~8 adopted children,And a wife?~

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~Gaby's POV~

"So Jay, Ali how'd yous guys know my father, hmm?"

"Well, you see Gabriella-"
I cut her off

"Oh, Please Ali, Call me Gaby" I say in a fake posh accent.

She giggles. While Jasper chuckles from the drivers seat.

"Okay then Gaby, you're father, Carlise, has 8 children and me and Jasper happen to be two of them"

Wait. Hold up. 8 children. There must be some mistake vampires can't have children.

"What'd you mean 8 children. Female Vampires are infertile and that means the male can't get the female pregnant" I say as if I'm teaching a health class.

"We know that, their not our real parents, Carlise and Esme adopted us, so we could atleast have a normal life"


"Oh right, she's Carlise's Wife/Mate"

"He has a wife? Woah! I've missed alot eh?" I chuckle.

"Yep!" Alice giggles.

The rest of the car ride passes in a flash but I already know every single detail about the family or should I say my new family.

"We're here!"

I look out the car window.
Wow. It's massive.
This is no house, it's a mansion!

"Awsome!" I yell.

"Well let's go introduce you"

"Yeah, it's gonna be fun, son!" I yell yet again.

Jay and Ali chuckle.

I can't help myself I pull them both into a group hug. I haven't been this sociable since I was human.

"What was that for?" Asks a giggling Alice.

"Well Ali, I'm just super happy. I've not been this calm and collected in my vampire life since...Well never! And I think Jasper here might have something to so with that, waddaya think?"

"Well I couldn't agree more" she giggles.

This womens always giggling.

"Well let's go then girls" announces Jasper.

We all walk inside. I don't have any bags. I'll need to go shopping soon.

"Oh! We have a guest! Hi I'm Esme, it's nice to meet you" a women says then proceeds to hug me.

Esme? Dad's wife?
I hug her tight.
We pull away.

"It's nice to meet you Esme, I'm Gabriella but you can call me Gaby" I smile.

"Nice to meet you Gaby."

I look around the room.
Yep. There's 6 kids/teens. 8 if you count Jasper and Alice.
I spot a very familiar face in amongst them all, and it's not my dad.

"Rose?" She looks at me and her face break into all breath - taking smile.

"Gaby!" She says snd rushes over to hug me.

"Rose! It's so nice to see you again" I say when we pull away.

"Same to you. Your as beautiful as ever"

"Awh! Thanks Rose! But we've already went over this your the beautiful goddess and I'm the pretty one. There's a difference. "
She smiles bigger.

"Oh, how I've missed you" we hug once more then she goes back over to where a huge guy is waiting for her.

I raise an eyebrow at her.
She just shrugs.

"Gaby, this is our family we were talking to you about. This is Bella, Reneseme, Edward, Emmet, you already know Rosalie and Esme, so there's only one more to meet...Carlise" Jasper tells me.

I look at him and he gives me a boost of confidence.

"Thanks Jay" he nods.

"Well, guys, I'm Gaby"

A child around 10 runs over to me.

"Hi I'm Reneseme!" She chirps.
Then she attaches the palm of her hand to my left cheek.

Images of me and Rose greeting and hugging each other flash before my eyes.
It's magnificent.

"Woah. A hybrid. Magnificent."

"You know of hybrids?" Edward I think asks.

"Yeah I've studied them but never seen or heard about one being alive before."

The child runs back over to him.

"Your the father and mother then?" I question Edward and Bella.

"Yeah, she was born when I was still human" states Bella.

"Woah! That's why you were changed then? Interesting" she smiles approvingly at me.

Now for the hard part.

I turn towards Carlise or should I say my father.

"Hi I'm Carlisle" he says sticking his hand out.

I take it and shake it.

I cough awkwardly.

"Yeah I know" he looks confused.

"You don't remember me do you?" I ask sadly.

"No. Have we perhaps met before?"

"Um, yeah, perhaps." No don't be sarcastic at a time like this Gaby.

"Uhm, sorry. But of course we've met before dad..." everyone look shocked apart from Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Edward. Of course he's a mind reader.

"I'm sorry what? " He replies.

"I am you Daughter. The last time I seen you was when I was a little girl and you were going vampire hunting as a human of course, you were changed that night. But of course I didn't know that until I was changed also, when I was 19 on my way home from work."

He looks shocked.

"Your my biological daughter?"


He has tears in his eyes as he pulls me into a loving fatherly hug.

This feels nice.

I hear multiple 'awe's' from the rest of the Cullen's but we don't break the hug.

And I never want to...


(A:N- the next chapter Gaby will meet the werewolves and meet her mates Sam and Paul. It's gonna be a good one!)

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