The Montage & Stockholm Syndrome

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Title: Bedtime Story - 3
Part: 3 of 4B - "The Montage & Stockholm Syndrome"
Characters: El Diablo Con Las Cejas Mal, Princess Maria, King Antonio, Sir Alejandro, Fairy Godfather Francis, & Dragon!Aflred
Pairings: El Diablo x Princess
Warnings: G/PG, OC Warning, ALTERNATE UNIVERSE WITH FANTASY AND DRAGONS AND UNICORNS, randomness, stupidity, unbetated mind-dribble!!
Summary: Before he became a fat glob of a dragon, Alfred was round, small, and easily bored. Before she was a heavily guarded princess, she was a little girl crying for her brother. And before he kidnapped his enemy's daughter, he had fallen in love with her. This is Maria's bedtime story in its entirety.


"Where do you think you're sitting?" she snapped as she looked up behind her. "Don't you think you're getting too close?" she asked shrilly.

Arthur didn't listen to her and took his seat right behind her. "This is the best place to sit," he stated. "And he's my dragon!" he reminded her. "I can sit wherever I want!"

Maria snorted and shifted forward to put as much distance between them as possible. "Just don't touch me."

"Oh, don't be such a child-"

"Okay, here we go!" Alfred yelled before the yelling match could actually begin.

Bedtime Story
Part 3 of 4
by DamageCtrl
*All Standard Disclaimers Apply: I own nothing, except the story plot and various OCs. Even then, they're not that creative.
.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo."What is this?" Maria asked as she looked at the bowl Alfred had placed in front of her. The dragon drew back his head and smiled stupidly.

"Food!" he told her cheerfully. "And it's not poisoned, trust me."

"At least it's not intended to kill me on purpose," Maria muttered. She took the spoon and tapped the darkened food. It made a clacking sound and she wrinkled her nose. "Did you scorch it with your breath?"

"Nope," Alfred smiled.

Maria looked up at him suspiciously. She was sitting on an old chair by the desk. Stacks of books had been piled to the side to give her room to eat. It was her third day in the tower and while she hadn't seen her notorious captor once, his dragon had been an constant visitor.

It was Alfred who left her food, even when she refused to speak to him that first night. He had come by twice more before she fell asleep; once with a half eaten baguette and the next with a bucket of water he had seemed to have drawn himself from how his nose was still wet. He chattered away each time and only left when he claimed to have heard 'Arthur' calling him.

As annoying as it would've been otherwise, the captive found herself looking forward to when he would return, if only for the company and the noise in the otherwise dead silent tower. It gave her something to focus on other than being trapped.

When Maria awoke the second day, she could no longer take the hunger and gave in. She ate the bread and drank some water, but was too suspicious of the burnt food to try it. When Alfred arrived to check on her, her fears regarding the food being poisoned became unfounded when he finished the remains of the dish right in front of her.

"Does your cook always burn it?" Maria asked as she looked down at the latest monstrosity. Alfred's persistence in speaking to her had finally caused her to give in. By that morning, Maria had resolved to start speaking to Alfred and their friendship budded quickly, just as it had that day in the forest.

He was a fully grown dragon with fully grown teeth, but he seemed like the same Alfred she had met in the forest years ago. He liked to get his chin scratched and told her that he wanted to get a belly rub, too. He claimed Arthur wasn't good at it.

The image of the dark magician rubbing the bubbly golden dragon's stomach made Maria snort. It seemed so absurd, but as Alfred spoke of his life with Arthur , it became clear that he cared for Arthur as a loyal friend more so than a servant. She never thought such a thing was possible with El Diablo.

"We don't have a cook," Alfred replied. "I usually forage around the area for food."

"I see...," Maria nodded. "And El Diablo doesn't need food to survive," she membled. She recalled being told that the demon ate the souls of the innocent instead.

"What? No, that's silly," Alfred chuckled. "He's just that...well...." Blue eyes wandered down to the late. "When you cook like that...."

Maria's eyes widened. They darted back to the tray in front of her. "What do you mean like this?" she asked with a frown. "El Diablo made this?" she demanded.

"Not so much made as burned," Alfred clarified. "He's a really bad cook, but he tries. He spent all of that first afternoon in the kitchen from the looks of it. He had all these burnt dishes on the counter," Alfred recalled humorously. "The kitchen smelled terrible!"

Maria remained seated in her chair, staring up at him curiously. "Why...why was he cooking so much?" she asked quietly. Somewhere deep down, she thought she knew the reason.

"He doesn't want to be embarrassed when you eat and taste his bad cooking," Alfred snickered. Maria moved her head back. That was a surprise. "Anyway, has he come to see you since then?"

Maria shook her head. "No," she admitted. "I haven't see him since...." She trailed off, not wanting to reveal that she had actually attempted to escape, failed miserably, and injured Alfred's boss. "Since the first day," she concluded instead.

Alfred craned his head. "And the enchanted bathroom is okay?"

"Yes," Maria nodded. "I didn't know it was enchanted until the water turned clean after I bathed in it. It's really quite remarkable."

"I know," Alfred grinned. "He developed that spell for us," he told her proudly. "Matt and I used to get so dirty. He got tired of washing us and pulling up water from the well, so he just made this big tub with self-cleaning water."

"You keep talking about Matt," Maria said as she tilted her head. "Your brother, right?" Alfred nodded. "Where is he?"

"Ah...," Alfred drew his head down and diverted his eyes. "Um...he was injured a while back, trying to save Arthur."

