The Epilogues

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Title: Bedtime Story
Part: 4B of 4B- "The Epilogues"
Characters: El Diablo Con Las Cejas Mal, Princess Maria, King Antonio, Sir Alejandro, & Dragon!Aflred
Pairings: El Diablo x Princess, Godfather x Jeanne
Warnings: PG; (Implied ADULT SITUATIONS at the end); ANGST; OC Warning, ALTERNATE UNIVERSE, randomness, stupidity, unbetated mind-dribble!! YOUR BRAIN IS MELTING AS YOU READ THIS! D:
Summary: Before he became a fat glob of a dragon, Alfred was round, small, and easily bored. Before she was a heavily guarded princess, she was a little girl crying for her brother. And before he kidnapped his enemy's daughter, he had fallen in love with her. This is Maria's bedtime story in its entirety.


"And what about this thing?" Antonio asked. He leaned down and poked the soft white object. Suddenly, it moved. He jerked his hand back as the squishy thing seemed to hop and turn to look at him with large green eyes and...really thick eyebrows? He turned his nose up in distaste. "Dios mio! What is that hideous thing!?"

"Fugly little creature, isn't it?" Gilbert added. The magical object seemed to glare at them.

.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo.Bedtime Story
.4B/4 - "The Epilogues".
by DamageCtrl

*All Standard Disclaimers Apply: I own nothing, except the story plot and various OCs. Even then, they're not that creative.

"Stand down!" Francis yelled as he reached the battle torn court yard. "Lay down your swords!"

"Master Bonnefoy, we have direct orders from Sir Alejandro to dispose of the dragon!" one of the captains said as he tried to stop Francis' horse from getting any closer to the wall of thorns that surrounded the wounded lizard.

Francis narrowed his eyes. "Then I will take responsibility!" he yelled. "Now stand down and let me through!"

"Master Bonnefoy," the captain continued to protest. The sound of metal being unsheathed sounded and a sharp point was pressed against his throat. Francis remained on his horse, his eyes glaring slits of blue as he gripped the sword expertly.

"Protest my orders once more, captain, and you will not be able to protest ever again," he threatened in a low voice. The head soldier winced as he felt the weapon press further against his neck. "Your orders may be from the heir to the throne, but I answer to no one and have the favor of the king! Now, stand down!" he barked.

The captain raised his hand. "Put down your swords!" he shouted, wary of the weapon still at his neck. "Fall back!"

Francis didn't take his eyes off the captain and did not lower his sword until the soldiers had stepped back. Cautiously, he dismounted and slid his sword back into the sheath. "I will take care of the dragon myself," he said in a low voice.

Confidently, he turned around and marched purposely towards the wall of thrones. Soldiers watched as the King's confidant and friend stood before it. Francis lifted his hand and pressed it against one hardened vine that was as thick as his forearm. His hand began to glow and slowly, the vines creaked and twisted as they pulled apart for him.

It was a narrow passageway, but it was enough for the magician to get through. Francis lowered his hand and walked through. As he emerged on the other side, his eyes saddened as he saw the fallen beast, still laying beside the boulder he had caught in order to spare Maria's tower.

Alfred's body rose and fell with heavy breaths as his head and neck lay on the ground. His jaws were parted, letting out his gasping pants for air as blood trickled around his mouth. As he heard footsteps approaching, he moved his head in the direction of the sound, scraping it against the ground.

He recognized the familiar blond walking towards him and smiled weakly. "Hey, Francis," he wheezed. "What are you doing here?"

"Alfred...," Francis said in a pained voice. His eyes crinkled up to keep from crying. "What have they done to you...?"

"Heh...," Alfred closed his eyes. "If this is about the weight I gained, someone had to eat all the food Maria was cooking. Can't let it go to waste, you know. Besides, Arthur was gone for a week...that's a lot of food."

Francis stood by Alfred's head and gently placed his hand on it. "I was talking about you laying on the ground, bleeding," he said. "But what is this about Maria and Arthur?"

"You should know by now," Alfred smiled, his eyes still closed. "Arthur's been spying on Maria for two years and when he found out that her dad was going to marry her to her brother, he kidnapped her. Maria was angry at first, but I think she warmed up to him."

Francis smiled sadly. "And she cooked for him?"

