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Hello there :)

So I decided to make a collection of One Direction bromance / boyxboy one shots, because they're fun to write, take less time to write and I like taking requests. That immediately gives away that requests are open, so you may send me all your prompts / ideas and I'll try to make something good out of it. ;)

You can request something or send in a prompt by leaving a comment on this book, by leaving a message on my profile message board or by sending me a message on Wattpad. Don't hesitate, nothing is too crazy and I really need more requests and prompts. You may also request a song, and I'll try to make something based on the lyrics, the video or just the sound of it. If you want the one shot to have a specific pairing, please put that in the message as well. Otherwise I'll choose a pairing that I like with the prompt / request. :D

In the beginning there'll be mostly Niam (my OTP), but you may request whatever pairing you like and I'll do some other pairings as well later on. :)

Last of all, I'd really appreciate if you'd leave a comment / feedback on the one shots and maybe even vote. It would really mean a lot! :D

Now, I hope that you'll enjoy reading and that you'll send me your ideas! :)


One Direction Bromance One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now