Chapter 1

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[Catherine's P.O.V]

I can't believe I have to wait in this boring building for my dad and he knows I get bored easily. I sat on a couch in the lobby. Putting my phone away, I decided to explore. I go to the elevator and press a random button. The elevator opened and I got out then got pushed by a pretty girl with tears in her eyes. Interesting, I walked towards the way she came from and saw a door fully opened, this must be it. I peeked inside and saw a cute man with blond hair and a jaw structure to die for he was busy typing away on his computer to notice me walk in.

I sat down in a chair in front of his desk and got comfortable.

" You know I saw the girl from before, you really know how to make a girl cry." I say.

He looked up from his computer with an eyebrow raised.

" Your here for the job interview?" He questioned skeptically looking at me up and down. I was dressed in a black hoodie, dark skinny jeans, my nike shoes and a call of duty cap.

" Obviously, Why else would I be here" I replied loudly. Interview huh this keeps getting better and better. " I am Catherine but everyone calls me Cat or Kitty Mr..." I said then looked at the name plate "Jackson"

" Kitty?" He questioned again.

" You know Mr. Jackson I don't think you are taking me very seriously." I declaimed standing up from my seat and pointed my finger at him. He raised an eyebrow at me again then looked at my finger.

" Really" he said sarcastically .

" Yes, I think I would be great for this job and if you turn me down then sucks you missed your chance to have me" I pointed at myself " working for you." pointing my finger back at him.

" Have you ever heard pointing your finger is rude." He stated in entertainment.

" All the time but I never listen." I say pouting my face, my phone buzzed and I looked down.

' Where are you. I am at the main entrance waiting for you.' My Dad texted.

" You know what Jack on second thought this job is not for me I never liked desks, didn't like it at school and I prob won't here either, peace bro." I patted his orange, blonde hair then left to the elevator. My phone rang and I picked it up.

" Catherine where are you? I have been waiting here for like ten minutes." My dad whisper yells.

" Dad I am in the elevator now, I got lost trying to find the bathroom again." I replied calmly.

" Jesus child I could think by now you would know where the bathroom is or at least how to get back." My father said annoyed but then laughed.

The elevator door opened and I saw my Dad in his lucky suit.

" Did you get it?" I said knowing it was important if he wore that suit.

" Yes my darling." He said then spun me around like a kid.

" Dad I am 18, not 5." I say after he put me down. I grabbed my hat from the floor because it fell when he hugged me and I placed the hat back on my head then crossed my arms, putting on my best angry face.

" Aw don't be mad sweetie, you will always be my little girl." He said then we left the building to go home.

Me and my dad lived in a beautiful two bedroom apartment, you can see all the skyscrapers from the windows. I just love Chicago.

" Good day Ms. Cat and Mr. Sutton." Benson, the bell hopper said sweetly.

" You too Benny." I say with wink that made him blush my father already in the elevator waiting for me.

We got into are apartment and rushed into the kitchen and got a bag of Doritos out of my hidden food compartment so that my dad doesn't eat it or any of my friends when they come over. I am very protective over my food.

I opened the bag and stuffed some chips into my mouth.

" Don't eat to much, to celebrate I invited my boss to come and have dinner." My dad called out.

" CAN I MAKE THE FOOD!!!" I yelled excitedly, I am a great cook one of my secret talents.

" Well you don't want me to burn the kitchen down now do you sweetie." My dad called out from his room.

" True!" I yelled back then laughed. My dad is terrible at cooking.

" When is Mr. Bossman coming."

" He's coming at 6:00, so Catherine please be on your best behavior" He said. I grinned at him with mischief sparkling in my eyes. Three hours better get cooking.

I finished all the cooking and setting the table then checked the clock ,5:13. I walked to the living room and layed on the couch to take nap.

" No no no Catherine you have to get ready." My dad said pulling my arm.

" I look fine, I just wanna take a little tiny nap." I say then yawned. What can you blame me I was up all night playing the new video game he got me.

" I got you that game for a reason young lady." He said

I jumped from the coach and pointed my finger at him. " I knew you didn't get me that game for no reason now your using it against me"

" I gave you that game I can return it."

I go to my room with a huff. I brushed threw my hair and threw my clothes onto the floor. I look threw my closet to find a black skaters shirt and a laced black cropped top. Will do I guess. I put my hair up in a pony tail and add a cute dark purple bow . I looked in the mirror Ah I don't have to look perfect not like I ever care what people thought. I walled out of my room and sat down in the living room to watch some TV.

Then I heard a knocking on the door. I turned the TV off and went to go get it. I opened the boor without looking and said" Come in Mr. Bossma..." but trailed of when I see the man from be for at my front door" JACK IN THE BOX, its you what are you doing here you didn't stalk me did you. I mean that kinda creepy if you wanted to meet up you could have just asked for my number..." I said but got cut off by my dad .

" Catherine don't just stand there talking to Mr. Jackson let him in there is plenty of time to talk when we sit down." My dad said with a grin.


Gif of Catherine at top.

Thank you for reading I am new to wattpad so I don't know much so stay with me. I haven't edited and my spelling sucks but I will edit whenever I can. Xoxo :b


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