"She said it's better than eating his crappy food," Alfred joked weakly. "Arthur gave Matt's egg to Maria and she said she'd take care of him, so we don't have to worry about him. He's safe with Maria."

"Matthieu's egg?" Francis said softly. His eyes momentarily watered. "He trusted her with Matthieu's egg?"

"Well, he is in love with her," Alfred coughed. Francis stroked his head to try to sooth him. "It's really a shame, Francis...I think they made a good couple."

Francis lifted his head towards the tower. He had seen Antonio and Alejandro running into the citadel. They were probably on their way up the tower to find Maria. "I think it is a shame, too, Alfred," Francis admitted. He let out a heavy breath. "A little weird...but a shame, none-the-less."

"I'm kind of sad, though," Alfred admitted. His body felt incredibly heavy now and he had lost feeling in his tail. "I promised Matt I'd be there when he hatched."

Francis gently stroked the top of Alfred's head. His eyes narrowed determinedly. "You will, mon will."

Alfred could no longer hear him.

Moments later, Francis walked out of the wall of thrones with a solemn look on his face as the walls closed it behind him. He shot a firm look at the captain. "I will return soon. Do not let any of your men inside, do you understand?"

"Yes, Master Bonnefoy."

"You will taste my blade if I find out they have," Francis warned as he walked past and headed towards the citadel.

He entered through one of the doors and began to climb up the last remaining tower. He could hear them all the way from the bottom and with each scream of Maria's and with each clash of swords, he quickened his speed. He was practically running up the stairs, three steps at a time, by the time he reached the top. He flew through the door and came to a halt immediately.

Wide blue eyes shot out and grabbed the wooden door frame to steady himself as he saw Maria shove aside her brother. She swept past her bed, grabbed a large egg and clutched it against it as she fell to her knees beside a pale figure sprawled in a pool of blood.

"His wings?" Maria choked out as she reached out and touched the limp body. "Where are they going?" she cried as she put her hand on Arthur's shoulder. "Arthur?" she whimpered as she gave his body a shake. He didn't respond and her breathing grew shallower. "Arthur, wake up!"

Her dress began to soak up the blood as she sat beside his body. Behind her, Antonio was catching his breath and still holding the sword he had used to slay the demon lord. Beside him, Alejandro was looking down at his sister, his eyes saddened as a lost expression remained on his face.

Maria's sobs grew more frantic as she placed Matthew's egg beside her and began clawing at Arthur's clothes. Hysterically, she ripped his shirt open, not caring about how stained her hands were becoming with his blood as she tried to close the wounds with her hands. Her eyes were blurry and her head began to hurt.

Francis' eyes damped as they crinkled up at the heart wrenching scene. It was clear to him that Arthur wasn't the only one in love.

"Arthur, please! Don't leave us!" Maria begged. "Don't leave me!" Her body began to sway.

"Maria!" Alejandro dropped his sword and ran forward. His sister's eyes rolled back and a moment later, she fell backwards.

"Hija!" Antonio's sword hit the floor as he rushed forward. His son looked up at him as Maria laid unconscious in his arms. "It was too much for her," Antonio said as shaking hands cupped his daughter's face.

"Antonio...," Francis said in a low voice. He gritted his teeth. "Take Maria downstairs! Quickly!" he insisted. He stepped into the room and gathered the egg Maria had been holding. "Take her downstairs and bring her to the camp to rest! And get her out of those blood stained clothes!"

"Yes, yes, of course!" Antonio nodded. He took his daughter from his son's arms.

"Alejandro, go with your father. Take Maria's egg with you," he instructed. He narrowed his eyes as he handed the egg to the heir. "Make sure the egg stays with Maria. If anything happens to it, Maria will lose her mind, do you understand?"

"Yes," Alejandro cradled the egg carefully. He looked down at the blond demon's body. "What of El Diablo?" he asked warily.

"He is a magic being of sorts," Francis stated. "I will take care of him."

Alejandro gave him a thankful nod. "Thank you for all your help, Francis," he said. "If you didn't stop Papa...."

"Think nothing of it," Francis said. "She is my Goddaughter, after all."

Alejandro nodded once more and turned around to assist his father with Maria. Francis followed them to the door and watched until they were halfway down the tower before turning around. He stood over the bleeding body of the other magician.

"You, mon ami," he stated as he rolled up his sleeves. "Will owe me."