Maria's eyes immediately saddened. Alfred had spoken of his brother so lively, that she had assumed Matt was fine. "Oh...," she whispered. "Alfred...I'm sorry."

"No, no, it's not your fault," Alfred assured her as he offered a weak smile. "He's not dead or anything. He was heavily wounded, so Arthur reverted him to an egg," Alfred explained. "In a few years he'll be ready to hatch and will be all better."

"Really?" Maria asked hopefully, feeling her heart lighten at the thought. Alfred nodded.

"Yeah, Arthur's really protective of Matt's egg, so he keeps it safe. We go check on him every night," Alfred told her. He leaned forward and whispered. "I can't tell you, because it's a secret." Maria giggled and nodded.

"I understand," she said. "How did he get hurt saving Arthur?"

"Oh," Alfred brushed off the thought. "You know...he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Was he caught up in a battle?" Maria asked. Alfred looked away, somewhat nervous.

"It was my fault really, I shouldn't have let him go alone," he insisted. "I'm the older one and he doesn't have as much experience in naval battles."

Maria froze. Her eyes narrowed. "Naval battle?" she repeated. Alfred tensed as he realized his mistake. "Who were you fighting?"

"No one," Alfred said as he began to draw his head back out the window. "Actually, Maria, I hear Arthur calling-"

She already knew the answer. Her eyes crinkled up. "You were fighting my father," she deduced easily. Alfred froze with his head halfway out the window. He lowered his eyes.

"Things like that happen in war...," he told her softly. "It could've been anyone."

"But it wasn't," Maria insisted. Her eyes dampened with guilt. "You were fighting my father." She lifted her hand to her mouth and closed her eyes. "And he hurt your brother...Alfred...," she whispered as she opened her teary eyes and looked at him. "I'm sorry...."

"You don't have anything to apologize for," Alfred told her as he frowned. "You weren't there. You didn't do anything wrong."

"But he's my father-"

"And Matt's my brother," Alfred reminded her. "We did some bad things, too, Maria," he admitted. "Things we're not proud of. You're the only one of us who isn't guilty of such things."

She lowered her eyes, unable to meet Alfred's. She knew that she had no direct affect on what happened to his brother or in war, but it was her father and his sins were hers. She shook her head. Of course her father had fought...he was a conquistador.

Alfred slipped his head out of the tower. "I have to go make my rounds," he said quietly. "I'll be back to bring you some more bread later."

Maria didn't answer. She remained seated on the chair, not even hearing him flap his wings and take off. Her mind was elsewhere.

There were times that she forgot just how sheltered she was under the protective gaze of her father. Antonio Carriedo scoured the globe to bring glory and riches back to his kingdom, but doing so came with a hefty price.

She had heard him talking to her Godfather years ago about the price of men after a particularly long campaign. Things were said about how many men had been lost, but she never paid any attention. She had never seen those men. Never knew anything about them. How ironic that the first one she sympathized for was her father's enemy's dragon.

"Are you really that surprised?" a voice said behind her. She hadn't heard the door open, but immediately, she was on her feet. She stood up and narrowed her eyes at the darkly dressed figure leaning against the door frame. A faint bruise was still around one of his eyes. "You should know what your father does."

"What you both do," Maria countered. "Do not think that I would forget that you have taken the lives of my father's men."

"There are many things I can say to that, but I will choose not to," Arthur said in a low voice. "You can glare at me all you want, but nothing will change."

"Why are you here?" she asked angrily.

"Alfred asked for new clothes for you," Arthur rolled his eyes. "You really should thank that stupid lizard."

"He's not stupid!" Maria snapped defensively. "He's sweet and far too good to be serving you!"

"You cannot judge the situation so easily!" Arthur hissed back. He lifted his pale hand from beneath his robes and tossed out a velvet bag no bigger than his head. "It's a magical pouch," he explained as he turned his eyes away. "Several pairs of clothes are in there. I had some pixies make it for you, so they'll fit the moment you put them on."

Maria hesitated and looked at the bag that had landed on her bed. "I don't need clothes."

"You need at least one other pair, unless you wish to wash your dress without wearing another," Arthur pointed out. Maria felt her face flush at the thought. Arthur shook his head. "Don't be stubborn. You will be here for quite some time, so you'll need it."

"Even if my father never finds me, which I doubt, this prison will never be my home," Maria told him proudly. "You can't win me over with a few rags."

Arthur scowled and lifted his hand to the bridge of his nose. "If I wanted to win you over, my dear, a few rags would only be the beginning," he said as he finally lifted his head and met her gaze with intense green eyes, as if he had just stated a challenge. "Alfred said you wouldn't eat my cooking, so from now on, you'll cook your own meals. I will be back in an hour to take you around the citadel and show you the kitchen."

"You expect me to cook?" Maria snorted. "I suppose that's better than eating your mistakes of nature," she sneered. Arthur shot her a glare. She lifted her arms up to show her shackles and remind him that she was still wearing them. "But how do you suppose I cook with these?"

"I've come up with something better," Arthur said. He lifted up his other hand and revealed a silver ring. Maria took a step back and frowned.

"What is that?"

"Your new shackle," he told her, seemingly proud of himself. He entered the room and Maria tensed more so. She hadn't been too frightened when he kept his distance, but the closer he got to her, the more her heart began to race. She tried to quell the fear; assuring herself that he wasn't going to kill her since he did save her, but then she remembered that she had injured him in the process. He finally stopped less than an arms length from her and Maria's heart was slamming against her chest. "Lift up your neck."

She froze. She wasn't sure if it was because she was being defiant or if the sight of him so close to her terrified her so much.

