From Tweet 2 Meet

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BTW the number i give is not my actual number 

* i tweeted kian and jc*  ( Hey guys! i never got to meet you and i got really sad... i was wondering if we could meet up someplace?)

*kian replies in DM*  " aww don't be sad love of course we can meet! "

*i start crying*  " now im crying happy tears..."

*kian replies* "awh well Jc is currently in New Mexico so maybe you can meet up again with just jc and meet up with me a separate time and then meet for a third time both of us together? would that work out?" 

*i reply* "Yes! that would be fine!  where would you like to meet?!" 

*kian replies* "at my house? where do you live?" 

*i reply* " your house? i would have to see if i can travel away from school .. i live in michigan"

*kian replies* "AYYY were tyler oakley was born!" 

*i laugh & reply* " haha yes where tyler was born"

*kian replies* " can i get your number so we can set a time? it would be easier then twitter"

*i reply* "yes! it's .... 616-768-987 "

*kian texts me* " hey it's kian!" * he replies* "  i texted you so you would know who it is" 

* a few months later i get s call from kian i'm in school* "Uh can i take this? it'll only be a minute!" *teacher* "yeah hurry up" * i go out into the hall and answer the call& i wisper* " key kian! i'm in school what's up?"

*kian on phone* " oh i'm sorry! would you be able to come on friday & stay for the weekend? jc is coming back on saturday so you will get a full day with me a full day with jc then a half day with the both of us." 

" yes this weekend should work out i will let my parents know where i'm going"

*kian* "oh i totally forgot to ask. how old are you? if you are under 18 you have to have a parent fly with you"

 *i giggle* "i'm 18" 

*kian* "perfect! See you this weekend!" 

*weekend comes& i'm all packed up and my mom's driving me to the airport& mom says* " are you sure that kian will pick you up?" * i sigh* "yes mom he is going to be waiting for me" * i get out and hug my mom and i run to catch my flight   *4 hours later* i get off and kian is standing there with the biggest sign and the biggest smile & i run up*  "KIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!"

*he laughs* "HEYYY LEXI!!!!!!!!" * i walk like im dead* "im jetlagged as fuck! it's like 8 pm where i came from and it's like 4 pm here... i don't fly much" 

*kian picks me up& carrys me to his car& i laugh & i sleep  on the way to his house & wearrive a hour later& he shakes me* " heyy lexi we are here "  * i  wake up * "  okaaayy! " * i strestdch and  get what i can caryy out to his porch and kian carries  the rest & then he opens the door*  "are you hungry ? " * he asks*   

"yes! im starving!!" *i say as my stomach is growling loudly*  " OKAY THEN! I WILL ORDER A PIZZA!" 

Imagines w/ Kian & JcWhere stories live. Discover now