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Taylor P.O.V

boy I hope I never see Taylor lautner (again) I trusted him, matter of fact I loved him and he goes and does something like this I hope he rot in hell

(prince and Briasya)

prince - are you okay love? *hugs her*

Briasya - yeah just still a little shooken that's all*hugs him back*

prince - its going to be okay I'm still and always will be here with you!

Briasya - *throws up in the bathroom*

prince - *holds her hair up and rubs her back*

Briasya - *lays down And goes to sleep*

prince - *makes her an appointment then cuddles with her*

doctors Appointment

doc - wats the problem?

Briasya - I've been throwing up lately.

doc - pee in this cup and we will find out wats wrong .

Briasya *does as said and wait for the result*

doc - you are 4 weeks pregnant

prince - so I'm going to be a father?

doc - yeah so come back in one month for your check up

(rayray and Taylor)

Taylor - *runs and throws up*

ray - *goes to the store to get pregnancy test*

Taylor -*takes test*

three minutes later

Taylor look at teat and its positive

Taylor -*cries*

ray - what's wrong? *look at test then hugs her*

ray - it's okay we will get it together and I will be here each step of the way *kiss her cheek*

Taylor -*nods slowly and go lay down*


the Guy's have a party to celebrate their up coming tour

Briasya - hay girls *hugs them*

them - *hugs back*

Briasya - I have too tell yall something

them - what????

Briasya - I'm pregnant

them - what congratulations!!!!!!!!!

Briasya - yeah 4 weeks

Taylor - I'm pregnant too 2 weeks


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