Arthur's brows furrowed before he rolled his eyes. "Fine," he stated blandly. He reached forward with one hand. Instinctively, Maria closed her eyes and turned her head away. The blonde's hand froze over her shoulder. He frowned. "I'm not going to hit you."

"Then what exactly do you plan on doing?" she asked, her voice shaking despite her will.

Gentle fingers grazed the side of her sensitive neck as he brushed her messy hair out of the way. "Just stay still while I put this on you," he instructed. Maria felt something cold touch her skin and then, slowly, the weight of the metal circled her neck. "There," his hands pulled from beneath her hair. "It's an omega necklace of sorts. It's all the rage in the northern regions."

Maria opened her eyes as she heard him moving away. Arthur was on the other side of the room, looking through some shelves and drawers for something. Maria lifted her hands to the base of her neck. She could feel the metal resting over her clavicles and traced it with her finger tips. The break that she had earlier seen at one end had been somehow forged together, making it a complete ring around her neck.

"What is this for?" she asked suspiciously.

"It's to replace your shackles," he said distractedly. "Ah-hah! Here it is." He reached over a pile of books and took out an elaborate looking hand held mirror. He lifted it to his lips and blew a breath over it, clearing off the dust before wiping it against his clothes to clean it further. "It's rather simple, but I think anything too elaborate would've canceled out the simplicity of the necklace itself," he explained.

He lifted up the mirror and Maria's eyes widened. The glistening silver ring complimented her skin tone nicely and wasn't too heavy. "This is...a shackle?"

"Shackle, tracking collar," Arthur shrugged. "It's impossible to take off without my magic signature, so don't try to remove it." He placed the mirror in her hands and stepped away from her as she admired the necklace. He snapped his fingers and the weight of the metal on her wrists vanished.

She looked down at her arms, surprised. "Th...thank you."

His back was to her and she didn't see his cheeks redden. "You can thank Alfred," he said. "Besides, the necklace is better," he said as he reached the door. "It will give you free reign around most of the citadel, but I advise you not to go anywhere where I do not take you, as you might have another spill as you did the first day," he reminded her coldly as he stopped at the door way. He turned back to look at her. "As I said then, I won't be there to save you a second time."

Maria narrowed her eyes. "And as I told you, you do not need to." He gave her a small nod of his head.

"Good," he agreed. "That necklace will also stop you from leaving the citadel's grounds unless you are escorted by and within ten paces of me."

Maria looked at him challenging. "And if I stray?"

"You will burn," he replied coolly. Maria's eyes widened. He smirked. "Do you have any more questions?" She didn't say a word. "Good. I'll return in an hour's time to bring you to the kitchen."

.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo."This tastes so much better," Alfred sighed happily as he slurpped up his food. "Compared to this, Arthur's food tastes like dirt!" From where he was sitting at the far end of the table, Arthur was glaring daggers at him. "I mean, it tastes like utter cra-"

"That's enough!" Arthur snapped. "I thought I told you to stay out of my kitchen!"

"Well, Maria invited me in to have some," Alfred retorted proudly as pieces of chicken were stuck around his mouth. "And since she cooked, I couldn't say no!"

Maria smiled, pleased with herself, as she sat closer to Alfred on the table, across from Arthur. "I'm glad you like it, Alfred."

"I love it!" Alfred assured her as he continued to dig in. "Are you going to cook like this every day?"

"No-" Arthur began, only to be cut off by Maria.

"Of course, Alfred," Maria said. "If I try to live another day on El Diablo's poisonous rations, I'll die."

Arthur turned his glare to her. "They're burned, not poisoned!"

"Same thing," Maria and Alfred chorused at the same time.

"Ugh!" Arthur grumbled. He shot up from his seat and tossed his napkin on to the table. "I don't have to sit here and be insulted by you two! I'm going to take my tea," he said as he dramatically grabbed the cup and saucer he prepared for himself. "And go eat in my study!" He snatched his plate with the burnt contents of the food he attempted to make for himself in it.

He stormed out of the room and Maria and Alfred stared at him. "Why didn't you make some for him, too?" Alfred asked.

Maria scowled. "I'm not going to make anything for El Diablo."

Alfred sighed. "I keep telling you, he's not El Diablo. He's just Arthur."

"He's El Diablo to me," Maria said as she concentrated on her food. "I refuse to serve him."

Alfred looked down at his empty bucket and then looked back at her. She was wearing new clothes and he smiled hopefully. "Did he give you those?"

Maria paused for a moment, but kept her eyes on her food. "Yes," she said quietly. "And thank you, Alfred. For asking for the dresses and to have my shackles removed. I don't quite enjoy the collar, but it's more comfortable than the metal around my arms."

Alfred stared at her a bit longer. "Oh," he said. He gave her a bright smile. "You're welcome," he told her. "Well, I'm done here. I'm going to go to the well to get something to drink. "

"Can you bring me some water so that I can wash the dishes?" Maria asked as he began to back his head and neck out of the kitchen. He nodded.

"Okay, I'll be back in a little bit," he told her. Maria thanked him and continued eating. Alfred rounded the courtyard and made his way to the window where Arthur's study was. As he reached it, he could make out the hearth inside and leaned closer to the glass window.

Arthur was trying to calmly sip on his tea when he heard the tapping of a dragon's claw against the window. He rolled his eyes. "I'm busy!" he shouted, without bothering to even look at the window.

