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"You are smart," Tracy turned back to see Sophie standing behind her, then faced her dinner and continued eating.

"The way you killed the guard astounded me! Your movements were incredible!" Sophie added as she sat beside Tracy, placing her dinner tray on the table. Tracy stopped the spoon of custard from reaching her mouth and replied, "Thank you." Then she resumed eating.

Sophie chuckled, nodding. "Gratitude, huh? That's nice." She picked up her spoon and began eating, contemplating whether to share a secret with Tracy while they both ate in silence.

Tracy enjoyed her custard peacefully, though her expression didn't reflect her enjoyment.

Suddenly, loud laughter erupted from a nearby table, causing Tracy to turn and see three girls laughing. One of them was a friend of a friend from her duty shift. Tracy forced a sharp smile, pretending to find the humor amusing. As she turned away, she noticed a cat tattoo on one of the girls and paused, staring at it. Sophie, noticing Tracy's distraction, asked, "Why are you staring at the table? Did any of the girls wrong you?" Tracy quickly turned back and continued eating without answering.

After dinner, as Tracy was heading back to her cell, a guard stopped her and informed her that Ms. Rita wanted to see her. Tracy followed the guard to Rita's office. Once inside, Ms. Rita gestured for her to sit.

"It looks like you're very smart," Ms. Rita said, flipping through some of Tracy's papers. "I could use you for my own good. Gladys was my second pair of eyes in the patients' department, and thanks to you, she's gone, which is for the better." Ms. Rita closed the file and looked at Tracy. "I thought Gladys was the smartest of you all, but I see I was mistaken."

Tracy sat silently, arms crossed on her thighs, patiently waiting for Ms. Rita to get to the point.

"I want you to be my eyes and ears. You are now working for me. Do well, and I'll reciprocate. Don't fail me as Gladys did," Ms. Rita instructed, then asked if Tracy had anything to say. Tracy replied, "No, Ma'am. I'm really happy you asked me to be your eyes and ears."

Ms. Rita nodded, dismissing Tracy. "I will send for you when I need a report." As Tracy was about to open the office door, she turned back with a smile and exited.

As Tracy walked down the hall unescorted by guards, she smiled to herself, thinking, "Finally, I win again."

"Hey!" Sophie called out, catching Tracy's attention as she passed a dark hallway. Tracy paused, and from the shadows, Sophie emerged. "I want to show you something secret—something you'd love," she said, taking Tracy's hand and pulling her into the dark hallway.

As Tracy followed Sophie, she mentally memorized their path: "Two turns, a door, a left..." before Sophie interrupted, "Here we are," opening a door and ushering Tracy inside.

Sophie immediately turned on the light, watching Tracy's expression as she took in the sight. Four girls were tied to chairs, one already dead, blood pooling around her. Tracy couldn't help but smile, as the scene reminded her of Mr. Abram. Turning to Sophie, she said, "Not bad. I'm a bit impressed," then walked out of the room, tracing her way back. Sophie, annoyed that Tracy just walked away, suppressed her anger, exhaled, and followed her, whispering loudly, "Tracy, wait up! How did you figure your way back so fast?"

"Hey, you deaf bitch!"

Tracy sat in the playground, humming her tune, ignoring the call. The other girls turned to see who had been addressed.

"The Hummingbird, are you still deaf?"

Tracy stopped humming and frowned, turning to look at Dorcas, who was calling her.

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