Social Media Forgery

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Rays of sunlight lines the horizon of the ocean
Twas five thirty and the sun was almost gone
All that was left, orange and pink streaks painted the sky
Posted on instagram, it's beauty could only be worth it
Valued by how many likes gained
Nobody likes it, but why?!

1,000 likes ! bam bam !
I just double-tapped it on instagram !
Do we mellow in the satisfaction from technology or the reality at hand ?
He's holding you down only because you are a brand

Crowded places, empty spaces
Conversing through selfies, the person sitting across speaks the same language
All I see is rows of strange faces
Oh wait, instagram your food, post it to fb, and make sure to tweet it too
Privacy is lame, need for public approval to blame

She used to live right around this block, but she left
When she started to suck up to social media fuckery
Walking from Mac to Nars,concealing the flaws... hiding the insecurities
With hair done, nails done, eyebrows on fleek not crooked
Minus this, nothing is perfect and you're ratchet
Then she takes a selfie, caption: "not wearing makeup, not pretty"

Android argues with Iphone, which of us is better than the other
One of us has to be smarter, more pretty or more glamorous
They forget that when they hit the floor, their screens become wack
All the glitz and glam is fake, she's just as shattered as if hit by an axe

Take it off!... show it out!... post a pic!
Put on a show, you sexy thing
Don't be shy, just move that thing
Get with the flow or should I say here's an instagrammy

Carrying yourself with confidence
All because you've been bonded too strongly
Wrapped steady, till you can't breathe anymore
Destroying your respiratory organs cuz eating healthy is off the chart

Analyzing all this stupidity, then you ask yourself...
Is being socially acceptable the new trend?
How about being original -values, norms, and things not glittery?
Trends are fad, I bet you have no clue... not even a tad.

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