"Arthur...," Alfred said. The bushy browed blond sank further into his big, leather chair and scowled. He didn't like the sound of Alfred's voice. That pleased and amused voice. "I know what you did...," the reptile said in a sing-song voice. The corner of Arthur's eye twitched.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Arthur grumbled. He shoved a spoonful of bitter tasting burn food into his mouth.

"Oh, I think you do," Alfred grinned from outside. "You gave her some clothes - very nice, by the way - and told her I asked for them so she wouldn't know you're in love-"

Arthur growled. "Shut it, dragon!" he snapped as he finally slammed his cup of tea on the table and whirled around. He shot out of his chair and pulled his window open to reveal a dragon grinning stupidly while standing outside in the dark. "You will not speak a word of that to her!" he hissed. "And I'm not in love!" he added fiercely.

"What about the omega necklace?" Alfred asked as he cocked his head to the side. "Did you tell her it was enchanted?"

"Of course I did," Arthur replied proudly. "I told her it will burn her if she strays off the citadel property or too far away from me."

Alfred stared at him. "But it's not enchanted," Alfred stated. "It's just a ring you fused around her neck," he pointed out. "Very classy, by the way. It looks great one her."

"Shut up!" Arthur snapped. "I couldn't very well allow her to get injured! It'll be activated and inform me of her location only if she leaves the grounds or if I wish to find out where she is, but it won't harm her."

" it was a half-lie," Alfred stated. Arthur just stared at him.

"What did you come here for?" Arthur asked in a dull voice. "If it's to coo over the clothes and necklace I gave her, you've done it. Now leave me alone!"

"Wait, wait," Alfred said before Arthur could close the window on him tomorrow. "Have you shown her around the citadel yet?"

"Yes, today. She knows where to do laundry and where the food pantry is," Arthur replied calmly.

"What about outside the citadel?"

"And why would I-"

"No? Okay, leave it to me, boss," Alfred winked as he turned and began walking away. "I got this!"

"Alfred!" Arthur frowned. He wasn't sure he liked where this was going. He leaned out the window as the dragon lumbered along as quickly as he could. "Get back here, you tosser! Alfred!" The animal rounded the corner and Arthur scowled. Despite his expression, a small part of him couldn't help but be pleased.

.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo.Maria dried herself off and wrapped the warm robe around her body. As she wandered into her tower room, she ran a towel through her hair and looked down at the clothes on her bed. Alfred had told her to dress warmly for the ride, but that didn't limit her choices much.

Her brown eyes lingered on dresses, unsure of what she should wear. They were all relatively thick and long sleeved. One had a high neckline, but it seemed uncomfortable. The other was a drab blue and she wasn't sure how she looked in that color. There was the red one, but it's plunging neckline was a bit much. Of course, there was always the green one and she supposed it would at least match with Arthur's eyes.

She froze as her hand hovered over the dark green dress. Her eyes crinkled up as her heart twisted. Did she just think that?, she didn't. She didn't think about 'him' as Arthur or about his green eyes! So what if she had spent a lot of time with him lately? They just happened to both like the library and it was her only way to entertain herself when she wasn't cooking or out in the courtyard, playing with Alfred.

What did it matter that every night, she watched as Arthur took Alfred to visit Matt's egg? What did it matter that he had that intent look on his face that for just a moment made him seem more man that monster?

Maria shook her head and turned it sharply away from the green dress. That was ridiculous. What would it matter what she was wearing anyway? Alfred was simply going to take her into the air and Arthur was going with them so the ring didn't burn her. That was it.

Her hand rose to the base of her neck and touched the cold metal that had been warmed by her skin. It was surprising how gentle he was putting it on; not at all forceful and how smooth his finger tips were against her skin. Her eyes narrowed.

"I've been here too long," she deduced. It had been over a month. "It's only because he and Alfred are my only choice of company here...," she told herself as she reached for the drab blue dress. "Of course I've grown used to him."

That's how she decided to describe it. She quickly dressed and checked herself in the mirror. Her arms were covered and it was a long dress made of thick material. It should keep her warm while up the air. After she quickly tied her hair up, she opened her door and began the long, careful climb down.

"Oh, come on...," she heard Alfred's voice whining as she neared the doorway to the courtyard. She could make out Alfred's large body crouched down on the central lawn. "You look great!"

"I don't see why I couldn't wear my usual robes," Arthur frowned. "These are heavy."

"Well, it's going to be cold!" Alfred said. He heard the sound of shoes against the stone tiles and turned his head. His big blue eyes lit up. "Maria! You made it!"

"I've been practicing for days, Alfred," Maria told him proudly. She had been looking forward to this since he suggested it. "I'm going flying tonight!"

"Practice is no substitute for the real thing," Arthur told casually as he crossed his arms over his chest, effectively bursting her bubble. Maria's gaze moved over to his shadowy figure and allowed her eyes to rake over his body. Usually, he was hidden beneath the thick, swirling mass of his robes, but this time, she could see the could see his clothes clearly.

A buttoned up white shirt was tucked beneath a pair of loose black pants which in turn were tucked into a pair of shiny riding boots. A thick, dark cloak rested over his shoulders, but she could see his wings folded neatly against his back, protruding from two slits on his cloak. His head was completely hood-free that evening and and the firm set of his lips into a line gave him a look of bored indifference.

And it was rather flattering on him.

Maria darted her eyes to the side, blaming the sudden revelation of his moderate attractiveness to a trick of the lamp lights from the citadel. It wasn't like he was handsome or ruggedly good looking. Although, she did find his concentrated look while he was reading rather attract-

No. NO. She shook her head. She quickly shook the thoughts of her head and turned her attention back to Alfred, purposely ignoring El Diablo. "I'm not afraid. I'm ready for this, Alfred! I've been looking forward to this since you told me you'd take me flying!"

