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In the end it was greed that killed humanity. Even our greed to live. Confusing right? It makes sense if you don't think about it, that was my saying...was, it died with me, with us, all of us. Here's an easier way to put it , greed+paranoia=world go boom. Yeah, not how you expected the apocalypse to go huh? It was so going to be aliens or zombies with a few badasses left behind to show off their we-went-out-with-a-bang attitude. Actually it didn't go out with a bang at all, actually it was very slow, and to be honest, stupid. But no one could expect this. No one except those so called tree huggers you hissed insults at in high school like venom spewing from your judgmental fangs. This is his story, told from my eyes, his foster older sister, his clunker driver, a.k.a. His escape.

Greed, paranoia, and peace signsWhere stories live. Discover now