First ..) w/ Jc Caylen

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* i cry* " oh my lord... is that...." 

*jc comes over to me& hugs me* " aw don't cry hon. i'm right here." 
* i smile& hug him tight & he picks me up& twirls me around& i laugh and hold onto him&i wrap my legs around him& he laughs*
" awwwh" * he stops twirling & sits down  in a chair* " ooh gurl hello" 
*i laugh* " oh jc. ... so... i have never had my first kiss yet..."
* jc looks at me and his jaw drops.... are you a..."
*i laugh* " virgin?... yea. " 
*he giggles* " well that could change* 
*i laugh and my jaw drops* " JUSTIN?.. wait... are you saying..." 
*he laughs* " yes im saying im sexually attracted to you.. .. and that i would like... i mean love you i mean... love to... "
*i laugh and turn bright red* " jc..if you want to fuck... let's go.... to my hotel room" * he carries me over to the elevator & he hits the close button on the doors* " what floor" * i laugh* " 5th. the last room on the right" 
* jc pushes me agianst the elevator & kisses my neck& i let out a quiet moan* " ohhh shit jc. not in here!"  
*he laughs* " well a guys gotta get into the mood" *he laughs& the door opens * " you said righ-" 
*girls scream* " JC! OH MY GOD" 
*he rushes down to my room and i punch in the code & he opens thev door &  he slams it& puts extra locks on it& laughs& he walks over to the bed & lays me down& the girls bang on the door* "we saw you come in here"  * jc takes off his shirt & messes up his hair& undo's his pants button and unzips& goes to the door & unlocks all the locks& opens it* " may i help you?" 
*the girls laugh* " wow jc.. having sex in a motel?"  
*he laughs* " yea well a guy has needs and i got this beautiful girl in here.. so bye!" 
*he shuts the door & locks it all back up & he says loudly*
" where were we love?" 
*i say loudly* " oooh jc.. right about-" * i pull down his pants& smile* " here"  
* he giggles& takes off my shirt* " get comfy"
 * he says in a normal tone voice& i giggle* " oh i will be" 

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