"Great!" he said. He laid down, stretching his neck before her. "Climb aboard! Just like we practiced!"

Maria nodded and scrambled on top of him, careful not to poke his eye like she did the first three times. Expertly, she sat just behind the horns of his head and the odd strip of hair that flew out between his scales.

"Okay, I'm ready!" she said.

"Now, Arthur!" Alfred beamed. The blond-haired man rolled his eyes and jumped, using his wings to carry him the rest of the way. For a moment, Maria bristled. He made it look so easy. He hovered behind Maria and the woman frowned.

"Where do you think you're sitting?" she snapped as she looked up behind her. "Don't you think you're getting too close?" she asked shrilly.

Arthur didn't listen to her and took his seat right behind her. "This is the best place to sit," he stated. "And he's my dragon!" he reminded her. "I can sit wherever I want!"

Maria snorted and shifted forward to put as much distance between them as possible. "Just don't touch me."

"Oh, don't be such a child-"

"Okay, here we go!" Alfred yelled before the yelling match could actually begin. "Hold on tight!" His wings lowered and Maria felt the beast move beneath him. Her eyes widened as her hold over one one of his horns tightened. She could feel the animal beneath her, moving higher and higher above the ground. The more Alfred's wing muscles moved, the more she felt she'd slid off.

"I told you," Arthur said as two arms moved on either side of her and held on to Alfred's horns. "It's completely different from when you're sitting on the ground." Her face warmed up and she wasn't entirely convinced that it was from embarrassment more so than El Diablo's breath against her nape.

"I'm not afraid!" she told him firmly. "I was just surprised."

"Your hands were turning white," the blond snorted. "Stay relaxed and don't wiggle around too much. Alfred's taken me riding many times before. He knows what he's doing," Arthur assured her. Maria felt her head nod. "And I won't let you fall."

Her heart skipped a beat. His voice wasn't the hardened, somewhat irritated voice it had been with his previous sentence. It was soft, comforting, and oddly, she found it reassuring. She could feel his chest against her back and his legs bent just behind hers. His arms were on either side of her, acting like railings to keep her in place.

She was in the most vulnerable position of her life, she suddenly realized. She far up into the sky, on a dragon who not only belonged to El Diablo, her father's enemy, but El Diablo himself was right behind her. He was so close, she could feel the heat from his body...and she wasn't scared at all.

Arthur felt her shoulders relax in front of him. He raised one brow as he glanced down. Maria kept her face forward, her hands now resting over Alfred's horns rather than gripping them for dear life. His lips drew into a small smile.

"Let's begin the tour!" Alfred said cheerfully as they flew around the citadel. "Below you see Chateau Kirkland."

"It's a citadel," Arthur corrected. "A fortress, Alfred."

"Yeah, owners of citadels don't make you use coasters," Alfred rolled his eyes.

"I don't like rings on table surfaces!" Arthur snapped, his face reddening. Maria giggled slightly. He did seem to be a bit of a neat freak and more than once, she had seen him dutifully cleaning the citadel halls with spells...and talking to the air.

"Anyway," Alfred continued. "We'll fly over the water a bit and see if we can catch any mermaids tonight."

"You have mermaids!?" Maria gasped excitedly. She had only heard about them from her Godfather's stories.

"Oh, yeah," Alfred nodded as they flew over the cliff. "Oh, and that's my cave right there, in case you want to come visit."

"Is it within the area that the necklace allows me to go?" Maria asked curiously as she looked over her shoulder, towards the large hole in the cliff side.

"What do you...oh!" Alfred chuckled nervously. Arthur glared at the back of his head. "Sure! Right, Arthur?"

"It's within the grounds, yes," Arthur said in a low voice.

"I'll come visit, then," Maria beamed. She shifted in her seat in front of Arthur and the magician looked down.

"I thought I told you to stay still," he frowned.

"We're right over the water! I'm a bit cold, alright?" Maria snapped. "I thought this dress would be enough."

"I told you to dress warmly," Alfred said, disappointed. "Don't tell me we have to go back...." He pouted.

Maria could hear the let down tone in his voice. "It's fine, Alfred. I'm not that cold."

"Slow down a bit," Arthur ordered. "The faster you go, the colder it becomes."

"Okay," Alfred obeyed. Maria noticed the slight decrease in speed over the water.

"Hold steady, Alfred," Arthur instructed. "Give me a moment to maneuver myself." Alfred flew straight, more like gliding then actual flying. Maria noticed Arthur's arms leave her sides.

"What are you doing?" she asked nervously. She felt him behind her, his legs shifting from behind hers. Her hands began to tighten around Alfred's horns once more.

"Don't turn around," he barked. "You'll move too much and fall off." Maria sucked in a sharp breath and turned her head forward, refusing to move for fear of falling into the cold waters below.

Something warm and black moved in front of her, covering the front of her body. She noticed pale hands moving around her, tucking what she realized with El Diablo's cloak around her so that it kept her nice and warm, but still allowed her the freedom to hold on to Alfred.

"What are you doing?" Maria frowned. "You'll get cold!"

"Better I than you," Arthur replied automatically. "What kind of a gentleman would I be if I let a lady freeze before my very eyes?"

There her heart went again, slamming against her chest as his words sent shivers through her. She felt his legs against her once more and his arms place themselves on either side of her. "What if you get sick?" she asked weakly, unsure of what else to say.

