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I climb into Calum's truck with a disposable coffee cup and dark sunglasses covering my sensitive eyes. 

"why are you coming to school if you're hungover?" Karren asks. 

"avoiding my dad." I mumble, sipping my coffee. 

"did you two get in a fight?" I shake my head at Calum. "what then?" 

"I'll tell you at lunch or something. too tired right now to care. do you have Advil or something? we're out." Calum grabs a bottle from the middle counsel and hands it to me as we round the corner of my street. I take my medicine and sit back in the seat. Calum turns on the music, making me yelp in pain as the sound makes my head throb. he laughs like an idiot as I hit him. "don't be a dick." 

"don't get drunk on a school night." he rotorts, turning it off. I couldn't pay attention as the day drags by. my head throbs, and I can't stop thinking about how I'm going to see my sister tomorrow. I lay on the grass outside, where we decided to eat that day, my head in a hungover Mikey's lap. Calum comes over and hands me some orange juice. "you want to talk about it?" I shake my head. 

"too tired." 

"come on kid, tell me." I point to Mikey. 

"he knows." 

"her sister's coming to visit." he mumbles, stealing my juice. 

"fuck you, give it back." 

"never." he does after taking a sip. "here." I drink most of it and give the rest to Mikey as Calum processes it. 

"what?" he finally asks. 

"my sister is coming to visit for a week tomorrow."

"I didn't know you had a sister." he sounds offended that I didn't tell him. 

"kind of a soar spot for me. don't like talking about it. haven't talked to her since we were eight." 

"oh." is all Calum says about the subject. "when's she coming?" 

"sometime tomorrow. I have no idea really, too hungover to care right now." Mikey rubs my temples for me as I close my eyes. Mikey wakes me up before next period starts. "you're the best Mikey." he nods, cringing at the sound of students like I do as we walk inside. "why did you think it was a good idea to let me drink last night?" he shrugs and continues to walk the opposite direction of his class. "go to class Loser."

"rude." he mumbles. I grab his hand and swig it between us, feeling a slight blush crawl up my cheeks. we get to my class and he lets go of my hand. "alright, this is where we part ways." I pout, earning a cheesy grin from him. 

"rude." I mimick him. he laughs and kisses my forehead, earning another blush from me. "now get to class ditcher." 

"I only ditch for you my dear." he bows down like a prince to a lady and kisses my knuckles. "I'll see you after?" I nod at him. he leaves with a wave and disappears behind the corner. I go inside the class and Karren greets me. 

"see, you're getting the hang of it." Karren refers to Mikey and I just barely. "just a little more practice and you'll be a pro like me." I push her shoulder slightly, rolling my eyes behind my glasses. 


I open the door ever so carefully as not to alert my dad that I'm home. "Hayden, is that you?" he calls as the door latches in place. I curse myself silently. 

"yeah Dad, it's me." I call back as he comes out of the living room. 

"you left without a goodbye this morning." he comes closer to me, pulling me in a hug. "I'm sorry about your sister coming and I'm sorry I didn't know sooner but there's nothing I can do now." I nod as he lets me go. 

"I just over reacted I guess. sorry." he laughs it off. 

"help me clean out the spare room for your sister?" I nod, setting my bag by the basement stairs. Dad and I finish cleaning out the room and putting our spare bed in it by the time Mikey drops by with the gang. we sit down in the basement and talk about nonsense until it's almost one in the morning and we're pretty drunk, sitting in a circle, playing truth or dare. to my right is a way too happy Calum, to my left is a pretty giggly Karren, to Calum's right it a ever-so-slightly tipsy Ashton, who goes to another school, to Ash's right is a loud as fuck Luke, to his right is giggle monster Mikey, and between Mikey and Karren is Brenner, a new member of our gang. he's a sad drunk, but he's pretty happy right now. Dad went to bed after awhile of us yelling and screaming over the music blaring out of the door. luckily, the walls and celilig are sound proof just for this reason. 

"alright, alright." Luke calms everyone down after our laughing fit. "Hayden, truth or dare?" 

"dare mother fucker." 

"I dare you to kiss Mikey." he smirks as if he won. as Mikey starts to crawl over to kiss me, the doorbell rings. I stumble up the steps, yelling a fuck off to Calum as he complains he wanted to witness of our love. I open the door and see the pizza guy. 

"hi, I'm Tom." I hiccup a little as I grab the cash from the table beside the door. 

"hi Tom, I'm Hayden." he smiles as he gets out the food. 

"I have two large cheeses, two large pepperoni, three cheese sticks, four garlic sticks and extra dipping sauce. is that all you ordered?" 

"I think so, we're pretty drunk." he laughs and takes the money. "keep the change, alright?" he nods as the basement door closes and someone wraps their arms around my waist. 

"come back down." Mikey whines. Tom looks bummed about seeing Mikey. 

"piss off Mikey, I'm talking to a really cute pizza guy." Tom blushes slightly as Mikey pouts. "I should go before Mikey drags me away anyways." 

"yeah, I'll make sure to come by next time you order pizza." he winks at me as I close the door with a flirtatious giggle. I carry the pizzas downstairs while eating a slice of cheese. 

"pizza's here." I declare, throwing the pizza down on the ground, the drunkies lunge at it right away. 

"You still haven't kisses Mikey." Luke points out, a garlic stick falling out of his mouth. Mikey and I look at each other, both of us cheese hanging from our mouths. "after you finish your bites you dumbasses." I swallow my bite, as does Mikeky. the drunks start to chant for us to kiss as we just stare at each other. he slowly moves closer, as do as until my legs are wrapped around his hips and his are under mine. "just kiss God dammit." Luke whines. we slowly lean in and black covers me like a protective blanket, keeping me from what I've wanted since the stupid Melbourne Aussie moved to Sydney to our school in junior year.

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