The End

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Title: Bedtime Story
Part: 4A of 4B - "The End"
Characters: El Diablo Con Las Cejas Mal, Princess Maria, King Antonio, Sir Alejandro, & Dragon!Aflred
Pairings: El Diablo x Princess
Warnings: PG; (Implied adult situations at the end); ANGST; OC Warning, ALTERNATE UNIVERSE, randomness, stupidity, unbetated mind-dribble!! YOUR BRAIN IS MELTING AS YOU READ THIS! D:
Summary: Before he became a fat glob of a dragon, Alfred was round, small, and easily bored. Before she was a heavily guarded princess, she was a little girl crying for her brother. And before he kidnapped his enemy's daughter, he had fallen in love with her. This is Maria's bedtime story in its entirety.


"Odd that you would be such a gentleman," the other man told him. "But, I suppose that isn't much a shock considering what I've heard amongst your...subjects." For a moment, Arthur's chest tightened. He tried to hide the look of concern on his face, but Francis caught it. He nodded his head knowingly. "Then, I heard correctly."

Arthur sucked in a heavy breath and shook his head. "You heard nothing," he snapped as he shot Francis a threatening glare.

The corner of Francis' lips curled up smugly. "Tell me, Arthur," he practically purred. "How long have you been in love with my Goddaughter?"

Bedtime Story
.4A/4 - "The End".
by DamageCtrl

*All Standard Disclaimers Apply: I own nothing, except the story plot and various OCs. Even then, they're not that creative.

He always knew that deep down, Antonio Carriedo was a blood thirsty mongrel. A dotting father and generous, but firm king he may have been to his family and allies, but to his enemies, El Rey was a merciless killer. He was cunning and new his enemies well. Had they been allies, they would've made an unstoppable team, but this time, as they had been many times prior, they were on opposite sides of the battlefield.

As the remains of the razed forest burned to the ground, Arthur could only stand on a hill overlooking the once green valley, helpless to stop it. He could see the armies, much more than Antonio had ever gathered to fight him in any prior battle, waiting for additional orders on the far edges of his territory.

Arthur could make out the banners of several different kingdoms, all allied with Spain. What did he have? An assortment of 'fantasy' creatures, as others would call them. Ogres and trolls, elves and pixies, dragons and unicorns...and he loved every single one of them. Too much to allow them to go into battle against such a formidable army for such a selfish reason.

That is what he had told them when he instructed the leaders of each particular group and Alfred to evacuate their homes for safer places. Still, many had insisted that they would defend their home and Arthur's. It was he who had spent a lifetime gathering them and shielding them from a world that didn't welcome them.

They were loyal and part of Arthur hated himself for that. Alfred didn't make matters any better by revealing to them that the reason Antonio was attacking was because Arthur and Maria were 'madly in love' and Antonio just couldn't accept it.

When the creatures had become such romantics, he didn't know, but they wished to defend 'Arthur's love'. All those who were willing and able marched out to fight the human armies. Arthur did all he could to hide those who were left behind. The only one he commanded to return back to the citadel to protect it and Maria was Alfred.

There were only two dragons left that he knew of and one had nearly died for him in the past. He would not let such a fate befall his other son.

"My Lord," a voice said behind him. Arthur remained where he stood and continued to look out towards the burning forest and the sky heavy with ash. "A messenger has been sent from King Antonio's side, requesting to meet you."

Green eyes narrowed a bit. "Who requested it?"

There was a hesitation in the fairy messenger's voice. "Master Bonnefoy."

Arthur took a deep breath. He turned around and nodded. "Where?"

"Here is fine," a voice said further away. Arthur's lips turned into a scowl. Francis seemed to melt from the shadows of the tree line as the green-eyed blond glared at him.

"A bit presumptuous of you to assume that I would agree to a meeting, don't you think?" Arthur asked with a tight lipped frown.

"I believe that this point, with your territory surrounded, you do not have a choice," Francis replied smoothly. He stood a few paces from Arthur. "I came without Antonio's knowledge."

Arthur snorted. "If you've come to ask for Maria on his behalf-"

"Non," Francis cut him off firmly. "I came to find out why."

Arthur narrowed his eyes. "Why?" he repeated with distaste. "Why do you think?"

"You're not a foolish man, Arthur," Francis stated. "At least not usually. No one knows you as I do. You know very well how much Antonio loves his children and to pluck away his youngest daughter from beneath his very nose is like signing your death certificate. You've never won a single battle against Antonio before, so why would you risk so much. Tell me, why did you kidnap Maria?"

Blue eyes were staring at him critically. "Like I was saying, why do you think? Maria is my enemy's daughter. She's my captive."

"There was no ransom," Francis pointed out.

"I haven't decided what I wanted yet," Arthur turned his head away.

"You made no move to inform anyone that you took her; I had to trace your magic signature in her room," Francis narrowed his eyes. "What were you doing in her room, Arthur?"

"Nothing uncouth, if that is what you are implying!" Arthur snapped. "Don't think I would every dare touch her in any indecent way!"

One of Francis' eye brows rose. "Odd that you would be such a gentleman," the other man told him. "But, I suppose that isn't such a shock considering what I've heard amongst your...subjects." For a moment, Arthur's chest tightened. He tried to hide the look of concern on his face, but Francis caught it. He nodded his head knowingly. "Then, I heard correctly."

Arthur sucked in a heavy breath and shook his head. "You heard nothing," he snapped as he shot Francis a threatening glare.

The corner of Francis' lips curled up smugly. "Tell me, Arthur," he practically purred. "How long have you been in love with my Goddaughter?"

A fire ball was thrown at his head and Francis merely stepped aside to avoid it, having grown used to Arthur's retaliations years ago. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Your face is red," Francis sang lightly. He shook his head and let out a heavy, disappointed sigh. "You are a foolish man to think that you could have Antonio's daughter. Of all the women in the world, you had to pick the one who was most unattainable to you."

"How was she unattainable!? She hadn't married her brother yet!" Arthur yelled.

Francis narrowed his eyes. "How did you know about that?"

"None of your business!"

"Were you spying on her?" Francis asked. Arthur refused to answer and instead threw another fireball at Francis' head. The blond ignored the flying inferno and looked at his would-be adversary with question. "You were...," Francis muttered with realization. His eyes widened. "Mon Dieu, Arthur! You were trying to spy on Antonio and instead fell in love with his daughter!? I cannot believe this! That's something out a fairy tale!"

"Shut up!" Arthur hissed. "So what if I love her!?"

"Well, it changes everything if she loves you!" Francis exclaimed. His brows furrowed. "Does she?" Arthur gritted his teeth. Francis studied his face. "Arthur...does she?" he persisted quietly.

The other blond lowered his eyes. He took a deep breath as his chest tightened. "She wants to go to her father," he admitted in a low voice. "She grabbed me and begged to speak to her father."

"Did she say why?"

A bitter scoff left Arthur's lips. "Why do you think?" he asked. "So she could go home. So she could escape or be saved."

Francis narrowed his eyes. "But she grabbed you...she touched you?" he asked curiously. "Without fear?"

For a moment, memories of his time with her flashed through Arthur's mind.

"I don't want this to end, yet."

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