Terror w/ Kian Lawley

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This is based on a nightmare i had.

*kian screams* baby. the werewolf is back....
* i start crying*  bring the girls into our room hon.  *i go to the fridge and  get all of our meat out & put it in a huge bowl &  go to the door and open it&  i see the werewolf coming towards my house and i slam the door shut and i run to our room and i run over to kian and my girls & i hold kian  and  cry and my  girls hold onto kian*  " girls. don't you worry. daddy is going to be okay. " * i kiss kian for 5 minutes& then  i get up and grab a gun and a sword & sit infront of kian and my girls & katie starts crying & crystal puts her hand over her mouth* 

20 minutes later 

the werewolf comes barging in the front door & knocks everything down in it's way &  breaks down the room door* 
Kay bitch. i gave you everything in my fridge 

*he barks at me& i cock the gun* " don't ev-"  
*he pushes me off to the side and throws my little girls to the side & drags kian to the middle of the room & i start crying*  No please.... d- 

* the werewolf tears kians shirt off &  rips his arm off & kian screams & i cry& i get up & the werewolf throws his arm across the room & comes at me & kian throws a knife at him* " STAY AWAY FROM HER" 
*the  werewolf goes back over to kian& kian yells* " I LOVE YOU LEXI PLEASE TAK-" * the werewolf rips out kian's throat & drags him out of the room& my little girls scream* "DADDY"  * i go out into the living room where he keeps tearing kian apart& i scream & shoot him multiple times &he runs out the door and i  grab my girls and call 911 & the paramedics come in with a body bag nd they put kian in it & i go over to him* " kiki, i'm so sorry"  

Imagines w/ Kian & JcWhere stories live. Discover now