EpilogueGilbert shook his head as he sat down beside Antonio. The brown-haired king was resting on a veranda, over-looking the gardens sprawled out before him. Various fountains, ponds, and brilliantly colored bushes framed the well-kept garden, but what held his attention was the ball of dark red cloth seated quietly on the edge of the central fountain.

Black hair had been tied up neatly in a bun as the young woman curled her knees to her chest and stared out blankly at the fountain of a dragon.

A few feet behind her, waiting patiently to escort her back to the castle when she was ready to leave was her older brother.

"How is he doing?" Gilbert asked as a servant placed a cold drink in front of him.

"How would you feel if you had your heart broken by someone you've loved since you were a child?" Antonio asked. Gilbert paused over his drink and raised an eyebrow. "Oh...right. Sorry."

The white-haired man shook his head and took a sip of his drink. "To be honest, I never thought she'd say no," Gilbert admitted. "She used to practically worship the ground Alejandro walked on."

"It took him by surprise as well," Antonio agreed. In fact, it had taken them all by surprise.

It had been about a month after Maria had returned from El Diablo's fallen citadel. The young woman had been unnaturally quiet and unable to look them in the eye. Antonio had been furious, wondering what the bushy-browed devil had done to his precious little girl. When he asked about what had happened, Maria just started crying. That was enough to cease Antonio's questions.

She would only be consoled when she returned to her room and sat beside the head sized egg she had been clutching since the citadel. Matthew she called it.

It killed her brother to see her like that and took it upon himself to bring the old Maria back. For a while, his efforts seemed to be working. Another month passed and her demeanor vastly improved. One night, he took her out into the garden. He had managed to get her laugh and smile and then he held her hand.

"Mi Querida," he had said softly as he held out a ring. "Will you marry me?"

The relaxed moment they had been sharing slammed to a halt. Immediately, Maria's smile had left her face and her entire body tensed. Alejandro had tried to keep the hopeful smile on his face, though his heart already began to ache. That was not an expression of someone who was about to say yes.

"Nueva," she had begun in a shaking voice. She had bit her lower lip and drew her head back.

Panic had filled him. "It doesn't have to be now," he had assured her as he covered her hand with his. "I know you are still strained from what had happened, but we can take as long as you need." His eyes had searched hers. "I can see no other woman at my side, Maria."

The hard part was that she knew he meant it. Had it been just a few months earlier, before the citadel, before El Diablo - no, before Arthur, then there would be no question about it. She would've gladly been his queen.

But things had changed.

"I love you, Nueva," Maria had choked out. She had slowly pulled her hands from his and wished that the pained look in his eyes would disappear. "I will always love you," she had insisted. She had shaken her head. "But I can't marry you."

Alejandro's brows had furrowed. Worriedly, he had asked if it was because they were siblings. He reminded her that they were not related by blood and that their father had approved of the match. Maria had still shaken her head and refused. Tears began to rim her eyes. Alejandro had looked equally hurt.

"Will you at least give me a reason?" the knight and heir had asked her with a pleading voice.

Maria had swallowed the lump in her throat and closed her eyes tightly. She could see a familiar flash of green eyes and short, soft pale hair. She could see bushy brows and a tight lipped scowl that looked as if it were about to melt into a smile despite his best efforts. It was that face that she saw at night in her dreams and that she yearned for.

Alejandro's shoulders had slumped down. "You're in love with someone else...," he had deduced. He had lifted his hand to his chest and pressed it against it, as if to try to sooth the pain. He had looked at Maria desperately. "Who?"

She had shaken her head once more. "I cannot say."

His brows had furrowed further. Perhaps he didn't want to know. "Does he at least treat you well? Does he respect you? Love you back?"

'You were there,' she wanted to tell him. Instead, Maria had nodded. " all of those."

She had known that he wanted to protest, but thankfully, Alejandro had decided to remain silent. Years of training as a knight had honed his will and gave him a sense of tact and honor. Despite the rejection of his proposal, he had dutifully remained at her side when he could, far too concerned about her and her sudden depression to let one engagement rejection linger between them. She was still his sister and he still loved her.

"It has been three months since she has returned," Antonio sighed heavily. "And while she's talking more, I can't help but notice that there are times when she looks utterly heartbroken."

