mammoths and saber toothed tigers, it was because they saw them everyday in real life. Along with animals they also drew angels and other other pictures. Was it their own imagination or they saw them in real life and drew their paintings??.....

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