Chapter 9:Mission

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Lauren's POV
If I have to give one detail about what's going on: We've got some trouble

"Dani when is the plane boarding?" I whined.

"In three hours, calm down." Dani answered. I nodded.

"H-hey... where is Hanna?" I asked after finally noticing she wasn't here anymore.

"Um... she isn't here anymore... she left" Dani mumbled, loudly enough that I could understand.

"She what???!!!" I yelled.

"She left because she had no hope left to find you." Dani explained.

"And to think she was my best friend" I mumbled and rolled my eyes.

"Anyways let's go" I said. She nodded.

"Uh Laur, my phone is gone" Dani announced quietly.

"Oh my gosh! Dani! Where did you leave it?!" I asked kind of annoyed, since she just turned 18 (and no we couldn't celebrate it, since all the drama). Gosh she is so forgettable.

"I don't know... I think I dropped it behind the bench over there" she said and pointed to a bench. I rolled my eyes. We walked to the bench and looked behind it.

Suddenly I was pulled back, a hand covering my mouth and eyes. I tried screaming but it came out muffled. How do people not see this?! Are they blind???

After that I felt my head hit something hard...

Dani's POV
We were looking for my phone when I noticed Lauren was gone.

"Lauren?" I asked and turned around. All of a sudden somebody put their hands over my mouth and my eyes.

"Hey! Let me go!!!" I yelled but muffled.

I tried kicking whoever it was but I never knew where the person was. So I gave up with fighting back. And I shouldn't have done the kicking because next thing I knew, my head hit the ground...

I woke up in a room. I looked down at myself, I still had my clothes on. I looked around and saw...

"Lauren!" I yelled quietly. I snuck to her side of the room and saw her asleep. I shook her awake and she shot up.

"What's... where the heck are we?" She asked.

"I do not know." I said.

"Well we have to get out of here, war is soon and we missed our plane!" I exclaimed.

"Dang it! We have to get out of here" She yelled. I nodded and ran off to find some way out.

We gave up after about 3 hours.

After sitting down, a letter slid beneath the door. I grabbed it and read what stood on it out loud:

Lauren & Dani
Don't think you're safe in here. After all this, you might not even need war to die...

"Who's name is Aeay?!" Lauren exclaimed angrily.

"I don't know" I said.

"Well we have to find a freaking way out of this hell hole" Lauren screamed before covering her mouth.

"Sorry" she apologized.

"It's okay you just had to let your rage out." I nodded at her. Lauren plopped down on her bed and screamed.

"What?!" I yelled frightened.

"Somethings under my bed, because my behind is stuck here" She informed me. I rolled my eyes.

"Give me your hands" I said. She gave me them and I pulled her up. We put the mattress thingy away and guess what we saw:

"OH MY G-" I started slowly but got cut off by Lauren, putting her hand over my mouth.

"Be quiet they could be in here somewhere." She whispered. I nodded and we went down the hole.

"Ew" I exclaimed quietly as I landed in a pile of yuck.

"Oh my gosh this is disgusting" Lauren said while drenching her hair out of whatever this was.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"For some reason under that room, are the sewers" Lauren replied.

"... EW GROSS!" I exclaimed loudly.

"Shush!" Lauren hissed. We ran along the tunnel, until we arrived at a ladder that led up.

"Younger ladies first" Lauren said.

"Aw no" I groaned, but eventually climbed up. I poked my head out but quickly put it back in, since a car was coming.

"Holy cow. That car almost killed me" I said, still in shock.

"Uh...Dani" Lauren said while pointing to my left. I looked there and face palmed myself.

"We are so dumb!" I exclaimed after I saw daylight come from my left side. I jumped down the ladder and we ran to the dear light. When we arrived outside (yes the daylight was the way out) me and Lauren high-fived first.

Then we ran to the nearest rest stop, because we were in the middle of nowhere... again. But like honestly it was like a desert. A few cars here and there, one or two plants. That was it. It was so creepy.

"LOOK DANI! DANI LOOK!!!" Lauren screamed all of a sudden.

"What?!" I asked annoyed.

"Look there!!" She exclaimed, pointing to an old... house.

"No way!" I smiled brightly. We ran to the house and knocked on the door. After waiting a few minutes, we decided to just enter the house since it didn't seem like anyone lived here.

Lauren's POV
"EW! Okay, nobody lived here" Dani exclaimed.

"Definitely" I agreed.

"Look!" Dani yelled. I ran to her and she found a hole in the ground.

"Follow the steps" said a letter that was taped on the hole.

"Uh...." I flipped the letter over and it said

"But make sure to get safety first, don't want to end up dead now do you?-AEAY"

"It's them again" I said.

"Let's not go down there" Dani said and I nodded. We went to open the door, but it was LOCKED!

"Dang it!" I exclaimed.

"What now?" I asked. Dani looked back to the hole.

"No Dani, no.You're not suicidal yet right?" I asked.

"No I'm not. But it's our only way out. You don't have to join me.. but... I'm gonna get some weapons" She announced and walked off to get weapons.

I groaned and yelled "No Dans, I'm your bigger sister and I have to take care of you"

"Whatever" She yelled back. Oh gosh. I ran to her and she was examining an... AK47 or whatever you call it. I'm not a gun expert.

"But... we're Christian... we don't kill people" I tried once again to bring her back.

"Lauren, it's what we've become now. I'd understand if we were still back home but... that's the past" She looked away.

"Okay you're right" I agreed. I picked up a random gun, that looked cool to me. After we had everything ready and settled, we climbed down the hole.

Ever Going Back? (Lauren&Dani Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now