"I'll be fine," he told her. Maria bit her lower lip. She was in front of him, breaking the wind, but his body wasn't covered except for his shirt, which she was certain wasn't as thick as her dress.

She didn't know if it was the guilt that possessed her to do so or not, but she leaned back. Arthur nearly jumped back as he felt her body press against his chest. His eyes widened as he tensed.

"If you freeze and fall off, the necklace will burn me," Maria told him stubbornly as she kept her reddened face forward. "So, I should try to keep you warm, too."

Alfred grinned to himself. He knew Arthur was probably red-faced, as well.

"Yes, well...," Arthur choked nervously. "I'm glad you're learning how it works," he added as seriously as he could.

Alfred chuckled. "I think we can use a little music," he said. "How about I-"

"No!" Arthur scowled as he leaned forward and craned his neck around Maria's head to shoot a glare at Alfred. Maria felt her body tense as he pressed against her. "If you start singing, this little tour is over!"

"Fine," Alfred grumbled, disappointed once more.

Arthur relaxed against Maria. "Bloody lizard thinks he can sing...," he mumbled in a soft voice. Maria chuckled and tilted her head back against him. She smiled thoughtfully to herself.

"As long as we keep going," she said shyly. Her eyes were diverted from his as she looked fondly at the ocean ahead of them. Arthur's arms relaxed around her, growing comfortable with her against him. Her voice sounded pleased. "I don't want to get off yet."

.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo."Stay still!"

Maria's eyes shot open and she turned her head towards her window. She could've sworn she heard Arthur's voice.

"I don't want to smell like lavender!" Alfred's horrified voice sounded. "That's a girl's smell!"

"What is not a girl's smell!" Arthur retorted. Maria rolled out of bed and furrowed her brows as she made her way to her window. She climbed up the chest she had pushed against it in order to actually peer out into the court yard below. "I happen to like the smell!"

The princess' eyes widened. Alfred, who usually had glistening golden scales, was covered with mud. Her eyes narrowed. She could make out a distinct scent...her nose wrinkled in disgust. That wasn't mud he was covered in.

"What were you thinking rolling in a pile of fertilizer!?" Arthur was scolding furiously.

"I thought it was dirt!" Alfred retorted.

"And how does that make it better!?" the blond demanded.

Maria giggled as she watched Arthur holding his arms up and trying to get Alfred to stay still so that he could magically move a tub of bubbly water over him. Smiling to herself, Maria jumped back into her room to change so she could join them outside.

In the court yard, Arthur was growing more and more impatient. He had been outside for half an hour now and Alfred still reeked of fertilizer. "I'm not telling you again-"

Water roared in his ears as Alfred's tail knocked over the large tub and drenched him lavender-smelling water. "If you like the smell so much, than you can bathe in it!"

That was it.

Arthur's eyes narrowed into slits as he ran a hand down his face. "I didn't want to have to do this," he said as he began to unbutton his wet shirt. "But if you won't stay still for your bath, then I will have to make you!" He threw his shirt on to the stone pathway and raised her arms. His body started to glow as he concentrated his energy on the nervous looking dragon across from him.

Alfred could feel his body tingling as slowly began to rise into the air. "Oh!" he yelled, as if in pain. "I don't want to take a bath!"

"You'll take it and you'll like it!" Arthur growled. He moved his arms carefully to the side, moving Alfred, to the dragon's horror, the pond near the veranda. Alfred's blue eyes widened with terror as he saw several pixies pouring in scented soap.


"Good morning! What are yo doing!?" a cheerful voice rang.

A splash echoed through the yard and suddenly, she found herself standing in soaking clothes.

"Maria!" Arthur yelled, horrified. He shot a glare at Alfred, who was sputtering in the lavender soap filled pond. "Look what you did, you idiot!"

"You're the one who dropped me!" Alfred yelled. He felt something scrubbing him. "Ah! Get the pixies away! Stop it!"

Arthur ignored him and turned back to the young woman who remained standing in place, stunned as her clothes and hair clung to her. His face paled as he rushed towards her. "Maria, forgive me," he gushed. "I didn't see you standing there!"

She opened her mouth but nothing came out. What had happened? She just came to see what was going on. Instead, the stupid magician had soaked her! Her eyes narrowed. She lifted her head to meet Arthur's gaze and yell at him.

The only thought that echoed in her mind was how fit he actually was beneath his clothes. Fit...and pale. Her lips pursed. "You're so pale."

Arthur's concerned look immediately vanished. His lips turned into a frown as he lifted his arms to cover his body. "I can't help that!" he snapped. "And what are you doing out here?"

"I was curious," she stated. She couldn't stop staring at him. His skin was flushing. Was he embarrassed? "You're turning red."

On que, his face immediately ripened into to a shade she associated with her father's tomatoes. "Shut up!" he yelled defensively as he whirled around and turned his back on her. "I'm just cold!"

"But it's sunny and warm out today," Alfred pointed out from the pond, where he was grimacing as he was being cleaned.

Arthur scowled and whirled around. "You are in no position to-" Before he could complete his sentence, something wet hit him I the face. The object slid down and landed on the ground with a splat. Maria was grinning.

"Got we're even," she told him. When had she forgotten that he was the demon lord her father had spoken about? It wasn't as if she could forget so easily. His black wings were protruding from his smooth, taunt, and pale back.

"Who do you think you are?" he asked.

Arthur narrowed his eyes. He picked up the cloth - his discarded shirt, and threw it back at her. Maria merely stepped to the side and stuck her tongue out at him.

