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It was Friday & I missed Myles. I went to see him yesterday, & I hoped he'd be better by next week. I got up & got ready for school. I got out my PINK sweater, some black jeans, & took a shower. I went downstairs & made frozen waffles. After I ate, Tabitha & GiGi were coming downstairs. "Hey, girls!" Dad said coming downstairs. "2 things before we leave. 1, I've been gone so long lately because I'm filming a movie with Jennifer Lawrence." We all ooohed. "And second, I have somebody coming over on Saturday to install bathrooms in each of your rooms." We all clapped & praised the Lord. "Okay, well, let's get moving! It's Friday & I've got filming the rest of the week." We all piled into the Honda Civic & was on our way to school.

My mom went missing last night. We knew she couldn't have went far. But now I can finally stand. It was about 11, & at about 2:50 or 3:00, GiGi would be here.

(4 Hours Later)

I was walking to the bathroom when I bumped into some girl. "Sorry." She said. It was GiGi. "It's okay, babe." I said. She looked up & laughed. "You're standing again!" I gave her a hug. "Yeah, but they're still looking for my mom." I sighed. "Oh okay, well, I'll be in your room." She said. I went to the bathroom & looked in the mirror. I looked horrible. I haven't showered in 2 days, my haie looked a mess, & I looked paler than Edward Cullen. I had to get it together.


I went into Myles' room on accident. "Sorry, Myles." I started to leave. "No no, can you stay for a while?" He asked. "Sure." I was by his bedside. "Ginger, you & Jake really get along. I'm glad he finally got the courage to talk to a girl." We both laughed. "Just promise me one thing." He said. "Sure, future brother in law." I told him. "Promise me that no matter what, you don't break Jake's heart. I hate seeing him cry, & he'd bawl his eyes out if you ever left him." I would never leave Jake. He held out his pinky. Our finger linked & I grabbed my bag off the floor. "Is Rylee here?" He asked. "Yeah, she should be." I said. I waved goodbye & went to Jake's bed. But he wasn't there. I waited for like 10 minutes until he finally came back in a fresh pair of clothes. "Do I smell good?" He asked. I laughed & said, "Better than you did." He said. I joined him in his bed. "When are you coming back? I'm tired of sitting at lunch with Amanda & Hayes arguing all the time." He laughed. "Well, I don't know yet. I guess when I'm fully stable." He said. I sighed. "You'll be fine though." He said, playing in my hair. "I hope so." It was about 5, but I didn't have anywhere to be right away. "Hey, come to the cafeteria with me." He said. He took my hand & we walked down the hallway together. We got to the cafeteria, & Myles & Ryle were there. "Did you want anything?" He asked. "I am thirsty." I said. I went to the vending machine, & Rylee was there. "Hey lil sis." She said. "Hey, Myles." I said to her. She pushed me. "We've gotta go home soon through. We have this whole weekend together." Me, Tabitha, & Rylee would soend this entire weekend together. We were gonna dye our hair, eat, tell secrets, the normal sister sleepover. "Speaking of Tabitha, where is she?" I asked.

Me & Kalin layed in the bed together. "I've gotta go home soon." I told him. "C'mon, it's Friday." He said. I sighed. He grabbed my butt & kissed me. Ugh, but Rylee & GiGi would be waiting on me. "Babe, I have to go." I got out of his bed, & then put on my clothes. "Call me!" He yelled & I took my car to the hospital.

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