"Francis told me about what the demon lord told her before he died," Gilbert said. "Do you think he meant it?"

"Of course not!" Antonio scoffed. "I doubt that creature even has the ability to love!"

"It seems to have affected your daughter," Gilbert pointed out. "Women are weird like that." Antonio shot him an irritated glare.

"Bonjour, mes amis!" a cheerful voice said behind them. The two men looked over their shoulder and saw two people reaching them, escorted by servants. Automatically, they rose from their seats as Francis' female companion smiled at them.

"Francis, Jeanne," Antonio greeted as he kissed the woman on both cheeks chastely. "You two are almost late for dinner."

"We can never be late for your dinners, Antonio, you eat far too late," Jeanne smiled.

Gilbert glanced down at the basket in her hands. "What's that?"

"Presents for our little Maria," Jeanne smiled, pleased that they had noticed.

Gilbert raised an eyebrow and looked at the head sized object resting in the wicker basket along with a small white, squishy looking ball. "Eggs?"

"Non," Francis chuckled. "This bigger one is another dragon egg. It will be a good companion for Maria and her Matthieu, yes?"

"And what about this thing?" Antonio asked. He leaned down and poked the soft white object. Suddenly, it moved. He jerked his hand back as the squishy thing seemed to hop and turn to look at him with large green eyes and...really thick eyebrows? He turned his nose up in distaste. "Dios mio! What is that hideous thing!?"

"Fugly little creature, isn't it?" Gilbert added. The magical object seemed to glare at them.

"It is a mochi," Jeanne chuckled. "It will take some time for the eggs to hatch, so Francis has been working on a mochi for her."

"I will go and present them to my Goddaughter," Francis said gallantly as he gathered the basket from Jeanne's hand. "We'll meet you in the dining room!" he called out as he headed towards the garden.

They watched from the veranda as Francis reached Maria and called out for her. She rose from her seat to greet her Godfather as he dismissed Alejandro and held up the basket. Happily, Francis placed the basket on the edge of the fountain and pointed out the dragon egg.

Maria's hands shot up to her mouth, covering her gaping expression as her eyes began to water. She stepped forward to hug Francis when he stopped her and held up the mochi. Maria's eyes went wide as the little creature looked up at her.

"I haven't named him, yet," Francis told her as he held the hand sized white blob in his hands. Maria stared down at the seemingly blushing creature.

"So I can name him?" Maria asked as she looked at it wondrously. It blinked at her with large green eyes that were so familiar a shade and thick brows. She held her hands up to accept him. Francis placed the mochi in her palms and Maria brought it closer to her face to examine it. It seemed to look away, trying to seem indifferent, but failing. He looked so familiar in that sense. Maria smiled. "Arthur," she stated quietly.

Francis tried not to smile too much. "Pardon?"

She lifted her eyes and beamed the biggest smile he had see on her since she returned. "I'm going to name him Arthur."

Francis nodded and began to tell her how to care for the creature. He told her what it liked to eat, when it slept, and that it was okay to bathe because it floated. The white blob had turned red at the thought and Maria merely cooed that he was cute and kissed him on the side.

"Do not forget," the blond man told her as he held on to her dragon egg and led her back to the palace. "He needs moonlight, so place him by your window tonight and during full moons."

"Alright, Francis," Maria had said as she placed Arthur the mochi on her shoulder.

Dinner had gone well, despite Antonio remarking about being 'creeped out' by the mochi on his daughter's shoulder. It only scowled at him more. After dinner, Maria excused herself to rest for the day, bringing her dragon egg and Arthur with her.

She placed the egg beside Matthew's, telling it that they would be brothers when they hatched. Then, she went to take her bath. Arthur had lasted a few seconds floating around her knees when he began to bleed form his nose. Frantically, Maria had to scoop him up and wrap him in a towel before finishing and returning to where she had put him on her bed.

After she changed into her night clothes, she carefully picked Arthur up and placed him by the window, where the moonlight was cast across the floor.

"There you go," she smiled softly as she stroked the top of his head lovingly. "Francis said that the moonlight is good for you." She stood up and turned around to prepare a spot for him to sleep beside her. "I have an old blanket you can sleep in. Do you want to sleep by my head or my feet?"

"Anywhere is fine, really," a voice answered.

