Chapter 13:Escape

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Dani's POV
"Dani, get down!" Lauren whispered. I obeyed her and hid behind the couch. I crouched down and soon, I heard gunshots.

A window broke, and gunshots went through the wall... one bullet came through the couch... and hit me... after a while I was starting to get dizzy, when I heard Lauren talk.

"Dani, it's clear!"... the last thing I knew was Lauren coming over to me, and gasping. After that everything turned black...

Lisa's POV
I do not like her.... not one bit. She seems really off to me... and not just because she was Lauren and Dani's friend... something is just weird about her, okay?

"Do you also have this feeling about uh... Hanna?" I heard Amy whisper.

"Yeah, she's really strange, I don't trust her" I mumbled to Amy. She just nodded.

"C'mon! Get your lazy asses up, if you want to get Lauren and Dani" Hanna demanded.

I flinched when she said that cuss word. So did Christina, Katherine and Amy.

"What? Oh yeah, forgot. You don't swear in your family" she yelled.

"Now let's get going" she said. I quickly stood up, clearly frightened by her. I mean like...she's something like 20 or 21 and I, a 25 year old, am scared. I know it's a bit embarrassing, but Katherine, who is 26, and Amy, who is 23, also seemed scared. Only Christina was slightly glaring at Hanna.

We started walking out if the... um...hall? And we let Hanna lead our way, to wherever she led us.

Lauren's POV
"Oh no! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" I was literally freaking out! Dani was bleeding non stop and I didn't do anything.

"Uh... Dani, it's okay. I'm gonna get you out of here.... yeah, it's going to be okay" I mumbled to myself. I picked her up and put her down in her old bed, in her old room. After that, I ran into the bathroom and searched for a first aid kit. I finally found one and ran back to Dani."Okay um.....oh dang it! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO???!!!" I screamed.I quickly shut my mouth and opened the kit.It was all stocked up, suprisingly.I began aiding her and when I was done, I sat down on a chair in her room, waiting for her to wake up....

"LAUREN!" I heard a familiar voice.

"What?! I'm up, I'm up!" I said. It was Dani, who yelled my name.

"Oh my gosh Dani! I'm so glad you're okay!" I exclaimed, happily.

"Um... what happened again?" She asked.

"Well, the military or something like that, drove by the house and saw me. I spotted them and told you to get down. You hid behind the couch, and they shot you. Right there" I explained, pointing to her wound.

"Oh man!" She exclaims.

"Wait! We have to get ready!!!" Dani yelled.

"Wait, what? Why? Why do we have to get ready?" I asked. I did not know what the heck she was talking about.

"Um... Christina, eh... Katherine and Lisa and Amy are coming for us!" She informed me.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"I just know, okay?" She replied. I nodded and asked a question again: "What do we have to do?"

"Escape" Dani answered.

"What, where?" I was asking... a lot of questions.

"I don't know! Anywhere but here!" She said.

"Okay" I replied. I closed the door behind me, so no one could enter the house. We ran outside only to see blood everywhere.

"Ew!" I shrieked and hid behind Dani.

"Oh come on Lauren, you're 20! It's not like it's a dead perso-never mind" she whispered. She only realized later, that it was a rotting corpse on the sidewalk.

"Ew ew ew!" I exclaimed while walking beside it. I just can't stand that.

"How can someone do this?" Dani asked, sadness in her voice.

"I don't know" I mumbled.

"Wait, what are we doing again?" I asked, since I forgot, hehe...

"Getting out of here" she told me. I nodded and we ran off.

Amy's POV
"C'mon you losers! If we keep at this tempo, we'll be there in 3000!!!" Hanna shouted. I glared at Hanna, while she was looking at Christina.

"Gosh, I can't stand that" I mumbled.

"What little muffin? What can't you stand?!" Hanna asked.

"Nothing! And do not call her little muffin!" Christina shouted. Hanna rolled her eyes and continued walking.

2 hours later
"How far is it?" Lisa asked, clearly tired.

"Oh shut up wussy! We're almost there" Hanna said. Lisa rolled her eyes and I nudged her, since Hanna saw that. But she didn't say anything.

"We're here!" Christina announced.

"I don't hear anything" Katherine said, whilst holding her ear to the door.

"And there are bullet holes in the wall and door, and broken windows" I noticed.

"Um... let's just look" Hanna mumbled... was she nervous? Probably.

Christina opened the door, which was surprisingly unlocked and we entered the house.

"Doesn't seem like anyone is in here" Lisa said, eyeing Hanna suspiciously.

"Well, they have to be here somewhere" Hanna said, quickly. We searched through the whole house, but no sign of Dani or Lauren.

"Was this some kind of joke? Did you make us come out here for nothing?!" Christina yelled at Hanna.

"No, I'm sure that they were here, when I last saw them" she defended herself.

"When was the last time?" Katherine asked.

"Umm... about 10 hours ago?" she mumbled.

"Then they couldn't have gotten that far, could they?" I asked.

"Wait a sec, where's Lisa?" Katherine asked. I shrugged.

"Right here, and I think we've got a small clue" Lisa said from behind the couch.

"What is it?" Christina asked, while she, me, Katherine and Hanna went to her.

"Blood stains" Lisa replied.

"How are blood stains going to help us?" Christina asked, annoyed.

"Oh shut up Christina, these aren't that old, only like 2 or 3 hours. They're not really dried yet" Lisa stated. That made me remember, while I was looking in one of the rooms, on the bed, there were blood stains as well, and they were still a bit damp, too.

"Wait! I found some damp blood stains upstairs in one of the rooms, in a bed, too!" I told them.

"Well, that means they probably left... if we speed up a bit and choose the right directions, maybe we'll catch up to them..." Christina said...

"Hopefully" she whispered.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Hanna said.

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