"Hi Ronin," I said. He'd turned me around and no longer had a grip on my cloak. Now I was standing with him as if he was my escort from the start. He nodded in response, not daring a smile in the current company.
"Lillianna Aren!" Ah, the big boy showed up. "Sir," I said, dipping into a slight bow. Stupid formalities for someone who wasn't a part of a military.
The "sea" of men before me parted and Bendrick stepped out. He wore a heavy white cloak over his Arch Mage robes and huge black boots. Okay, perhaps he was part of the military in his own head.
"Sabine was hearing rumors from the crowd near your Hall that there was a disaster at the Enchanting Table. I had her check with the head of your Hall and they said yes, that you and Master Tyriseus were the people. They had no details, just found two unconscious children in the Table Room. Apparently you floundered out and they dragged you to bed. We found this out an hour ago. So I, the concerned father, personally went to see you. But your monitor had no sense to tell me you'd left." Bendrick had a slight paused. I interjected. "No one had seen me. I just signed out." He hushed me quickly. "Of course I know that. Second reason she was fired. I may have to set Ronin there. He's the only one who watches you." I patted Ronin's hand and smiled.
Of course it was true. Bendrick was not an idiot. He on his own had picked Ronin to handle me when things happened. He was five years older and had cared for me since I came to the College at age twelve. I don't mean as a babysitter. He was just my escort in bad weather or when Bendrick was delusional about political or organized threats.
Bendrick snarled in response and began his speech. Again. "We've searched everywhere in the school. The Master is still asleep and no one else even knows you. It was about time to look in town, so we came out here. And you're walking with someone Sabine's never seen you with." Let me mention that Sabine is his assistant who does anything he wishes. That usually entails chores and list making, but occasionally it meant checking on his kids. Of which was only me now. "You should've seen your face. You looked very stern, like you were in danger or upset. I responded like any parent would." I wanted to point out that no other parent has a miniature military or his abilities with magic. It had to have been him that knocked us down.
"For future reference Lillianna," Bendrick said just as contradicting let as anything else, "don't light water heavy gases. You were suffocating yourself in fog. Ugly way to go." His gaze turned to Veric's unconscious body and he inquired about him.
"He's not going to hurt me. He works at the Tavern. I actually just met him today. He was walking me back because it's late."
"Yes. Well who is he?"
"Oh. That's Veric Aelsonian."
Bendrick let out a hearty laugh and turned to the nearest guard and whispered something, laughing all the while. With that, the guards dragged him back to the school.
"You and your nobility, Lillianna! Maybe I should take that as a sign." And with a smile, Bendrick walked towards me and I bowed. He put his index finger under my chin and pulled my face up. Then he kissed my forehead and left.
• • • • • • • • • • •
"Before you ask, Lilli," Ronin stated, "that is what happened. He embellished his concern, but it's all true."
"It was you, I bet. You always get so worried."
"You're my responsibility. Sabine told me first, but Jaxom heard it and suggested she take it to your dad. And once that Man knows, he'll tell everyone. Your dad would be mad we didn't take it to him. So he handled it Bendrick-Style."
Ronin wasn't leading us too fast. He was one of my favorite people and this was one of the few times we saw each other. He made sure not to waste the little time there was.
"Is it just me," I said, "or was Bendrick happy to get out?"
Ronin laughed. "Of course he is! He lives in his chamber, the Upstairs, or the Hall of the Elements. That's what happens when you're a paranoid, ancient Elf. There's a reason he's still alive."
Bendrick's age is a big mystery. We all know he's over three centuries old. That much he's told us himself, but by how much? A guar had a better guess.
"He's not ancient. Ancient is Eras old, not centuries. Big difference."
"Whatever you say, ma'am." We passed a teacher, so Ronin gave a good impression, waited until they passed, and started his jesting. "What would a seventeen year old know about being ancient? I'm ancient compared to you."
"No, not true! Ancient in relative terms to me is anyone married and planning to or already having babies." Ronin is an Imperial with a greyish background. It was neither prominent or unimportant. But a big point in his life, was he was a bachelor. His parents strongly hated it, but they only bothered him twice a year about it by message. And here I gave him a backhanded compliment; he's not old, but he's alone. Oops. At least he wasn't both.
"True enough. I'm going to laugh when your father finally sets you up."
"You're so rude, Ronin. He's yet to set anyone else up. He has no reason to set me up."
"No reason? You and I both know that's the only way he'll tie you to him. Bendrick will marry you off, set you into a job here, let you pop out some babies, and then work you hard until the end of your days. If you try really hard, maybe he'll let you teach something with more than five students."
"Says the young Man dedicating his life to guarding a bastard he hardly knows and his brood!" I didn't intend to be rude, but he was angering me.
It's true. I was stuck into a life in my father's field. But I did not know if that meant I'd be in Skyrim or shipped off. I did know I wouldn't be married off. I don't recommend going against Bendrick Aren, and he hardly would have the time to husband hunt. At least I could control something. I just don't like being reminded of my impending indentureship to Bendrick.
Ronin did not have anything to say, so he sped up and got me back quicker. The Hall was not crowded, but a few people moseyed throughout. Someone new sat at the monitor's desk, and nodded towards us.
We got upstairs and I tried to plead with Ronin. I wanted to check on Terrin, but he promised he was fine and that now I had to care for myself. He pushed me through my door, closed it, and stood outside it. It was just like Bendrick to have me actually babysat.
With very little to do, I forced myself to bed. I couldn't do anything but hope that Bendrick would be calm tomorrow and allow me to see Terrin. Maybe I could even go find Veric. Then I let Vaermina consume me as she liked.

The Lost Era
Hayran KurguIt's been an entire Era and countless hundreds of years since anyone last met the Dragonborn. Our main character delves into their story and her own life. Politics will appear in both her family and her studies. Accompany her through the Era that wa...