"I had better aim than you when I was a child," Maria smirked. She tossed her head back in to laugh, taking her eyes off of him for a moment. Not a moment later, she felt her legs being swept up from under her and her body falling back. A shriek escaped her lips as she bounced along in Arthur's arms.

"Don't ever take your eyes off a magician, my dear," she heard him whisper against her ear as she found herself at the edge of the pond, just beside Alfred. Her eyes widened as she realized Arthur was moving higher and higher.

"Don't drop me!" she screamed as her arms wrapped around his neck tightly.

"Oh? Can't take the heat?" Arthur mocked. "You started it."

"This isn't fair! I don't know any magic!" Maria argued, her grip tightening. He honestly couldn't say he didn't enjoy it.

"You should've thought of that before you challenged me," he smirked proudly. "But I'm feeling generous today," he pointed out. He could've said that any other day in the last week since they went flying. "Alfred is going on a patrol later today and won't be back until the next morning. He usually accompanies me when there is a meteor shower."

Maria tilted her head to the side, momentarily forgetting her situation. "Meteor shower?"

"Tonight," Arthur said, willing his cheeks not to redden. "Would you...would you care to...," he cringed. Was his voice shaking? "Care is...joi...I" Even he acknowledged how pathetic he sounded. Maria's wide eyes were looking at him. He held his breath.

She turned her head away and he felt his heart sink. Her lips parted and his chest ached. He would reject him now.

"I'd love to."

.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo.It had looked like nothing other than a regular forest, but Francis had assured them that it was just a barrier. Within it's depths was an entire world shielded by El Diablo's magic. If they could find the seals and break them, the magical barrier would vanish and they could march through with ease.

As Francis silently watched the forest burn before his very eyes, he couldn't help but think that Antonio had found the barriers far too easily and destroyed them even easier.

"Where is your father?" he asked the young man beside him who was going over some maps.

"Doing his rounds in the surrounding area," Alejandro replied calmly. He lifted his head and looked up at Francis. "Are you alright? You look pale."

Francis took a deep breath as he looked out towards the forest from the hilltop where they were situated on. He could make out the conqueror on his white steed below, slashing at whoever stood in his way.

"I understand your father's frustrations. I want to find Maria as soon as possible, as well," the blond said. "But...something is off here."

The heir to the throne followed Francis' gaze and stood up straight. "You think he's getting carried away," he deduced. "But you were the one who said that El Diablo was powerful."

"His spells are powerful and he is cunning, but the creatures in his domain...not all of them are warriors under El Diablo," Francis pointed out. He looked at the dark-haired man. "Do you understand?"

"You are concerned for them?" Alejandro asked curiously.

"And your father," Francis said as he turned back to the sight of Antonio below. "Saving your sister or not...what would she say to his wanton destruction?"

"Maria will understand," Alejandro replied firmly. "She will understand why we're coming for her. She expects us to. We're family. She's probably waiting for us as we speak."

.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo._____.oOo.She curled her legs beneath her as she sat down on the cloth mat that they had rolled out over the top of one of the keep towers. A lone lantern pushed to the side, by the low stone wall, was their source of light.

Across from her, her 'captor' was taking various baked goods from a wicker picnic basket. He carried a concentrated look on his face, which she felt was rather silly considering they were there to watch that night's meteor shower and eat sweets while Alfred was doing a patrol. She saw him place a small plate of triangular pastries on the mat.

Curiously, she picked one up and studied it. It didn't seem burned.... "What is this?"

"It's a scone," Arthur said as he rummaged through the basket. He heard her bite into one and whirled around. "Don't eat it yet! The tea isn't ready!"

She seemed to be judging the piece of pastry in her mouth before she replied. "It's good."

"Well, I'm sorry if you think that my baking isn't up to par...," his defensive voice trailed off into confusion before he furrowed his brows. Maria chuckled. "I beg your pardon, but did you just say that they were 'good'?" he asked, as if she had lost her mind.

"They're good," Maria replied. "The texture is kind of hard, but the taste is fine. I can make out the berrys and the glaze is nice."

Arthur stared at her, momentarily speechless. "Really?" he asked unsurely. "You're not being sarcastic?"

"I'm not," she said as she leaned forward. "Try some." She pressed the pastry against his lips and Arthur couldn't do anything but open his mouth. "How is it?"

He was chewing, but his mind was far too distracted by her than to even concentrate on his baked delicacy. "It's good," he replied dumbly. Maria smiled. His heart quickened.

This must've been a dream or hallucination of some sort. He mindlessly finished off the scone as Maria adjusted herself on the mat beside him. This couldn't have really been happening. What had he done to deserve something so wonderful?

"When does it start?" she asked innocently. Arthur swallowed his scone.

"Soon," he said as his eyes darted away nervously. "It should start any time-"

"There!" Maria's hand shot forward and grabbed his arm. His eyes widened as he saw her hand squeezing his excitedly of her own volition. "Up there! Do you see them, Arthur?" His head snapped towards her. What had she called him?

Her face was tilted towards the darkened heavens that were already dotted with light. Amongst them, streaks of light flew across the dark indigo sky. He decided not to question it. Arthur squeezed her hand back and followed her gaze upwards. "I see them."

She felt his hand against hers and Maria's eyes darted down to the mat. A small smile caressed her face. His hand was warm. He was always warm....

She inched her way closer to him until their shoulders met. She felt Arthur nearly jerk in surprise and glanced up at his face. His pale cheeks were flushed with color, but he seemed to pretend he wasn't affected. She smiled more so.

He was handsome. She admitted it.