"Alright, by my head...," Maria dropped the blanket she had been holding and whirled around. She hadn't really expected the creature to talk. She didn't even think it could.

She stumbled back, falling on to her bed as the white mochi glowed brighter and brighter. Small stars seemed to swirl around him, growing taller, larger, and losing its round shape. Maria squinted her eyes and tried to focus on her 'pet' when the glowing finally dimmed.

The mochi had disappeared and standing it his place was a lean, pale skinned man with green eyes and straw colored hair. His cheeks were flushed red as he tried to cover himself him one of his hands. She recognized his tell tale brows easily and felt her heart clench. He looked exactly as he did when she had last seen him; vulnerable, wing-less, and looking at her with those same adoring eyes.

She held her breath. She didn't dare believe her own.

"Maria," he began nervously as she rose from her bed and began to approach him. "Don't scream. I can explain. " Her eyes narrowed as she looked at his chest and stomach. The wounds were gone. The gaping wounds she had caused were gone. "This is Francis' fault-"

He sucked in a breath as her warm, trembling hand rested on his chest. She could feel his heart beating steadily beneath her hand. Alive. Her eyes began to water. "Arthur?" she asked quietly. Her eyes rose and met his. His eyes softened and he gave her a small nod.

His hands wrapped around hers as he met her gaze. "I've missed you," he smiled sadly as he looked down at her. "Maria."

Extended Epilogue"Happy birthday, Papa," Maria smiled softly and leaned upwards to kiss her father on the cheek. The tan-skinned ruler beamed at the affection.

"Thank you, hija," he said as he tilted his head and kissed her atop hers. "And thank you for planning such a glorious party for me."

Maria chuckled and petted the mochi perpetually perked on her shoulder. The magical blob of white didn't look at all pleased to be at the ruler's celebration, but has no choice since his mistress had been planning it. Behind them, the servants were cleaning up after a long day of celebration. It had been a two day long event, starting the day before, on the eve of Antonio's birthday.

It had lasted through the night and Antonio had been having the time of his life. All his children had returned for the celebration, there had been plenty of good food and drink, as well as the presence of his allies and friends.

"Maria, mon chere," Francis asked from his seat beside Antonio. It was just now him, Gilbert and Antonio on the balcony just outside the ball room, finishing the last of the alcohol. "I think you have been up long enough."

"Yeah, kid," Gilbert agreed as he leaned back against his seat and lifted his glass of wine towards her. "You were up this entire time overseeing the party, and not that I don't appreciate it, but I think you should go get some rest."

She felt a nudge against her cheek and turned her head. "Aww...I suppose I should," Maria agreed reluctantly as she kissed the top of her mochi's head. "Arthur's tired, too. He's been up all day and I still need to go and check on my eggs."

Antonio let out a heavy sigh as he moved his goblet away from his lips. "When are those things going to hatch, hija?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow. He turned his attention to Francis. "What is the point of giving her dragons if they are still in their eggs, Francis?"

The blond man merely smiled and raised his arms in a gesture of innocence. "Give them time," he urged. "Besides, this other pet of hers," he said as he poked at the little white ball on his Goddaughter's shoulder. The mochi narrowed his big green eyes and furrowed his thick brows before trying to bite Francis' hand. The blond merely grinned. "Should be enough to keep her company for now."

"I thought these things are supposed to talk," Gilbert frowned as he looked at the mochi critically. "That thing never says anything."

Maria smiled weakly. "He's just shy," she said. She tilted her head to the side and rested it against Arthur's little soft body. "Aren't you? Yes, you are...." she cooed lovingly.

Gilbert let out a snort as he watched the 'pet' turn red. "I think it's creepy looking."

Immediately, the mochi shot him a glare. Francis and Antonio laughed in their seats. Maria rolled her eyes. "Don't listen to him, mon chere," Francis said as he smiled at her intently. "You must be so tired now. Perhaps it is time you retire after such a long period awake?" he suggested coolly. "The moon is going to rise soon, you know."

Maria could see the glint of amusement in his eyes and smiled thankfully at him. She leaned over and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "Thank you, Francis," she whispered. He smiled and patted her back.

"Anything for my Goddaughter," he assured her. He kissed her cheek and allowed her to part from him.

"Goodnight, Papa, Gilbert," Maria said as she turned around and headed back into the castle.

