I was fortunate to be free after the introduction to Professor Aurrin's class. There was too much to take in before we could go to another class. I led myself to my dormitory. I technically had two because one was in the Hall of Countenance's original ring and the other in one of the ten extensions to the Arch Mage's Quarters. Today the Hall called for me.
The original ring was favored because the rooms were larger, and there were fewer. The middle and outer rings were additions. Just before the start of the 5th Era, the College called upon the best mages in Tamriel. They created, shaped, and placed rocks around the surrounding mass. The College had no longer been seen as abominable and was booming. Problem was housing all of the students. Rebuilt as it was, Winterhold wasn't large enough. And so massive additions and renovations had been put in place. The only untouched places were the Midden and the Hall of the Elements.
The dorm was bustling with students gathering things to go to class. My room was upstairs and this was the worst time to be going there. People from the other two rings flooded through the doors in ours and crowded the stair well. I decided to wait as the stampede occurred.
A moment passed as I walked out of people's direct path. As I did, I saw a tall man struggle out of the crowd. He'd been walking straight through the crowd from the opposite side of the Hall. You could hear disgruntled yelps and complaints, and the result was him nearly falling as he "escaped." He was lucky that he didn't, but I couldn't help but laugh. He heard me and glanced over. We caught each other's glance, and then I heard my name called.
Of course my eyes were drawn to the tall Nord barreling his way over to me and hollering my name. Terrin. He's pretty huge for a Man, but it makes sense. He was of Verulus blood. Brother to the Emperor, Edmund Verulus III. The height was the only give away of his being out of place. He came to the College as a retreat. All I can say he learned while here was sarcasm.
I felt bad for the other man, who at another glance, was really Mer. I was going to go see how he was, but Terrin had gotten my attention with his yelling and what he carried.
"Remember that Dwarven Greatsword that was looted and I bought? I have a soul gem. Grand." He smiled deviously. "How? I know you wouldn't spend the money on that, you're too cheap," I inquired. He had a blue velvet bag swinging in his hand, that must've been the gem.
"Arvan challenged me. If I can double enchant this without help, I can have a steady supply of soul gems and more than cheap daggers to use them on. And you're coming" Suggeste-told.
"Why? What use am I?" One can only guess.
"You know Arvan trusts you. So you're my witness." Terrin paused and his voice dropped and he blushed. "Plus, he knows you can't help me without it showing up."
"'Runes give it all away,' right? I haven't been in his class for a while. He still say that?" All Terrin could do is nod.
Not really surprised by this, I looked to see the Mer was gone.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
"What are you starting with?" Terrin ignored me. He had been polishing the sword since we got to the table. Aesthetics meant just a little too much to him. A minute or two later, he finally gave a delayed answer. "I'm considering paralysis and drain health," he said. This was a surprise. Those two enchantments can be pretty draining on the weapon, yes, but making it like that is harder on the enchanter. It's a hefty toll for someone with Terrin's... Skills.
"Is that what Arvan challenged you with or...?" Terrin laughed. "Of course not. It's just what I want."
"Well, what use is that for you? You aren't exactly killing things." He couldn't swat a torchbug without tearing up.
"No, but it's nice to have for when I do hunting jobs."
"Ah, Terrin. Prince of gathering the meat that will be ground until the flavor is gone. Forget an Empire!" I was joking, yes, but I could not see why Terrin, a prince, would need the money from hunting. He gets allowances and doesn't spend them.
Terrin ignored me. Couldn't blame him, in all honesty. Being in a small room with me questioning you for extended periods of time? I'd count myself out.
As he started muttering the base of his first enchantment, I shook my head. Of course, I thought. He just couldn't take my suggestion. I had told him to do drain health first. It was easier to handle and then he could pause and begin paralysis. But no, it had to be paralysis first. I knew he was going to regret it.
The runes were etching into the corundum of the blade. They were a light green. That's worrisome. With how long he'd been doing it, the runes should have grown a great deal in brightness. Instead, Terrin's runes were a whisper of what they should've been. So naturally I walked to the side where I could see his face. As I checked on him, I noticed he was stuttering and could barely form words. His runes were ugly and separated.
You can't do very much when things like this happen. Terrin's pupils were still dilated and his grip upon the blade tight. But I waited. Because I could see he was about to lose it. With a jolt, he stopped whispering his enchantment and grabbed at me. He managed to get my wrist.
"Lil, I can't. Please. I can't," Terrin hoarsely whispered. I wanted to clarify that he couldn't turn this in. The transition of runes would be far too noticeable and Arvan... Well, he knew my handiwork. But there was no time. Terrin would pass out and instead of etching runes, he'd put his own name and bond himself.
I pushed Ter aside as quickly as I could and began my work. The weight of his runes hit me. He hadn't been paying attention and had double layered the part that detailed where the energy would be drawn. Instead of the gem, it was feeding off of the enchanter. And by now, that was me. I wanted to yell at Terrin. This sword had been cursed, technically. And it was now my problem.
Somewhere off to the side, Terrin was passed out. There I was doubling back his work, erasing what I could. If I had done this myself, it would've been a matter of five minutes for both enchantments, but unraveling his work took what felt like forever. Then I had to complete the enchantment. The exhaustion was real. And I was scared. What if I passed out? I was focused, of course, but when you're good at enchanting you can get side-thinking and work well at the same time. Being alone with yourself for that long is dangerous.
But I finished.
After that, I had to get help. No one interrupts people if they're enchanting. That is why no one came by and intervened. I dragged myself to the door, opened it, and squeaked out for some help. And I fell.

The Lost Era
FanfictionIt's been an entire Era and countless hundreds of years since anyone last met the Dragonborn. Our main character delves into their story and her own life. Politics will appear in both her family and her studies. Accompany her through the Era that wa...