He was handsome and intelligent. He made her laugh, even though he didn't mean to, and was rather gentle. Even when he yelled at them or scolded Alfred, he never really did it with malice. Her head tilted and gently rested on his shoulder. Arthur's eyes widened and darted down nervously to his shoulder. This had to be dream.

"It would be nice," she said softly as her eyes crinkled while looking up at the streaks of light across the sky. "If you were not enemies with my father."

Arthur's own eyes softened. He had never wished that more in his life. He brought her hand to lips and pressed them against her knuckles. He closed his eyes and lingered his lips against her bare flesh for a moment longer. Maria closed her own eyes at the motion.

"Maria," Arthur began carefully. She opened her eyes and turned them away from him. That was when she saw the movement in the distance. "I didn't-"

"It's Alfred," Maria said in a soft voice as she began to sit up straight. Her brows furrowed. "I thought he wasn't supposed to be back until tomorrow morning...."

Arthur's brows furrowed as he narrowed his eyes and saw the creature that was flying towards them. "He was...," he muttered as he began to stand. Alfred wasn't flying casually.

"Is something wrong?" Maria asked worriedly.

Arthur gently released her hand and moved towards the edge of the tower. "I don't know," he said. He stretched out his wings and gave her a stern look. "Stay here. I'll be back in a moment!"

Maria didn't have time to stop him, Arthur was already in the air, flying towards the dragon.

"Arthur!" Alfred was panting as he tried to speed up upon seeing his boss. "Arthur, they've found us!"

"Who's found us?" the blond asked as he reached the breathless golden dragon.

"Antonio!" Alfred choked out. "And he's not alone! Francis and everyone is with him!"

Arthur paled. He whipped back and looked over his shoulder, back towards the tower where Maria was waiting. "They're coming to get her...," he whispered. His eyes shone pain at the thought.

"They've already reached the middle of the eastern forest, Arthur. They'll be here soon!" Alfred explained.

Arthur could feel his heart twisting in his chest. "No...," he said as he shook his head. He turned back to Alfred. "The eastern elves?"

"They're herding the unicorns to safer ground," Alfred reported. "It looks serious, Arthur. Antonio's razing everything in his path!"

"This can't be happening," Arthur said in a pained voice. He looked at Alfred desperately. "I love her, Alfred...I don't want to let her go, not yet!"

"Have you told her?"

"No, of course not!"

Alfred narrowed his eyes, looking determined. "I'll do what I can to stop them."

Arthur's own eyes widened. "What!? No! Alfred, don't be insane-"

"I won't be alone!" Alfred said as he began to turn around. "If you really love her-"

"It doesn't matter if I love her, Alfred! She doesn't love me! Not like that!" Arthur yelled, stopping the dragon in midair. Alfred turned to look at him. "Tell our troops to stand down!" the magician ordered. "I'll take care of them myself!"

"What about Maria?" Alfred asked. Arthur looked torn. "Are you going to tell her?"

"No," Arthur shook his head. "I need to put her somewhere safe! I don't want her do something rash and try to escape and get caught in the cross fire!"


"Just go and inform the troops, Alfred! I'll bring Maria to the tower and join you as soon as I know she's safe!" Arthur ordered. The dragon hesitated, but nodded and turned his away. He began to fly in the opposite direction and the blond rushed back to the woman waiting for him.

"What's wrong?" Maria asked as he landed beside her. She immediately moved towards him, raising her hands and grasping his as she saw the worried expression on his face. "Arthur?"

His green orbs softened. How he wanted to stay with her forever... "The eastern forest is in danger. We're under attack," he told her, careful to keep knowledge of the attacker hidden.

It didn't matter. Maria immediately jumped to the only person she thought would attack. "Is it my father?" she choked out.

He didn't want to tell her. If he told her, then she would want to leave. "Maria-"

"Let me speak to him!" she pleaded as she released his hands and grabbed on to his arms. "Please, Arthur! If it's my father, please let me speak to him!"

His heart shattered; each word that left her lips stabbed him. She wanted to return. Of course she wanted to return. She was trapped.

Everything that had happened in the last few weeks...the comfort they had built between each other, the smiles and laughs they had shared, the moment just minutes ago when he had felt more joy that he had in his life....

He was deluding himself. How could he forget so easily that she simply didn't want to be there. She needed a companion, even as a captive, if only to keep her sanity. She was always a pleasant girl; naturally that would come through even in the most dire of circumstances. He had merely read too far into her actions. How foolish that for a moment, he thought that she could possibly care for him.

Even as his mind rationalized everything - her actions and her will to return to her father - it still hurt. It hurt worse than any wound he could remember.

"No," his voice turned cold. Maria's eyes widened at his tone. He hadn't spoken to her like that since they first met. "Go back to your tower."

"What?" she choked out. "Arthur-"

He ripped himself away from her and narrowed his eyes. "Do not forget that you are my prisoner!" he barked. Maria felt her blood freeze at his words. "You're only here because you are your father's daughter! Do not forget that!"

She shook her head. "Arthur, please," she said. Didn't he remember what she had said? Didn't he understand? "I-"

He held his hand out and pointed at her. "Return!" She felt an unseen force slam into her body and suddenly, she was moving towards the stairs.

"No!" she screamed. "Arthur! Wait!" she tried to fight against it, but his control was far too great. She desperately tried to look at him as her body moved of its own according down the stairs of the tower. "Arthur!"

For a brief moment, just before she disappeared into the darkness of the tower, she caught his eyes and her felt her own start to water. She had never seen a more heart broken gaze in her life.


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