Chapter 14 - The Devils inside

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Don't let the title fool you, this is going to be what you think it is. I will talk about the things I really dislike and what really bugs me. The things that piss me off, and that really aggravate me. Lets begin, shall we?

1. Liars

I do NOT like liars, at all. I have many of my friends that lie to me all the time, and I don't say anything because they would justify an unreasonable cause to why they "lie". It's a waste of my time to listen to that. So yeah, whatever, don't really care.

2. People that try to act smarter than you

Okay, lets be real, there is at least that one person that thinks they are so much better than you are. I have that person, and you probably do too. Doesn't it just irritate you? honestly? Yes, I agree. It really gets me ticked off sometimes, because I know my place, and hopefully you know yours too.

* As dumb as this may sound, that's all I can honestly think of right now. By the way, sorry that is has been so ungodly long that i have posted a chapter and i'm going to be getting a routine going again. Promise. Have a great weekend guys :) *

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