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Prince pov

well me and the gang is af the hospital for the birth of my daughter and briasya is going crazy wanting the baby out of her I really wish my mom was here but she's in my heart

briasya- omg get this baby out of mee

Dr.slim- you are only 7 centimeters do well be back in 15 minutes

Prince-ok briasya are donin ok *sacred*

briasya-yes i just want this baby out of mee *feels pressure*

briasya - Prince go get the doctor

Prince comes back in with a Doctor and nurse

doc- its time to push on a count of 3 I want u to push 1,2,3

briasya-*pushes and Squeezes prince hand* ahhhhh it hurts!!!!!!

prince-briasyaaaaaa my hand

briasya- nigga this is ur fault so suck it up

doc- ok push again

briasya- ugh ahhhh I HATE U PRINCE

doc- ok i see the head one more big push

briasya - *pushes her hardest*

doc- congradulation your beautiful baby girl

briasya-crys my baby

prince-Cries and go get everyone else

doc- wat are u naming herv

briasya and prince - janiya Lee Perez

nurse comes back with janiya

aaliyah - awe look at my niece look just like briasya with prince hair and nose

roc-my niece gone be a spiffy

ray-no she gone be a twice

prince-no she gone be a misfit like her daddy

girls-laugh at them

briasya and prod- laugh she not gone be nun of that high fives each other

nurse-alright visting hours are up u can come back tomorrrow and mz.perez u can leave in two days

briasya-ok *then looks* at prince u told them my name is perez

prince-yeah it will be soon

briasya- I'm sleepy

prince- go to sleep i got janiya *kisses her forehead*

hallway with roc and aaliyah

ROC-aaliyah wait* runs to her*

Aaliyah- what *turns around *

ROC- baby I'm sorry i know i haven't been the best man but I'm gonna change i promis plea...gco

Aaliyah-*kisses him* its ok i luv u rocky phoo

ROC-i luv u too lets go home and cuddle

Aaliyah-ok *walks out the hospital*

roc- *looking at her ass munbles* damn

Aaliyah-come on boy and stop looking at my ass


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