El Diablo

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Title: Bedtime Story
Part: 2 of 4B - "El Diablo"
Characters: El Diablo Con Las Cejas Mal, Princess Maria, King Antonio, Sir Alejandro, & Dragon!Aflred
Pairings: Implied El Diablo x Princess; Knight x Princess; etc.
Warnings: G-PG, OC Warning, ALTERNATE UNIVERSE, randomness, stupidity, unbetated mind-dribble!! YOUR BRAIN IS MELTING AS YOU READ THIS! D:
Summary: Before he became a fat glob of a dragon, Alfred was round, small, and easily bored. Before she was a heavily guarded princess, she was a little girl crying for her brother. And before he kidnapped his enemy's daughter, he had fallen in love with her. This is Maria's bedtime story in its entirety.


"If your father is more powerful, why couldn't he protect his own daughter?"

A slap rang across the room and his eyes widened as the sting of her hand against his cheek spread across his face. Maria froze. What had she done? She looked down at her hand fearfully. She had just slapped El Diablo.

He was going to kill her. She knew it.

.oOo.____.oOo. ____.oOo. ____.oOo. ____.oOo. ____.oOo. ____.oOo.
Bedtime Story
.2/3 - "El Diablo".
By DamageCtrl
*All Standard Disclaimers Apply: I do not own anything other than the plot. Even then, it's not that creative.
.oOo.____.oOo. ____.oOo. ____.oOo. ____.oOo. ____.oOo. ____.oOo.
She was unnaturally pale and for a moment, he was worried. Then again, why wouldn't she be pale? He had shown up, in her bedroom, without a sound and before she could even scream, he had grabbed her and vanished through the gateway that was her pearl pendent. Somewhere in between covering her mouth with his hand and falling into the darkness, the Princess had passed out.

Now, there he was, carefully carrying her unconscious body up to the tower. That's where Princesses lived, right? In really high, elaborately decorated tower bedrooms? Arthur leaned back against the unlocked door and pushed it own. Lanterns hanging along the walls and the black iron posts of the canopy bed illuminated the stone-walled room.

Admittedly, Arthur hadn't had much time to prepare for her. The shelves and desk were still covered with dust and books, papers, and long unused writing utensils. Old chests were pushed up against the walls and the tapestries in the room were faded scenes of young Alfred and Matthew as baby dragons.

Briefly, Arthur wondered why he had even chosen to immortalize the two golden dragons in tapestries...especially when in all of them, Matthew was tumbling, falling, or flat on his face. Ah...there were just so adorable then. Matthew more so than irritating Alfred.

The blond man shook his head and adjusted the light young woman carefully in his arms. He stepped around various piles of books before he got to the bed. He had thought ahead to cast a spell to at least put new pillows and sheets on the piece of furniture. They were red and had some white lace in places.

Maria liked the color and lace.

He stopped beside the bed and gingerly held her over the mattress. He placed her body over the red duvet and slipped his arms out from beneath her. He folded her arms over her stomach and bent down to softly brush aside the hair that had fallen over her face.

As his cold, pale fingertips grazed her warm skin, his froze. Green eyes crinkled up as he bit his lip. Maria's sleeping face was tilted up towards him, her brows still somewhat furrowed as her lips were tugged into a frown. His heart ached for just a moment.

He had kidnapped her. He had sunk so low as to kidnap her like he was some sort of lecherous beast unable to control himself. Disgust welled inside of him as he pulled his hand back and turned his head away. She was just an innocent young woman. She did nothing to deserve the horror of having to be abducted.

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