Antonio watched his daughter leave. She seemed to almost skip across the now vacant ballroom, only stopping once to bid her brother a goodnight as they passed.

"She's been happy lately," Gilbert commented as he chugged down his drink. "Poor kid. She was miserable those few weeks after she came home."

Antonio nodded in earnest. "I had tried everything, but it seems that a pet did just the trick," he said. He reached over and patted Francis thankfully on the shoulder. "I'm sure she will be even better when her dragon eggs hatch and she has more pets."

Gilbert snorted once more. "That's good. Dragons live longer than those mochi things, don't they Francis?"

"Hmm? Ah, yes," Francis nodded. "The mochi for so long."

"That's right, you had one for a while, didn't you?" Antonio recalled thoughtfully. "What was its name again?"

Francis opened his mouth to answer when Alejandro reached them. He bowed his head respectfully before stepping out into the shaded veranda where they sat. "Please excuse me," he said. "Francis, Madam Jeanne is in the hall looking for you."

"Ah," Francis immediately began to push his chair back. "My friends, please excuse me. My lady awaits me."

Gilbert snickered and Antonio nodded his head to dismiss him. "Alejandro," Francis said as he followed the young man back into the castle. "Have you taken into consideration any of the girls Jeanne and I have introduced to you?"

The brown-eyed young man smiled sadly. His heart still belonged to another. "Not yet, Francis. Not yet."

Antonio watched from his seat as the two disappeared into the castle. Gilbert poured himself another glass of wine.

"He's taking it better than I thought," Gilbert mused. "When Maria rejected his marriage offer, I thought that was it for him." Antonio rolled his eyes.

"My son isn't so easily broken," Antonio said. "He will find another, though I doubt any other match would be better than Maria."

Gilbert waved a hand dismissively. "He'll probably end up finding someone like Francis did. I mean look what happened after..." he paused and frowned. "Huh..."

"What?" Antonio looked at the white-haired man curiously

"Well...I remember Francis used to talk about someone while he was away, studying. Her name was Jeanne...then Jeanne was in some accident, remember?" Antonio narrowed his eyes and nodded.

"He was miserable for a while...I remember he started showing up with that mochi he named after her," Antonio chuckled. "That must be how he knew it would help Maria."

"Yeah...I wonder when it died," Gilbert shrugged. "I thought magical creatures lived some obscene amount of time."

"That's true, I don't remember him mentioning it dying," Antonio thought out loud.

"Probably because Jeanne," Gilbert waved his hand towards the castle, as if indicating to the woman somewhere inside. "This current Jeanne, that is, is here again."

Antonio nodded and froze. Francis' mochi had looked oddly like the woman who everyone practically considered his wife. "Gilbert," the brown-haired man frowned. "Do you think that heavily injured humans can be changed with magic to heal?" he asked in a strained voice as his breath grew shallower. "Like the dragons Maria has?"

The red-eyed man raised an eyebrow. "I guess so...nothing is really out of reach for those magical types."

The golden goblet his friend had been drinking from was suddenly dropped and rolled to a stop on its side on the table surface. Gilbert furrowed his brows and looked up as Antonio rose from his seat and began walking swiftly to the castle.

"Antonio?" the white-haired man called out, confused. "Did we run out of wine!?"

The brunette didn't listen to him. Antonio, King of Spain, only quickened his speed as he rushed forward. His mind went into a paranoid over drive.

He thought that creepy little mochi Maria adored looked familiar. Even worse that she had named it after his archenemy. Arthur...who named their pet Arthur? It was such a stupid name. Antonio swept through the halls, ignoring the servants that were lighting the lanterns that lined them. The closer he got to Maria's room, the darker it was becoming outside.

Silently, Antonio swore that he would kill Francis if his daughter's beloved mochi was some sort of magical creature based on El Diablo. Frankly, he wouldn't put it past the blond. Francis had some frustrating ideals on love and romance. And while Antonio had always approved of Francis spoiling Maria like his own daughter, this would be too much.

"Maria!" the king bellowed as he strode down the hall. He could see his daughter's heavy wooden door. "Maria Isabella!"

He reached the barrier and lifted his hand. He firmly knocked three times on the door before tugging on the handle.

He heard it unlocking on the other side. "Papa?" Maria sounded confused as she pulled the door open and looked out at him. She had a robe wrapped around her body and her hair was disheveled. She looked as if she had just gotten out of bed. "What's wrong?"

