Matthew 21:21-22
Then Jesus told them, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don't doubt, you can do things like this and more. You can say to this mountain, 'may you be lifted up and thrown into the sea' and it will happen. You can pray for anything and you will receive it."
I've read this verse many, many times before, and I always accept it. Yeah, okay, that's where I want to be. Just don't doubt. But think about it. If you stood out in front of a mountain an told it to jump, would you truly believe it would? Would you think, "I trust you God" or would you say "What am I doing? This will never work!"? It's hard to truly trust in God like this. No wonder you don't hear of mountains mysteriously moving on the news!
We may not be able to move mountains, but we can try to put our faith in God. Sometimes it can be hard, especially with all of the rude people out there, but let's try.
Dear God,
Please help me to trust in you and to not doubt you. It can be hard, but I know you love me and will help me through it. Amen.
Hearts 4 God (A Wattpad Devotional)
SpiritualeIn this story, I will dive into some common issues people have struggled with. Please no hate.