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What am I?

Tracy repeatedly walks all around, streets by streets for five days without feeling sleepy. The voice she usually hears has been silent and Tracy kept calm. She is known as the strange girl who walks by humming a giggle.

An old lady in her 80's sit in her house by the window every afternoon because she feels entertained watching the strange girl that walks by. It's another day so Coffey get herself tea and sit waiting for the girl to pass by when the phone ring. "Who is calling me at this moment when I'M thinking?" Mrs. Coffey ask in her thought while trying to ignore the call. "This better be good" Mrs. Coffey say to herself. She stand immediately, take a quick peek out of the window, then she head to pick up the call.

Just after the call, Mrs. Coffey walk back to the seat beside the window. "Here she is" Ms. Coffey say immediately she looks outside the window. "Is she looking at me?" Mrs. Coffey mutter in her thought realizing that the strange girl stand, looking to her direction. Just after which, Tracy smile at Ms. Coffey then continue walking down the street.

Ms. Coffey quickly pick up her cup of tea and took a quick sip. She probably got most entertained today more than every other day.

"Kill Her!" The voice says to Tracy.

"Please go away" Tracy reply in a calm voice.

"You have to kill today to live, Tracy, I thought we had a little friendship fight the last we spoke." The voice say reminding Tracy about the fight they had at the abandoned house.

Tracy ignores the voice while walking the street.

It is 8:00 pm and Mrs. Coffey is so impatient for the next day so she gets out of her house to the porch watching out the street for Tracy to pass by.

Tracy who is on her normal routine starts having stomach ache. It feel like her belly is drying up from inside out, she fall to the ground then the silence ended as the voice say "Weak Girl", Tracy heart beat starts beating faster with the heart beat sounding aloud. The fast pumping of Tracy's heart became a torture to her before the voice come to her screaming, "Kill".

Tracy fall on her knees holding her ears close, swinging her shoulder left to right humming the giggle.

Ms. Coffey sight Tracy and hides. When she peeps again, she sees Tracy holding her ears swinging her shoulder from side to side. She stop peeping and makes a face that say "so I would have missed this".

Mrs. Coffey take a peep again but Tracy is no more there. Mrs. Coffey comes out of where she hid herself, searching around.

Just after 20 seconds, Ms. Coffey hears a glass break just at her left by Mr. Amos's house.

"Who is that?" Mrs. Coffey say in a low voice. She then put her left hand in her sweater and get out her phone just about dialing, Mrs. Coffey pause and put the phone back in her sweater because, she didn't want to be asked questions about her being outside by this time of the night and because of a recent psychological recap.

"I better go back" Mrs. Coffey say after which she see Mr. Amos's room lights come on.

"I better watch" she say and moves closer to the flowers.

Mr. Amos is a retired military man, dark in complexion. He grabs his gun and out of his bedroom he comes.

Turning on the lights as he move by the switch he sees the strange girl standing in front of him.

"What are you dooiii..." he see blood running down the girl's eyes.

He point the gun at Tracy and say "You need to leave my house Right now Lady"

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