"Your mochi!" Antonio squeezed himself into his daughter's room and began looking for the soft, white blob. "Where is it!?" he demanded, his eyes adjusting to the moonlight lit room.

Maria's brows furrowed, looking at him as if he had lost his mind. "What? Papa, what are you talking about?"

Antonio was on his hands and knees, lifting up her bed's skirt to peer underneath. "Where is that thing!?"

"Why?" Maria scowled, clearly irritated that he had bothered her. "Papa, what are you doing?" Antonio pulled open the double doors of her wardrobe and glared at the wall of dresses. Grumbling, he slammed the doors shut.

"Francis enchanted it!" he said as he walked to the bathroom.

"Of course it's enchanted, Papa. Francis told me they were magical," Maria pointed out as she followed him. Her father looked into her bathtub before turning around and wandering back out into her room. "Papa, what are you looking for?"

"Maria," Antonio turned around and placed his hands firmly on her shoulders. "Has anything...odd happened with that creature?"

Maria crinkled her eyes. "What do you mean by odd?"

"Has know...," Antonio trailed off, suddenly feeling stupid. Now that he thought about it.... "Done...anything...odd?"

His daughter looked at him worriedly. "Are you feeling alright, Papa?" She raised her hand and placed it on his forehead. "Do you need to sleep? You have been up just as long as I have."

Antonio brushed her hand away. His cheeks tinted pink. Now that he thought about it, his theory was relatively unfounded. It had just been a sudden surge of parental anxiety...and alcohol. Lots of it. "I'm...I'm fine...."

Maria looked at him curiously. She stepped back and then around him, walking to her bed. She pointed to a blanket over a lump by her pillow. "Arthur is sleeping, Papa," she told him. "He's been awake this entire time, too. He was very tired...."

Antonio looked down at the lump stupidly. "I think you're right, hija," he said as he ran a hand through his hair. "Perhaps I do need some sleep." Maria nodded her head in agreement and gently led her father back outside of her doors.

"Sleep all you want, Papa," Maria said. "I will come and wake you in the morning if you wish to have breakfast. And no more drinking," she added.

The king nodded his head and tiredly walked out the door. "Lo siento, hija...I'm...I'm going to bed."

Maria smiled softly and watched from her doorway as her father turned around and slowly made his way back down the hall. She made sure he had completely disappeared from her view before closing the door firmly. She quickly ran her hands down the series of locks before whirling around and rushing back to the wardrobe.

Her hands grasped the handles and pulled it open. "He's gone!"

Pale arms shot out from between the tightly packed clothes, desperately trying to find a way out.

"It's about time!" a breathless blond gasped as Maria helped pull him out from behind her clothes. "I thought I was going to suffocate in there!"

"I'm sorry," Maria apologized as she helped the green-eyed man steady himself in front of her. She raised one hand and gently cupped the side of his face and caressed it reassuringly. "It was the only place I could think of where he wouldn't find you."

"Do you know how bloody hot it gets in there?" Arthur asked as wiped the sweat off his brow. "I thought I was going to die if he stayed a second longer!"

"I'm sorry," Maria repeated as she leaned upwards and kissed the side of his face. Arthur's arm automatically wrapped around her slim waist. "Just be happy that he didn't find out...," she mumbled as her lips slowly traced his jaw line.

"Yes, well...," Arthur shifted as he shuddered against her. Her lips were very skillful, he had learned. "It was a very close call."

"Mmm-hmmm," Maria purred as her tongue slid against the contours of his smooth, pale neck. She pressed her body against him as she moved her hand down his bare stomach. "Are you done complaining?"

He sucked in a sharp breath as her fingers wrapped around him. "I'm...I'm not complaining...," he stuttered. "I'm just-" He felt her lips against his, effectively cutting him off as her tongue ran against his. He let out a pathetic whimper.

Maria sucked on his lower lip a bit longer before pulling away from him. She looked up at his flushed face. "The full moon only comes once a month," Maria reminded him as she took his arms and wrapped them around her body. "So until you regain your permanent form, I only have you like this once a month or so," she added. "You can only hold me in your arms once a month. You can only touch me like this once as month..." She heard him release a heavy breath.

