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Jake sat next to me in my first class, English. The teacher didn't assign seats. We picked them and those are our seats for the quarter. "Okay class, my name is Mrs. Martin." She wrote her name on the board. I looked at Jake, & he was writing in his notebook. I didn't want to persay 'eavesdrop' on whatever he was writing. "So, since you picked your own seats, I would like you to take out a sheet of paper & write down 10 things you have in common with your seat buddy." Seat buddy? What was this, 3rd grade? I went into my backpack & got out a notebook. I turned to the first page & turned to Jake. "So, one thing we know is we both live in the Bay Area." He said. So I wrote that down. "We don't want to put down the obvious though." I said & he nodded in agreement. "We both have siblings in 10th grade." I said. So we wrote that down. "How tall are you?" he asked. "I'm 5'3." I said. "I'm 5'6." We both started to think. "What kind of music do you like?" I asked him. "I like all types of music." "Any specific favorites?" I asked him. "I don't know, what about you?" He asked, smiling & tapping his pen on the desk. "I like pop, R&B. Nothing major." I said. "I like pop too. I'm into some rap." He said. "So, lets write that." After about 15 minutes, we had a list of 12 things we had in common. We presented to the class, even though I was extremely nervous. Jake helped me get over it. After class, I had to go to Art. I didn't have this class with him. "I'll see you at lunch." i said. I held my arms out for a hug. He hugged me. And woah did he smell good. He let go and walked the opposite way. I started walking to 223 when somebody walked up besides me. "Hey, your name's Ginger right?" He asked. He had brown hair & blue eyes. "Yeah. Aren't we in English together?" I asked. "Yeah, my name's Hayes." He said. "I just wanted to tell you I think you were really confident. To go up there and present. I could never do that." He said. "Well, never say never. I was so scared, but I guess nobody noticed." I said. "Well, I guess I'll talk to you later." He said, walking past 223. He seemed nice. I opened the door & went inside.

Second bell rang, as Hayes walked past 223. Hayes & her were having a legit conversation. If Hayes found out that I had a crush on Ginger, he'd probably tell the whole school. His brother is popular jock, Nash Grier. I'd be ruined if anybody found out. Myles already knows, & threatens me with it. I just brushed it off & went upstairs to Ms Adams room. That's where I wil always go for gym. I have extreme breathing problems, & having gym would be like adding to my hospital bill. I just go in there & write about a book I'm reading or a song that's been stuck in my head. Whatever's on my mind, I write about it. But today, I think I'm gonna write about something else. I knocked on the door & Ms Ads let me in. "Hi, Jake. So, what are you honna write about today?" She asked as I sat down at the kidney shaped table. "I'm not sure yet." I said. I've known Ms Adams for as long as I can remember. Ever since I found out I couldn't go to gym, she's come from the high school to the middle school to watch over me. And help me with my problems. "Well, do you need any help?" She asked. "No, I think I'll be fine" I said. "Okay, I'll just be at my desk doing some work." I took out a green notebook, & a mechanical pencil. I opened it to the new page, & started to write.

Today is the first day of school. I already made one new friend. Her name is Ginger. She's got brown eyes & long hair. She's really shy & nervous about school, like me. I think I have a crush on her. No, I know I have a crush on her. I'm still not sure why. I started noticing her when I saw her in a movie. Then I learned more about her & became a fan. When I found out her & her sisters would be going here, I got excited. We have English together & we sit next to each other. We have a lot in common as well. I don't want people to know that I like her though, because I don't know what they'll say. I saw her talking to Hayes on my way to Ms Adams office, & I will admit that I got pretty jealous. But I know that jealousy isn't a nice trait to have, because then people won't want to talk to me. I want to invite her to this party on Saturday. I hope she'll go.

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