I wake up to someone kissing my neck. "stop it." I giggle, moving my hand to reach the random person's face. I feel the familiar eyebrow peircing. "Mikey." I giggle.

"good morning sleepy head." he laughs, making me shiver slightly as his breath hits my ear. "how are you?"

"hungover as hell." he flips me around so I can look at him, though my eyes are closed.

"look at me sweetheart." I feel my face go tomato red at his nickname as I open my eyes. "hey." he laughs. "you passed out last night before I could kiss you." he pushes hair behind my ear, glancing down at my lips. we slowly lean in until the door opens and I hear Dad calling for me. I move away from him and get up quickly. "rude." he mumbles.

"I'm sorry, my sister is suppose to be here today." I lean down and peck his cheek. "I promise it will happen, it's just not the right time." he smiles up at me as I get some medicine and run upstairs, avoiding Karren's head. "yeah Dad?"

"your sister is going to come by at six tonight, sleep in until then and I'll wake you up at five." I nod and head back downstairs, cuddling into Mikey and falling asleep.


Dad wakes the gang and me up at five so we could get ready for my sister. they all some how managed to get some clothes in my house from all the times they're over so they just change into those as I change into high waisted shorts and a crop top. we wait upstairs, pushing each other around and eating fruit and drinking water; my dad's secret to getting over a headache quickly. there's a knock on the door right after Luke tops off the dog pile on top me. Dad answers it, expecting it to be the neighbour, who won't leave my dad alone. "oh, hi Lily." Dad greets the person at the door. the gang and I look up as she comes in. her blonde hair flows down her bare sholders like a golden waterfall, her black tube top tucked in her high waisted pink skirt and her black, closed toed heels make her look like the complete opposite of me. the guys of the group stare in awe at her as I stare in amazment that we turned out so different. "Lily, this is your sister's friends and that person on the bottom is your sister." she gives us a once over and rolls her eyes.

"I would come over and give you a hug but, these asshole's probably broke my back."

"hey, I'm not that fat." Luke whines. "Mikey on the other hand.."

"piss off Luke." Mikey hits Luke's head as best he could, considering he's under Karren and Luke.

"stop, you hit my ear." Karren whines.

"hit Lucas for me."

"I was born Luke Robert Hemmings God dammit. not Lucas." Karren hits him anyways.

"shut the fuck up." I roll my eyes as they argue over who's breaking my back.

"get off her so she can say hi to her sister." Dad orders. they all fall off and Mikey helps me up. I walk over to Lily and hug her. she hesitently does the same.

"so I'll show you the room you're going to be in and the important parts of the house. you don't have a cerfew, but your mom told us that you're not allowed to stay over at your friends over night."

"yeah, got that. do you have any butlers or maids?" she looks around, as if expecting to see them just pop up.

"um, no. we pick up after ourselves. if you'd like, we usually eat dinner at five and you can join us if you want."

"I'm good, unless you have a personal cheif."

"um, we don't have that either. unless you count Dad as a personal cheif."

"I don't. can I find my room now?" I resist rolling my eyes and show her to the room between Dad and the bathroom.

"that's the bathroom." I point the the right door. "Dad's on the other side of you and I'm downstairs." she puts her purse on the bed. "Mikey, go grab her bags." I call out.

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