Her robe pooled at her feet and Arthur pulled her bare body against his. "My apologies, darling," he told her adoringly as he pressed his lips against the top of her head. His hands slid against the sides of her body. "I didn't mean to waste our time together like this." He kissed her softly on the lips and met her warm brown eyes. "Come...Let's return to bed."

Outside Maria's door, Francis carefully placed a magical silence barrier around the room. "There...all done," he smiled at the woman who was waiting for him. "Thank you for reminding me, mon cœur."

"You would forget your head if it wasn't attached," the woman smiled as his arms wrapped around her shoulders. They continued down the hall, towards their own guest room. "Francis...when will he be back to normal?"

"Two years or so," Francis replied. "His wounds were much worse than yours." Jeanne nodded her head thoughtfully before slipping into a grin.

"Antonio will kill you when he finds out what you've done," she warned him lightly. Francis chuckled.

"It is all in the name of love, mon cœur," he told her. "Besides, what Antonio does to me is nothing compared to what he will do to Arthur," he pointed out. A slightly sadistic smirk graced his lips. "That is what the fool gets for nearly killing you."

Jeanne rolled her eyes. "Well, you still made Maria very happy," she decided instead. "Though I doubt when Antonio finds out, it will be happily ever after for them."

Francis smiled broadly. "Mon amour, our little Maria deserves something more than a boring fairy-tale ending," he stated confidently. "Life," he assured her. "Is far too short for simply a happily ever after."


Manila, Philippines...

"Wow...," large, sparkling brown eyes stared up at Francis in awe. A little girl clapped her hands together as she blushed. "I like that story much better!"

"But of course, Petite," Francis told her, as if it were obvious. "No one tells tales of love better than, I, no?"

Another voice snorted. "It's stupid," a boy grumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest. "She clearly had some sort of mental issue if she fell in love with the one who kidnapped her."

"It's just a story, Minda," the oldest of the triplets sighed. Francis still couldn't tell them apart if it weren't for their different clothes and the constant scowl on the face of Maria's most southern son. "It's just make believe."

"Obviously," Mindanao snapped. "Nothing like that would ever happen in real life! That stuff only happens in movies and television."

"Eeh?" a disappointed voice piped up beside him. A small hand tugged on the sleeve of his shirt and he turned his head. Wide brown eyes looked up at him beseechingly. "Then...then you don't believe in love, Minda?" Timor Leste asked despondently.

The black-haired boy's eyes darted to her hand still resting on his shirt and tried to stop the flow of blood that was heating up his face. "I....I didn't mean...."

"Everyone," a voice said from the doorway. Maria peeked her head into the room. "Time for bed! Leste, Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao," she called as she waved her hand. "Come on, time to get ready for bed. Leave Lolo Francis alone so he can rest."

"It's fine, Maria," Francis beamed as he patted Visayas on the head as he crawled over the adult country to climb over the edge of the bed. "I enjoy telling stories."

Arthur snorted from where he sat on a chair across the room as the children walked out through the door. "I suppose it was a decent story...," he admitted.

Sitting on the window sill, with his green eyes narrowed, Antonio scowled. "I hate it."

"Papa," Maria frowned as she ushered the children out of the room. "You're the one who told Francis to tell them a story."

"Jealous, mon ami?" Francis grinned from where he was sitting on the bed. "It is very clear that the children like my story better."

"Go eat a frog, frog," Arthur grumbled as he rose from his seat and headed towards the door. "I'll always be a better story-teller...," he muttered under his breath.

Maria chuckled and patted him on the shoulder as he passed her. They walked down the hall together. "Did you really dislike his story, Arthur?" Maria chuckled when they were far enough away from Francis' room.

The blond-haired man felt his cheeks warming up. "No," he admitted. "The ending...while inappropriate as it may be, was...acceptable."

Maria chuckled and nodded. "I liked it," she said as they reached the top of the stairs. Maria prepared to wander down. "Especially the ending," she placed a hand on the wooden railing. "You know why?"

Arthur had a confused look on his face. "Because it had to do with revenge?" he asked.

Maria chuckled once more and shook her head. "No," she corrected him as her soft pink lips turned into a smile. Her eyes met his thoughtfully. "Don't tell Papa," she blushed. "But while I always liked the knight and the idea of her noble sacrifice, I've actually always wanted the princess to end up with El Diablo."


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