Niam Horayne - This Is Us

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Prompt as requested by Starlight1D: Niam decide to use the This Is Us movie to reveal to the world that they've been together since the X-Factor. Maybe focus on them choosing what scenes to put in the movie, and them trying to get fans used to the idea of them together through being touchy-feely on stage leading up to the release of the movie.


Early 2013

Liam P.O.V.

"Are you really sure? You know that this is your last chance to chicken out, right?"

I smiled politely, before sharing a quick look with Niall who gave me an encouraging nod. "Yes, Paul. We're very sure. We've thought this all through, and we know we're ready now. We've waited long enough."

Paul sighed. "Right. I'm sorry for acting like your dad again, but I'm just a bit worried." I hear Niall chuckle next to me, and another smile makes its way on my lips as well. We've gotten used to Paul's overprotective behaviour long ago, and to be honest I actually respect it. He's our manager, but he truly cares about all of us as if we're his sons.

I turned my gaze to Niall and took in his beauty for what seemed like the millionth time today. Sometimes I just can't believe how lucky I am to have him. He's the sweetest, funniest and most loving person I've ever met.

Niall had probably noticed my stare, because he turned his head in my direction. Brown met blue, and content smiles appeared on both of our faces as our eyes locked with one another. It surprises me again and again how our love still seems to be growing stronger and stronger, even though we've been together for more than two years now. I just can't explain how thankful I am for that one evening that made us both realise we're meant to be together...

[Start of dramatic voice effect] ;)

It was 2010, and all of the One Direction lads were just chilling for a bit in the X-Factor house after another successful live show. It was Louis who had come with the idea of playing a game to pass some more time and get to know each other, and Harry was the one to suggest playing Truth or Dare. They had all agreed enthusiastically, so after a few minutes they were seated in a circle around an empty bottle. Childish, yes, but nevertheless fun. After they had played a few rounds, the truths started to get more personal and the dares extremer. It was Louis again who had eventually dared Liam and Niall to play Seven Minutes In Heaven, so the two of them ended up in a - rather small - closet together. They hadn't planned on much to happen, but turned out both finally noticing the weird feelings they got whenever they were close to each other, and eventually they even admitted those feelings to one other. Not much later they shared their first kiss, and ever since things only went uphill.

They had told the other lads after three weeks - because they knew they weren't any good at hiding it from them anyway - and of course everyone was supportive of them being a couple. Some time later they had told management, and they were generally okay with it. Together they made the decision that 'Niam' wouldn't be confirmed as a romance to public just yet, because the boys weren't ready to come out and management had doubts about the effect it would have on the success of the band and the steadiness of the relatively new couple. But look at them now, still as happy - if not happier - as all those years ago and still going steady. One thing has changed a lot, though: Liam and Niall are both as ready as can be to come out, and the massively growing amount of fans who suspect something more than just a bromance out of Niam are for sure giving the lads more courage, because they all seem genuinely supportive.

[End of dramatic voice effect] ;)

I snapped out of my trance when I heard Harry coughing awkwardly, obviously trying to get the attention. I realised that I had just zoned out completely. "Ehr... I'm sorry to disturb your intense little moment, but eh... the movie?" I turned around and saw Harry raising his eyebrows at Niall and me, but I didn't miss the small smirk on his face either.

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