a new beginning

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so after that day the crew haven't heard from ?????? and didn't plan to jaiyah is now crawling trying to walk ....

Briasya POV
man life has been good its been 4 years janiyah is getting big she is 5 and she acts just like her Dad. The boys have been good their still in the music business speaking of them here they come bye.

me- hi guys how was work at the studio*says while hugging them*

ROC- it was good i missed my bae but where my niece at

me- upstairs*yells for janiyah*

janiyah runs down the stairs

janiyah-ywes mowmy

ROC-hey niy

janiyah-uncle WOC*runs and hugs him*

Ray-hey Lil trendy

janiyah-uncle trendy*runs to him*



prince-hey princess


Aaliyah*bust threw the door*hey people

ROC-hey baby*tries to kiss her*

Aaliyah-boy unun *push his face*

everybody/ROC* laughs*

ray-so have you herd from beauty

Briasya-no not since the party with ha hubba bubba looking ass

prince-I'm trying to figure out why was she there she know we don't like her and I don't eat her no more

*I don't dislike beauty and now you know who??????is

Roc- who cares as long as her ass don't come back we all good

Taylor-*walks through the door* hey yall

Ray-hey bae*tries to hug her

Taylor-*pushes him*boy gone


*brick come through the window scaring janiyah she jumps in roc arms crying*

ROC - janiyah it's ok we are all here to protect you babygirl*rocks her and kiss her forehead then took her upstairs and comes back down* I wonder who through this through the window*picks up the brick*

Ray-*points*look it's a note on it

Briasya-*reads note out loud* yall thought I was gone think again somebody has joined my team and we will become your worst nightmare and we are watching you so be careful on what u do and say*gets scared* prince what are we going to do

Prince-Idk bae we don't know who they are so we just have to watch our backs until we find out


Who do you think sent that message? !?!????

Do u think they will find they people responsible and end everything one and for all???

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